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    chrisl got a reaction from Livdoc44 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It's not really the drones that are killing the tank, it's the ISR.  Drones are (sometimes) the immediate part that blows it up, but the root cause is the ISR.
    There are also ATGM crews on quads and motorcycles, artillery with PGMS, artillery that can precision-ish place AT Mines, standoff drones that can paint tanks for laser guided artillery,"smart" uncrewed roadside ATGMs, and eventually @The_Capt's roombas with AT mines, and gawd knows what else.  Probably palletized missiles full of air launched smart-ish EFPs  that you can push out of a transport plane 50 miles back and paraglide across the FEBA to catch them while they maneuver into place.  And their supply trucks, too.  
    But the key is that you can't move anything the size of a bicycle without commercial systems seeing it within an hour or so. And some states can see if you moved a big-gulp cup, though without quite the same revisit rate.  Tanks are big and hot.  Even small tanks are big and hot.  Electric tanks are big and cold until you move them, but hiding even them from someone with spectral imaging capability isn't easy.  And the logistics tail for tanks will also be big and long and hot - you can't move things without leaving a heat trail.  So even if you make the tanks like Wonder Woman's invisible plane, the supply chain will lead you right to them.  Or the supply chain will get hit so that the tanks can't move.
  2. Like
    chrisl got a reaction from Yet in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It's not really the drones that are killing the tank, it's the ISR.  Drones are (sometimes) the immediate part that blows it up, but the root cause is the ISR.
    There are also ATGM crews on quads and motorcycles, artillery with PGMS, artillery that can precision-ish place AT Mines, standoff drones that can paint tanks for laser guided artillery,"smart" uncrewed roadside ATGMs, and eventually @The_Capt's roombas with AT mines, and gawd knows what else.  Probably palletized missiles full of air launched smart-ish EFPs  that you can push out of a transport plane 50 miles back and paraglide across the FEBA to catch them while they maneuver into place.  And their supply trucks, too.  
    But the key is that you can't move anything the size of a bicycle without commercial systems seeing it within an hour or so. And some states can see if you moved a big-gulp cup, though without quite the same revisit rate.  Tanks are big and hot.  Even small tanks are big and hot.  Electric tanks are big and cold until you move them, but hiding even them from someone with spectral imaging capability isn't easy.  And the logistics tail for tanks will also be big and long and hot - you can't move things without leaving a heat trail.  So even if you make the tanks like Wonder Woman's invisible plane, the supply chain will lead you right to them.  Or the supply chain will get hit so that the tanks can't move.
  3. Upvote
    chrisl got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    How many encirclements has Russia succeeded at so far in the war?  They've struggled mightily to fail at encircling even a few km^2 of villages that have a single road intersection.  As pointed out by Steve and @The_Capt, Kharkiv is a huge area of very hostile environment to even attempt.  And that they failed miserably at when they had at least the pretense of surprise and fresh troops and their best equipment.
    Russia might have an artillery tube advantage, but Ukraine likely has sufficient "action at a distance" and untouchable ISR to limit that.  Russia can't just park a few battalions of tubes and send shells for days - they'll be spotted on their way to park and drones will get them within a few rounds if they don't move.  So they can probably launch a long steady harassing fire on Kharkiv, but attempting to level it at this point would require tactical nukes, and if Putin hasn't gone there yet, I don't think he's going to go there just to level Kharkiv. If he were considering doing that, why bother with a ground attack?
  4. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    These comments do not make any sense:

    First off the RA would need to push an encirclement nearly 200kms long.  That is being attacked from without while trying to take a city of 1.4 million and 350 sq kms of urban terrain.  For reference, Mariupol was 166 sq kms and the Russian were controlling it for hundreds of kms both land and water side...and it still took them over 3 months and an ungodly number of losses to take.  In fact there are some theories that Mariupol tied down so many RA forces that their summer '22 failed and it set the conditions for the losses in Fall '22.  Kharkiv is 3-4 times the problem, and the UA was nowhere near as well armed and experienced back in '22. "Encircling Kharkiv" is so militarily stupid that the Russian's might even try it but it may cost them so much as to create conditions for operational collapse elsewhere.
