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Posts posted by PawBroon

  1. Well you're in for a surprise.

    The guy is called Madmatt.

    He is Bald and a gamey bastiche.

    Proof is that he took a MOD for CMBO and did his screen shots in CMBB.

    The trees are RUSSIANS.

    Russia is in CMBB.

    We want CMBB.

    Your tree MODs are not available yet!

    The AFVs are Steven Burvenich's and are at CMHQ and can already be used for CMBO...

  2. Nice new layout Ted.

    Congrats on the Grand Reopening.

    I've been browsing through the scenarios and maps and was wondering, could you post one of them small pic previews a la Moon's and Mensch's Sites?

    Not that it's mandatory but sometimes you just don't feel like playing an Hellish map and such feature could be nice.


  3. Originally posted by Gordon:

    We don't want any "Fatal Attraction" type stuff slowing down M&M updates.

    Quite frankly, as long as she stayed in elevators, Glenn Close was quite entertaining.

    And I have no rabbit whatsoever to boil.


    But I'd say Emma will appreciate your concern over her lacking attention.

    She might even take your word for it.

    Then the updates will have to ride shotgun...

  4. The next update of MODs & MODers which should be today or somefink should bring you some answers to your question.

    I've received many mails about those TDs.

    Mostly they said:

    Woot! It looks finished to me!

    Trust me, I've never seen Marco MOD that well and NOT release the final product.

    So as the saying goes, it will be released when the MODer think that he's done with it.


  5. Woot!!

    It works.

    When on Quincunx, I not only had the black screen but couldn't Alt+Tab out of CM to Photoshop properly.

    And what was more aggravating in a strict MODs & MODers sense, it wouldn't let me take screenshots at all with Print Screen and had to do it via Hypersnap.

    Now on 4x FSAA or on Default I'm back in the business.

    Thanks to all who helped and thanks to Nvidia for making terrific products with weird drivers.


  6. My 2 cents eventhough I do lack in the Finnish business.

    When CMBO was translated in France, I couldn't bear myself to play it.


    I just can't stomach the longer labels.

    The few errors.

    All those things that were not mandatory since I was playing the game already.

    For most French, a localized version meant they were OBLIGED to use the stock Interface and Menu Orders.

    Not Deanco's GunMetal or Clipboard.

    Not likely to use Trakus' upcoming ones...

    They had to wait for LONG before some of us Frogs translated Deanco's Clipboard so that Orders could be read in French.

    And even when it happened, each patch had to be localized before being applyied or the Move, Detail Hits and some such would then be back in English.

    Finnish or not, my view is that a game designed in English is best played in English.

    Just from a strict MODing standpoint.

    Labels that are tailored to be read in English when you buy you're troops or navigate the Interface can't be translated in most of our Europeans lingo (most of them being longer word for word) without some glitches.

    Now I'm no Finn so don't mind me.

  7. Originally posted by lcm1947:

    OK, Ted I give up. How and where do you download the new mods at mod & modders site? I know I'm missing something but don't get it. Any explanation would be appreciated.

    I guess some of you hadn't read the ABOUT part of my site.

    So here is a Cut & Paste for those who hadn't been there:

    What's in here for you?

    Honestly I'll have to say, not much.

    You will not find files to download, since this service is already provided by people more talented and dedicated than me, on other well established CM Websites.

    There will be no Scenario or Ops either, because I do believe Der Kessel and The Scenario Depot can't be beaten in quality for that matter.


    Was here for you to read.


    MODs at MODs & MODers can only be of two sorts:

    To be released or Already Available.

    No file in here...

  8. Hi guys!

    My first time here in the Tech Forum IIRC.

    So here's for me coming out.

    My previous faithlful VidCard died on me, or rather on my Dad, and I just bought the Geforce4 MX 440.

    It's rather uber cool for all my needs considering I'm upgrading from a Geforce256 DDR.

    My probs is the following, whenever I now launch CM, or after an Alt+A, I'm presented with a BLACK screen.

    What I have to do is to Alt+Tab to the desktop (Windows Millenium) and get back to the SAME black screen.

    Only after that the first click anywhere on the screen gets me the menu.

    I'm running 28.32

    Any idea?



    Feedback and pointers would be appreciated.

    [ April 24, 2002, 09:31 AM: Message edited by: PawBroon ]

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