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chris talpas

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Everything posted by chris talpas

  1. With the recent posts on the Russian economy, this video has relevance:
  2. Latest Perun drop. Quite relevant to the discussion here:
  3. An interesting and educational video recently released by Veritasium on fireworks illustrates the impact of confining an explosive quite nicely (see around 6-8 minutes and the 12:34)
  4. Pretty good video on logistic chokepoints in Russia occupied southern Ukraine
  5. But that would mean he might need to spend more than 1.4% GDP to replace them. Thank God McKenzie King was made of sterner stuff than Justin. (WW2 reference for our non-Canuckistan members)
  6. Oh if only an election were around the corner. Fits into his M.O. of vacuous moral high ground platitudes.
  7. Bizarre don’t know why a twitter link is now showing up in original post when it should be YouTube as seen here
  8. Latest Perun this week discussing Prig’s mutiny
  9. Actually while not quite keeping up with Moore’s law GPU performance (what AI is running on) is doubling every 2.5 years https://www.lesswrong.com/out?url=https%3A%2F%2Fepochai.org%2Fblog%2Ftrends-in-gpu-price-performance I would agree that cpu performance increases are far more incremental
  10. This is becoming more surreal by the minute
  11. Odd I see it and Kevinkin apparently can as well. Steve has given explanation and repost
  12. Crawford Lake, been there many times -it is a local conservation area.
  13. Only covers up to Monday but still a good overview of all the fronts
  14. While lagging by a few days gives a good overview of the various fronts
  15. Here is a photo from yesterday. Note where water is being released is also right where the destroyed roadbed is located. Could the destruction of the road have weakened the dam in this location which also was being subjected to lots of water flow? IMG_0069.avif
  16. Important thing to note is dam is already breached and this video is in daylight while destruction occurred at night
  17. Looking at the footage especially the buildings not showing blast damage but more structural collapse my money right now says structural failure through neglect and incompetence in flow management from the Russian side
  18. Here is a good series of tweets on the dam including Tass now reporting it as a failure (not that anyone would accuse TASS being a paragon of truth)
  19. Last post for now. A worst case study showing impact of dam destruction. https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwjTvfPT4K3_AhW0rYkEHYUtByAQFnoECC0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fcornucopia.se%2F2022%2F10%2Fworst-case-modelling-for-nova-kakhovka-dam-break%2F&usg=AOvVaw2m5hHy-EuekAl1YkcGroJV
  20. Given the impact to Crimean water supply and cooling the nuke plant, I’m not convinced yet it was intentional. Some stories on the Tass site describing concerns of failure and how they solved the problem. We’ll see but this could have big non-military impacts. https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwii59Kw263_AhVBjYkEHZocAGwQFnoECB0QAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Ftass.com%2Frussia%2F1614397&usg=AOvVaw2pk7UXxugvA5QyMmpC-GNk
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