    As to LOCs, one need only look at the map to see all of the interior lines that are still open. There is both MSRs and rail.  As to terrain, a quick look shows that the terrain to the west of the city is the same rolling tank country we have come to suspect...with no tank play likely.  To the east there is a major water obstacle that will tie in a right flank tightly.
    I mean unless the UA collapses completely this is a major operation to pull off...think a couple hundred thousand troops and air superiority.
    Finally, this is the double standard.  The UA establish a bridgehead south of Kherson and it is "a minor raid".  The RA make some minor bridgehead gains on the border and "they are encircling Kharkiv!" In reality this is a secondary front that the RA is trying to open up, likely in the hopes it can take some pressure off the south.  But like everything else, RA offensive-wise, these will likely be nips and bites.  Unless the UA collapses completely, at which point this is all pretty academic in the entirety of Eastern Ukraine.  Of course we have no indications of impending UA collapse, but hey why let that stand in the way?
  5. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to Letter from Prague in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The most important thing US provides to Ukraine is not shells or missiles but ISR. I don't know if rest of NATO nations can provide it instead.
    Also, EU citizens might not like the idea of giving up Ukraine and reestablishing friendly relations with Russia but EU oligarchs and corporations definitely want the cheap energy and markets. Few well targeted social media campaigns by media magnates and the electorate will happily change opinion.
  6. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to poesel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    They could use the Russian cellular network, for instance. Shouldn't be that hard to get a Russian SIM.
    Or maybe they don't need to at all. Oil refineries are big and very stationary targets. With modern vision systems, this could be preprogrammed as well.
  7. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Given the fact that so much of the recon is done by drones anyway, I suspect that laser designators are about to make a comeback. The imaging based seeker in the Javelin may be about to be upgraded and used in  lot more places as well. If you can tell it it is looking for a tank at the end of the trip, inertial guidance may be plenty good enough to get it in the basket. Some of the Israeli stuff uses a a fiberoptic cable to feed the video back to the operator. And of course more autonomy for drones. 
    Last but not least is every kind of home on jam and HARM you can think of. It all amounts to another turn of the wheel in military tech. At the end of the day cheaper computer processing is still going to lead to more precision.
  8. Upvote
    chrisl got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Drones the size of the smaller FPV drones are remarkably quiet and hard to spot.
    I was cycling up in the mountains this weekend and we suddenly heard the whirrrrrr of a drone as it zipped by about 50 feet overhead.  We didn't hear it come in, and once it was across the road maybe another 100 feet further it was inaudible.  There was a stiff crosswind, but that was literally the only source of noise to mask the drone - the only traffic to speak of was the pickup truck that showed up shortly afterward that shot ahead of us and parked to land the drone on the hood.  We didn't see the drone again until it was landing on the hood, even though it was broad daylight and we knew where the person controlling it was sitting.
  9. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to poesel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Because it is an easy-to-understand metric that is good to measure and visualize.
    Single value metrics for complex systems usually suck. Better metrics are hard to understand unless you know what's going on. Since the public does not, its km^2.
  10. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to poesel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    The Russians already knew that ATACMS could attack the bridge and since the bridge is officially still on Ukraine's territory they didn't need a green light from anyone. Ukraine could always attack its own territory with western weapons.
    So explicitly stating the fact only does, as the_capt would say, enlarge the uncertainty space for Russia.
    Btw, are those arches only decorative or are they a structural necessity for the bridge? I would imagine they are easier to hit than a pillar and easier to damage. Even something like napalm may weaken the strength of the steel enough.
