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Everything posted by Wesreidau

  1. My god, they're bringing the smilies in too. Time to leave methinks. PeterNZ [note, all smilies were disabled in this post]
  2. Steve Thanks for the insight on CM2. I have no trouble winning, what's everyone else complaining about? Look forward to the next piece of Artistry from you guys PeterNZ
  3. Understand your points M.D, I was a bit reactionary As for the high-profile of Aids, you can't avoid that I'm affraid. I think in a way it's partly due to the way the disease was first discovered and the real lack of publicity at the start. As for Africa, I'm not sure how it started but it spreads through unsafe sex. In particular in some countries you get the men off having it with prostitutes or mistresses then bringing it home. It doesn't need very many people to do this before you have a problem. Would happen here in the west too but we have better access to condoms. I agree Cancer, relatively, is a bigger problem. I think piles is put into researching this 'western' disease (as many would put it) already. I'm not really an expert on it all. ok, back to work yes, it is Easter Friday PeterNZ (see you all at e3?)
  4. I've seen better quality content on Hard-core nuddy women of jail than in this thread so far. Trust Joe Shaw to invite all the stupid n00bs in. Someone kick them out. There's been no-one at all interesting since that Beame fellow. And he didn't even stay or finish our game. Not impressed PeterNZ
  5. Dorosh I will comment because those comments piss me off. The MAJORITY of aids cases in the world today AREN'T caused by the laxness of the person who has it but by simply inheriting it. Millions of people have Aids in Africa from their parents, many of whom are dead and dying. I find it pretty disgusting to write off their suffering. What is worse is that the obstinate drug industry won't help treat these people cheaply. Here's an OXFAM link on the issue. What I find particularly disgusting is that Pharmas say they must protect their R&D investment, yet a LOT of the money that went into discovering these drugs came from taxpayers! Couldn't leave this point unsanswered PeterNZ
  6. Josh, In all likelyhood there will be a series of new rules for communicationns, command and control, arty, MGs, and so on. Problem would be they would need to retrofit each and everyone one of CMs units, and then test them with the half dozen trusted peeps used, makes a lot of extra work for a not-guaranteed benefit. Myself, I think there's enough in the eastern front to keep me busy for a long long time so I'm not worried. While it would indeed be 'cool' the extra work just isn't justified IMHO. Also, don't forget that with all the new terrain that will probably get added the AI will probably change as well.. In the end all they will be able to keep is the models since everything else will be adjusted. To add in all those models as well as all the eastern front ones would be a lot of work! (even where there are cross-overs) PeterNZ
  7. Wesreidau


    CPX as in Command Post eXercise? PeterNZ
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by harpooner: I'll prod Hamsters/Meeks, but like I said, the man is extremely busy as of late and may therefore become lax in his posting duties as such. Give him a break, man. Now go away or I will taunt a second time....silly English knnnnnniggets.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You fetid little monkey ass scratching post! You call that a taunt? The Pope's flatulance has more piss and bile, my grandmother could taunt you into the ground if you call that a 'taunt'. You who are related to Hamster, I care not if he is busy, you are busy, you're both banging each others mothers, or each other, all I care about is that I see NO UPDATES on the squire match. Useless sods. That goes for my squire too who deserves a jolly good beating. I will not give him a break, nor will i give you a break you horrid little man. Go find Hamsers sister, she does a better line in taunt than either of you. Now, Stuke, I have Gilligan's Nightmare ready to go for any squire battle. You can, of course, fiddle the points/units as you see fit, but it is amusing. Let me know PeterNZ
  9. ICM1947, you confused young man! Not sure what to say after that. So.. nevermind. PeterNZ
  10. I'm teed off. One, because I'm scheduled to do ten weeks of work in 8 and everyone looks surprised when i have to work overtime (and not paid for it) And two, because I went to all the trouble of setting up that squire match and THE USELESS BASTARDS Stevetherat and Hamsters won't even post one measly picture or update! Scum! PeterNZ
  11. Great news Magua! Thanks, and looking forward to the new Normandy `44 pack...
  12. I remember that night when the CM world turned upside down and we stepped through mirrors and stuff. Anyway, I have too much time and amd too busy at work to share any bile with you lot. So in general, you all stink, especially Stuka for landing me with Paras on defence along with his gamey human wave tactics. The rest of you are failing to kill me which is a surprise in some cases, and in others, not. Die-a-lot old board style PeterNZ
  13. To be fair, what CM'ers call modding, the rest of the gaming world calls skinning. You can't change vehicle attributes or anything (not sure if that's what the first poster was asking), but you can change the paint job essentially Each object in CM has one or more BMPs associated with it that make up the hull, gun, sides, whatever. Changing their appearance changes their looks in game PeterNZer
  14. "CM2: The Early May Release" - This I like, I laughed out loud... My idea: "CM2: Mein Bein!, argh, my other bein too" (someone help me with German here)
  15. I get the feeling Magua is either: a) busy with the new terrain mod (woohoo!) or busy showing his mates how many loyal fans he has by pointing them to this thread
  16. Thanks for the tip, but a warning: don`t try to right-click on any pics and save `em...nasty sh** happens
  17. Sounds great Franko! Pls send it my way: mst007@bigfoot.com Thanks
  18. Thanks Rune, I always make a point of grabbing your scenario packs. Appreciate the hard work.
  19. Thanks Rune, I always make a point of grabbing your scenario packs. Appreciate the hard work.
  20. Why don`t you try another wargame and then ask if it would be a good idea to burn copies to hand out as promotional material? Why not make jokes about MadMatt dying of Aids? Ah, sorry, you only post that sort of stuff on "your" newsgroup, I fogot about that...tsk tsk
  21. "How much better is CM compared to the others and why ?? I have seen several in the store." You desire recommendations on other wargames that you`ve seen in the store? Yeah the moderators will love that...
  22. Just wanted to get an answer in before the thread is locked. Shift this over to the General Discussion Forum GB, don`t you understand the protocols on this forum? You certainly enjoy posting the protocols for your newsgroup often enough. Go figure? ...as our American brethren would say.
  23. I know this doesn`t help you, but I have had no problems with CM with either Windows 98 first or second editions - very unusual to get such a solid game as CM! Good luck with identifying the problem, maybe its some device driver issue? Upgrade to the latest video and sound drivers asap or are you using ME?
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