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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. It pains me to say this, Rune (you bastard; all praise to his ale and eats!), but the Irish couldn't make a decent single malt aged whisky to resurrect St. Finnegan. So the Bushmills is simply a very good quality Irish whisky, which is another way of saying: Something that needs to be drunk right now over ice. Telling us that you've got a 10 year old Irish whisky is like saying you've got a bottle of whisky that someone found shoved behind the old bottle of green creme de menthe and that bottle of Bailey's that was last used to poison the dog. And the Glenfiddich...weeelll, that's certainly a decent bottle of whisky. Ask any tourist at the Duty Free...
  2. Whoa! You're gonna give me 80 some years?! That's way better than I'm getting locally... Someone gie that bugger a VERY LARGE GLASS OF GOOD SCOTCH WHISKY!
  3. People complain about the Insane all the time, but no one ever does anything...
  4. Please. That's more than I needed to do, better than you deserve, and even so simple a dismissal of you is a massive waste of talent on my part. Frankly, dismissing you is like a dispensing of alms. I should get credit in the Afterlife for charitable works. Apply your tongue to the bottom of my shoe. I'm pretty sure that I stepped in something Soddball posted that needs to come off before it mars the rubber sole.
  5. What's the matter, can't you see I'm agreeing with you, you illiterate bugger! :mad: Michael </font>
  6. I may have been too harsh on Abbott. But you know, I never slagged anyone's bloody God. Only them, their half-witted understanding of their God, and the various weird tenets of their Faith. All perfectly normal discussion. Seems a bit harsh for a man to come in, kick up the rather demented 'spiritual' discussion he was participating in, and have to read vulgar abuse of his Deity. And then have other people approve it. Just sits wrong. Hmmppphh. Well, tra-la. Why are there so many annoying little tossers posting here lately? Who are these fecking people? Enough! Justicar, take this down: In the future, after idjits show up here to taunt and mock (as is only right), we need to see some sort of 'reading of credentials'. In other words, after you abuse, you posture. What I'd like to see is something like: 'Ha ha! 37mm, you are a large piece of sponge cake that only the most hardened of stomachs could accept without damage! I abuse you, me! The slatternly posting of your endless references to your so-called intelligence do not go unnoticed in the institutional wards of the mind! I have the large pair of wings, that shall cause me to swoop over your postings to your doom!'** This should then be followed by a second post in something like the style of: 'Hello there, and welcome to me. I'm [this, that, the other], and what makes me amazing, and justifies my mocking stance here is [endless self-aggrandizing gibberish], not to mention that I live in [hellhole] and I'm a [functional wanker] who believes that [monkeys fly out of my bum every morning, for this reason]. A bit of boasting. A bit of 'Hello, I'm X, and I'm posting in the Peng Challenge! I've been an annoying tosser now for (calculate backwards from current date)' To which we can reply, 'Hello, X, get stuffed!' ** Done in recent typical 'dialect' style, in order to give the nod to participants for whom English is a Second Language, stikkypixie, foreigners, drunk Australians, Dalem, Nidan's hallucinations, The French Legume, the fecking Finns, and Outerboarders who spend an entire day with a pocket dictionary trying to find a rhyme for 'Seanachai'. [ July 29, 2005, 12:47 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  7. Yes, and weren't we all just horribly embarrassed for you. The Forum equivalent of shouting "Madmatt, please touch my great big tonker!" Really, lad.
  8. What's citrine, precious, eh? What's citrine? Is it scrumptious? Is it juicy? Or is it just something half as hard and far prettier than what keeps Boo's Q-tip from running in one ear and out the other?
  9. Everything I know, I learned in CM kindergarten. Look, all you lot keep going on about 'a good suggestion from Seanachai, who'd of thunk it?!' I'm a horrible, arrogant, opinionated sociopath who wants nothing more than to be hated by all mankind. But I'm not stupid. As regards all CM questions, I simply apply logic and commonsense, because I admit to having no Groggly Knowledge (you know, the kind that makes men gnash their teeth with envy, and women swoon). As for the turn...probably tomorrow. Or maybe I'll get way ambitious and shake off the need to explain things to waltero, and try and send it tonight...
  10. Geez, Gautrek...how to put this? They're best on defense? I mean, really. What am I supposed to do with mortars at night that have a minimum range of 100m, and visibility is 80m? And I have tons of them! I guess what you do is: COPE, YOU BIG BIG FREAK! I mean, really. You've been around here for ages. I don't even think of you as weird or particularly stupid, or anything. If you chose them, then don't choose them again. If they were given to you by the scenario, then either figure out how to use them, or mass them into a circle pointed inwards, and area fire until you kill yourself. Rinse and repeat until it all makes sense.
  11. How to put this? I don't like you. Not even a little bit. And, as we all know, I'm one of the most forgiving sons o' bitches on this entire planet. But you do not interest me. You do not entertain. You do not...amuse. You're as dull as stale dog**** that's been left to bleach to that hideous white phosphorus colour. Gods, how I hate all 'hotmail' and 'yahoo' email accounts. They're like big big 'don't hate me because I'm an anonymous child' pleas from people that everyone naturally should hate. I say, if you're going to post online, and you're not a woman (because, frankly, they have to deal with all the men online), then post your real sodding email address. If you have one. If you don't, then get one. Now go away, you WoW freak. I've pissed a better stream than you've posted here.
