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chris talpas

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Posts posted by chris talpas

  1. Is that even possible?

    That is still 10 hours away here and the international date line is only about 3-4 hours east of here.

    I think his ability to jump into the future helped with the successful download. Us regular sods restricted to the normal space time continuum have to suffer.


  2. The 365MB US one is definitely not right.

    Time to start are thread - why do the Germans have such ubermirrors and the rest of the world with all it's resourses got it wrong.

    Perhaps this is all part of simulating the initial force advantage the Germans had in Normandy?


  3. The US mirror from Worthplaying is working for me; downloading at 533 KB/sec. I assume that's the English mirror you're referring to?

    Oh, I see, the size is wrong. Damnit. And apparently the German link is now full, because it's hanging for me right now. *sigh*


    I was downloading from the US site as well and enjoying the speed and seeing it at 67% when I started to read it was corrupted. Now I'm hours away from download being completed via Germany.


  4. Congrats to Battlefront for reaching this important milestone.

    Thank you Steve and the rest of the Battlefront crew for staying online all these years and putting up with us; I'm sure it has contributed to the loyalty of your customer base.

    I look forward to spending many hours enjoying this game as I have your other offerings.


  5. Let me begin by saying that hand crafted maps will almost always be better than the auto-generated ones.

    I see from the 2nd video AAR, that the quick battle maps are divided into the type of map with regards to terrain and size.

    As a future patch, and possible compromise, would it be possible to have a pseudo random map?

    What I mean by this is that the user selects map size, terrain etc from an interface and then the computer will randomly select from the pre-created maps one that meets those criteria.

    This might be a possible solution to those folks like dkchapuis who desire random maps.


  6. Hi Steve & Moon,

    This is probably unreasonable but hope does spring eternal. In the spirit of this holiday weekend and reminiscent of the original Combat Mission Beyond Overlord, is there any chance of a late beta release with a couple of missions available to tide all of us rabid fans over until the full release within the next couple of weeks? Perhaps limit it to those who pre-ordered even.

    I'll understand if this is not possible, but this might even stop all of our incessant whining for at least a week ;-)


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