  11. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    We bounced around some ideas a few dozen pages back.  So to my thinking the key problem is denying enough space around a minefield to be able to breach it.  The range of enemy ISR, UAS and artillery is making traditional breaching ops impossible.  So the only way I can see doing this without getting back into jetpacks is to use light infantry to try and infiltrate past the mine belts but send them with all sorts of FPVs and supported by larger UAS.  They will need EW and all the C4ISR and layering of indirect fires and deep strike.  They will also likely need C-UAS UAS in order to create a space for breaching and larger forces to push through.  So basically yes, small groups of FPV teams pushing forward and swarming as best they can and as deep as they can with a steady supply of new FPVs delivered by larger UAS, and supported by everything.
    Pull all that together along with a deliberate corrosive warfare campaign and basically the RA becomes over-extended by virtue of shaping and infiltration.  Do a breach and then send the troops deep.  Russians hate this and will fall back to re-draw the line.  This is what momentum starts to look like.  If the UA cannot do this then we are back to tactical leg humping and symbolic war porn videos of strategic strikes.  In fact if the UA cannot do the above re: offensive, then they should simply go firm and dig in.  Save all the expensive ammo and bleed Russia white over the next two years when best guesses are the Russians may run out of strategic gas.
  12. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to poesel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    It is necessary for Ukraine to attack Kerch Bridge once in a while, so Russia cannot stop wasting resources to protect it. Its high symbolic value forces Russia's hand, no matter what the actual military value is.
  13. Upvote
    chrisl got a reaction from dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yeah, basically stick a little primer shell onto each mine with a cheap timer or some kind of short range remote control trigger.  
  14. Like
    chrisl got a reaction from kimbosbread in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yeah, basically stick a little primer shell onto each mine with a cheap timer or some kind of short range remote control trigger.  
  15. Upvote
    chrisl got a reaction from Holien in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yeah, basically stick a little primer shell onto each mine with a cheap timer or some kind of short range remote control trigger.  
  16. Upvote
    chrisl got a reaction from zinz in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    There's not really "real time" continuous satellite coverage.  When satellites pass over a region, the data can be sent down in near real time.  Orbits of optical satellites (and essentially all satellites) are generally known, though fields-of-regard aren't necessarily, and people worried about space-based ISR have long kept track of when they'd be under a ground track or not.  Smoke during an optical pass will provide obscuration, but will be transparent to SAR.
  17. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to poesel in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Does drone supremacy (tm) solve the minefield problem? Or in other words: if you absolutely swamp one sector in drones and suppress every movement in a 10km(?) radius - is that enough to make breaching a minefield a possibility (under the assumption that you have half decent AA, too)?
  18. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to kimbosbread in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    If each mortar bomb weighs 4.5kg, and each drone weighs the same, and the drones have some basic last-mile autonomy (which we already seeing), is there any reason to belive the drones can’t deliver the same volume of fire, but with much more accuracy and range, but a much smaller logistical footprint?
  19. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    My initial reaction was "nope".  But the US did pretty much this in and over Israel last week so there definitely has been a precedence set.  I think the major hurdle if positioning western troops on Ukrainian soil during the war to make this happen.  To my mind this a western escalatory threat ladder rung.  We could essentially declare a no-fly west of the Dniper but Russia is going 1) take this as a major escalation signal, and 2) milk it for all its worth to drive domestic support for this war upward.  This could easily creep off-mission if manned Russian A/C start upping operations - we have to let them bomb Ukrainian civilians but shoot down the unmanned only.
    I think if we are going to call "no fly" we need to mean it and make damned sure we are justified in taking this next step.  We are talking about global powers no longer prosecuting by proxy as we would be targeting Russian assets directly.  Then if we make the call, do not be half @ssing it - just declare "no fly" like we did for Saddam and Gadhafi.
    Interestingly, the US president does not need blessing from congress for this as Commander-in-Chief.  This would be a US military operation comin gout of in-year operations funding.  I am betting it is an option on a whiteboard somewhere, but no one seems willing to take it just yet. 