  12. Okay, you're not Gaylord. I acknowledge your personal email to me, and, unless Gaylord has snuck in and used his Dad's email account, you're not Gaylord. But you're not Banner. I will allow you to be 'Haji', until we figure out what to do with your annoying arse. Don't make me demote you to 'Bandit'.
  13. I will now crawl off to the kitchen, there to eat a sandwich, and reflect upon the triumph of the Apocalypso...
  14. What the fecking hell?! Did Vampire Bananas attack the back of her head?! That's no an elf, lass. That's an undead Carmen Miranda...
  15. Yeah, you shoulda. There were even unattached women there. And that place has a full bar. The place even brews its own barley wine. Ummm...23% alcohol...tasted like port. Or chicken, depending on your want...
  16. Oh, gods. Boo was right. It is the most recent incarnation of 'Gaylord'. Yes, you idjit, I post things that aren't about CM on a CM forum. And do you know why? It's because I am the 'Grog Counterweight'. I am the proof that it's not only Wargaming Geeks, Current and Ex-Military, and Grog Lunatics that post here. I am a vision of CM, and America, as seen through the eyes of 'some guy'. Also, I'm like a fecking lightening rod for halfwits like you. I post, the halfwits respond. I post again, the lackwits begin to become agitated. I post yet again, and Gaylord rushes forward in his bimonthly attempt to hump my leg. It's hard on my jeans, but then, I figure it's my way of 'giving back to the community'.
  17. I just got back from a Brew Pub. There, I met with many interesting individuals. Many of them hung on my every word. Of course, they were desperately young and foolish. I think the fact that an old man like myself, who has led a very bad life, is still alive, captivated them. Silly buggers. Who's for a jolly singsong, then, eh? Well, when you’re sitting there In your silk upholstered chair Talking to some rich folks that you know Well I hope you won’t see me In my ragged company You know I could never be alone Take me down little susie, take me down I know you think you’re the queen of the underground And you can send me dead flowers every morning Send me dead flowers by the mail Send me dead flowers to my wedding And I won’t forget to put roses on your grave Well, when you’re sitting back In your rose pink cadillac Making bets on kentucky derby day I’ll be in my basement room With a needle and a spoon And another girl to take my pain away Take me down little susie, take me down I know you think you’re the queen of the underground And you can send me dead flowers every morning Send me dead flowers by the mail Send me dead flowers to my wedding And I won’t forget to put roses on your grave Take me down little susie, take me down I know you think you’re the queen of the underground And you can send me dead flowers every morning Send me dead flowers by the us mail Say it with dead flowers at my wedding And I won’t forget to put roses on your grave No I won’t forget to put roses on your grave
  18. Okay, all the recent halfwitted puns left me cold. But this...somehow, it spoke to me! Of course, when I paid more attention to what was being said, it was the usual: KILL THE DONKEY! HURT HIM! CRUSH HIM! BRUTALIZE HIM! My Inner Voice has 'anger issues'. That's preferable, I guess, to you lot of tossers, whose Inner Voice has 'intelligence issues'.
  19. Dammit, Dorosh! Are you trying to Gaslight me?! I saw this topic, then noticed that I started it, but couldn't remember doing so. Of course I immediately thought 'Oh, no! The blackouts! Not the blackouts!', and I went off to check the laundry hamper for torn and bloody clothing. And Westmoreland will have my apology when he comes up and button-holes me in Hell for it... Even then, he'll have to ask nicely.
  20. What the...you must be talking to Lars. Or maybe Papa Khann. If the worthless little neo-con trull hasn't shot me during the most recent go-rounds over the pettiness and criminality of that PR whore Rove, he's unlikely to shoot you. In any case, Papa and I wouldn't let him shoot you for your political beliefs. I'd much rather he shot you for playing golf.
  21. Actually, Lars has a sweetheart. And, having met her, I'm in the position to tell you that she could rip you roughly in half and use the heavier bit to beat the lighter bit into a rather bland and uninteresting salsa. I am pleased that you find my posts 'painful and sad'. Genius is seldom recognized or acknowledged by the talentless and mundane. Those who can, mock. Those who cannot, disparage. It is far easier to deride another's talents than it is to display any of your own. Still, every puppy begins with a 'yip'. We shall have to see if you will eventually be able to bark with the big dogs, or whether we're going to have to endure a period of ankle-biter yapping.
  22. Speedy, lad, sorry to hear of your loss. Because I only have cheap beer around here, I will drink several of them to your Grandpa's memory tonight. AUSSIE, AUSSIE, AUSSIE, OI, OI, OI!
  23. Oh look! The new guy is pretending to be Dr. Ruth and offering us 'spicy little secrets you can use to hot up your game play evening'. I swear to Christ, if you start talking about 'dressing up' or putting handcuffs on before playing a game, you and I are going to have more than words, you big big freak. Wasn't it bad enough when we had to constantly hear from the perverts who wanted to be able to start out as a private and 'role play' one unit for an entire 'campaign' until they retired as a 3-Star General?! What the hell is wrong with you people?!
  24. He becomes my own personal chew-toy. Nine posts and a hotmail address, and he's demanding a game against a BFC member and playing the 'race' card? Currently I'm somewhat amused, but I'm sure once my system is free of the nitrous oxide and Dr. Brown's Cel-Ray soda, I'll be appalled. Until then, I'd simply like to point out that my Screen name, 'Seanachai' is also Spanish, and, roughly translated means: "I made Cabron66 cry like a little girl who'd never been forewarned about menstruation." Bugger. The nerve.
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