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chris talpas

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Everything posted by chris talpas

  1. Another non-paywalled article about the high water levels. Also mentions the nuclear plant. https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwid98OQ1a3_AhW8kIkEHTDRBBsQFnoECAoQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ctvnews.ca%2Fworld%2Fdamage-to-russian-occupied-dam-submerges-ukrainian-reservoir-island-community-1.6412661&usg=AOvVaw3o9EEQ8rTJDvLdC82gwCrB
  2. Added in the photo showing water flowing over the top of the dam which is never a good thing. Still won’t rule out intentional destruction.
  3. May be behind a paywall but article from May 17th said reservoir levels were at 30 year high and risked flooding. Could it have been a failure rather than intentional? https://www.nytimes.com/2023/05/17/world/europe/dam-flood-ukraine-kakhovka.html?smid=url-share
  4. Interview with Zelensky on the counter offensive.
  5. Another Perun video drops. This time about Storm Shadow and other long range weapons.
  6. I have to say I am in awe of Ukraine. They have done brilliantly on the battlefield both relatively and absolutely. They have been both student and teacher. Their president has been masterful at gaining international support and staying in the fray. They are very good with opsec and consistent messaging I think they have no equal when it comes to trolling. This trans border raid is brilliant. The sinking of the Moskva on the day the snake island stamp gets released. The constant, truly funny and well done jabs. The incredible people of Ukraine who are true patriots -your bravery is amazing but needed in this existential threat.
  7. Latest Perun video. Fits in nicely with the recent thread discussion on anti satellite weapons.
  8. They look organized and well disciplined. They also showed good camaraderie and morale.
  9. Nothing that hasn’t been discussed but still a good strategic summary
  10. For those interested, Lex Fridman recently did an interview with their CEO
  11. With Zelensky returning home to Ukraine, I hope this isn’t an attempted decapitation strike (could Russia have tracked him returning from UK?)
  12. I think it means we should be getting serious and ramping up production of our own war stocks lest we find ourselves in a similar situation. As a Canadian, I only wish our government took this seriously and started boosting defence spending. Things like mechanized artillery and air defence units are no brainers .
  13. Not to distract too much but interesting interview. Ukraine does come up in the discussion.
  14. Could this leak even be along the lines of Operation Fortitude to sow confusion as to UA capabilities?
  15. Thanks for posting that. Interesting analysis from the past that still has some relevance today.
  16. with regards to the tank turret Call it roughly 4 seconds falling from max height and assuming negligible wind resistance d=.5 g t^2 = 5 * 4^2 = 80 m. =~240 ft very impressive
  17. Canada announced 4 more today. https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/canada-four-more-tanks-ukraine-1.6759775 Also this was posted by Anita Anand, minister of defence back on Feb 4 so the original ones should either be in Ukraine or next door.
  18. On that topic: https://www.cbc.ca/news/politics/ukraine-russia-canada-trainers-training-unifier-1.6755532
  19. Reminds me of the war gaming the Japanese did prior to Midway, throwing out inconvenient outcomes based on overconfidence.
  20. Actually why would one do a blockade in the Black Sea when the Mediterranean would be a much more effective place to do it? You are in NATO home waters with access to far more assets than you could ever have in the Black Sea. At the same time Ivan suddenly has diminished options in terms of projecting power. Also all meaningful outbound cargo would need to enter the Med since there isn’t an absolute need to transport by ship, other than for efficiencies, to friendly Black Sea ports. All other ports lay within NATO/aligned territories. Not not that I’m suggesting we do this, but if One had to, I think the Med would offer the best chance of success in enforcing a blockade while also being less escalatory.
  21. Perhaps time to change your name to kinkyphile.
  22. The tail looks pretty short for a rat. Could this be a recon element of a Hamstertruppen unit?
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