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Posts posted by PawBroon

  1. I guess it's typical of the way we're functioning.

    Wittman was a Demi God of Tank Warfare.

    You can't kill those without gamey use of Typhoons and maybe Cpt Kirk's Entreprise while I'm a it.

    I mean, surely no tanker could have bagged Wittman?

    Much less multiple Tiger kills?

    Having the CAP Thesis supported is the best way to keep Wittman high in the Hall of Fame.

    He got killed because he was overconfident.

    Same for the Red Baron.

    You don't need a Demi God to kill a Demi God.

    You just need to be there when they fumble...

  2. Most of us know that Fionn Kelly doesn't take prisonners.

    Not that he is a Ruthless Bastard, but just because the tempo of his games doesn't allow for such niceties.

    So what can we learn from a game pitting an Attritionist (The_Capt, he is Canadian and God knows those tend to wear you off) against the Oirish Juggernaut?


    Can a defense in depth stall an attack staged to overwhelm most positions by sheer speed alone?

    With the upcoming release of CMBB, here is your chance to ride shootgun with Fionn and The_Capt and learn something in an attack played Russian style.

    I'd be interested in reading your comments about that ongoing battle.

  3. Originally posted by ianc:

    Hmmm... Could be helpful to post a link?

    The Post'A'Link for Ted must be the absolute equivalent of Whats'Dat'Grass for MODers.


    Ted is posting all relevant informations at CMHQ so that people will know other sites have been updated.

    If he was to post links in here, there wouldn't be much incentive to go read CMHQ's News afterward.


    That said, I'm told the URL might be in my Sig.

    Hope you like it.

  4. Woot my first challenge to play a game we don't even own!

    Ok you Polar Bear Hugger!

    I'm game.

    You can play Malta and Alexendria and I'll be all the rest of them stoopid colored counters.

    Expect some loss you, you...

    Err, there's soot on my keyboard and I can't find the letters to be truly outrageous.

    Mind you, if Hubert is faster than Seanachai on a good day, we might hope to play a real game some time soon no?

    As a side note, will it be SC's Peng Challenge Thread?

    And if so, could it be seen as a Schism again that you are starting it?

  5. If truth be told, I was more doodling with a GunMetal like interface than with the counters.

    I'm sure any NATO like thingies will do.

    But the idea of having national and thus distinctive silhouettes has much appeal.

    Time to get out all those game by Yaquinto and all.


  6. Yeah whatever!


    It's not spelled correctly in any case...

    I mean, I already had this feature in the Demo where the Game crashed when you wanted to took Paris.

    That was cool for a Frog.

    But Strausbourg is a bit off...

    Have I said I'd buy the game?

    Oh, and that I have looked at the BMPs and some are MODable like a charm already.

  7. Hi there,

    I'm crying like a kid in front of my Demo and am attacking right and left.

    Just a little nitpicking here:

    One of the French Naval Unit is named Strausbourg.

    The right name (after the Town) is STRASBOURG.

    Did I mention I love the game?

  8. And for those who are not into Nostalgia and Memorablia, the Newest version about the Net:


    Das Internet is nicht fuer gefingerclicken und giffengrabben. Ist easy droppenpacket der routers und overloaden der backbone mit der spammen und der me-tooen. Ist nicht fuer gewerken bei das dumpkopfen. Das mausklicken sichtseeren keepen das bandwit-spewin hans in das pockets muss; relaxen und watchen das cursorblinken.

    That's sorted then...


  9. Or its counterpart:


    This room is fullfilled mit special electronische equippment.

    Fingergrabbing and pressing the cnoeppkes from the computers is allowed for die experts only! So all the "lefthanders" stay away and do not disturben the brainstorming von here working intelligencies.

    Otherwise you will be out thrown and kicked anderswhere!

    Also: please keep still and only watchen astaunished the blinkenlights.

    That's a Tit for Tat.

  10. Ok I'm game.

    I'll be running that No Holds Barred Tourney.

    I'd say we are trained for this after gazillions of Games in the Pool.

    I'll be in touch with some valuable individuals hereafter called Jerks and will post info at MODs & MODers for further developements...

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