  20. Like
    chrisl got a reaction from alison in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    If your panels aren't on a 2-axis gimbal you probably want to install them tilted at the same angle as your lattitude.  Germany is far enough north that it will put them 45-50 degrees-ish, so they'll be high enough to be a fence and at about the right angle.
  21. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Ok, I am still not entirely clear on your theory of change here to be honest. We can focus on C-UAS but then why would we not also focus on UAS themselves for offensive operations as well?  Superiority means “freedom of own action while denying same to enemy”.  We want to stop their autonomous systems cold and allow ours to maul them with impunity.  This gives me deterministic options for both deterrence and compellance.  Otherwise I am stopping their UAS cold and then still have to risk human lives to finish them off which is not going to be politically acceptable.
     Now if I can demonstrate autonomous unmanned superiority from the outset the war doesn’t even need to start (I.e. deterrence)…no?  But superiority has to be for both offence and defence.  And offence is going to involve those nasty ones.  Fear is the arbiter of these things and our fear of losing lives will likely drive us toward more fully autonomous solutions as opposed to regulating them.
    We will likely try to manage these systems under existing LOAC frameworks and create collateral damage calculus to mitigate.  Outliers and rogue actors will of course let the damn things off the leash and do all sorts of bad.  I honestly do not see a total weapons ban standing (the existing one or a new one) based on the wind direction.  Super C-UAS will spin off more super UAS that can go in and do the killing at a distance.  The quest will be to the badest complete system on the battlefield.
  22. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to LongLeftFlank in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Then they came for der Mittelstand....
    I keep posting energy tech stuff because the modular/miniature/precision armaments revolution is absolutely experiencing the exact same dynamics, just not so well documented (yet).
    The West will innovate, but the Chinese will beat us to mass market, every time. With quality more than adequate for purpose. As innovative firms and their ecosystems starve and die, so too will innovation.
    Solar panels are now used as fences in Germany because they are more affordable than the usual fencing.
    The market standard for solar panels is now moving to Tunnel Oxide Passivated Contact (#TOPCon) technology, which improves solar cell architecture to reduce efficiency losses.
    The technology was developed by Germany's Fraunhofer Institute in 2013, but large-scale manufacturing takes place mostly in China.
    "European manufacturers have no money to change to the new technology. So now there is no competitive advantage anymore and they have to sell old technology."

  23. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    That is one hopeful theory but I think history is not entirely onside.  As we see in Ukraine, warfare is not simply political, it is personal.  So if/when an opponent’s unmanned bubble collapses they may very well refuse to accept defeat and fight on.  They will do so by various means that will cause you casualties. There will be a lot of pressure to reduce those casualties.  Autonomous weapons will be one of the best ways to do this. So I do not see a winning side simply switching modes mid-war.  In fact attacks on the will to fight are very often pointed directly at populations…we are literally seeing this unfold everyday in both Ukraine and hr Middle East.  So fully autonomous as terror weapons against civilian populations is tragically predictable.
    Further, just because one can collapse an opponent’s unmanned systems bubble does not mean it will stay collapsed without destroying that opponent’s ability to access/produce more systems.  That will mean attacks on deep industrial infrastructure and varying degrees of resistance.  Trying to managed semi vs full autonomy based on ethical grounds in this sort of environment is a challenge few nations will do and even fewer will do well.
    And this assumes the war stays a clean standup fight and does not go hybrid.  Insurrection, partisan resistance and guerrilla warfare will ensure that fully autonomous stay on the forefront of any modern force.  But it will also be very attractive to hybrid resistance for all the same reasons - can’t jam/EW easily, faster and more lethal, range.
    The advantages are too strong, the effects too deterministic, the stakes too high.
  24. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Given the ISR environment, not sure having a bunch of wire in front of a position is such a good idea.  
  25. Upvote
    chrisl reacted to Gnaeus in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Let's cut people facing an existential threat for them and their families a little slack. My country has plenty of things to regret under far less serious circumstances.
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