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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: Seanachai I was saying the exact same thing the other day when some GIT did that!<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Amazing. I don't imagine you said it as well, which is why you're my former Squire, and I am here to pat you on the head and offer you a biscuit. Now, lad, as much as I despair at being a patronizing swine, and despite how well fitted I am for the role, you should realize that you will have to live decades more and undergo ceremonies of insult and reality beyond your current level of casual flopping about, to achieve the level of understanding that I stumbled into as a by-product of existence. Still, don't despair. I think you're preternaturally capable of stumbling.
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Bruno Weiss: Lawnmower for sale: Peng & Stratton. All original parts, blade newly sharpened. If interested call.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Although we of the Peng Challenge Thread admire all attempts at light-heartedness, satire, invective, and putting the metaphorical boot in (and many of our members opt for beyond metaphor) this is not the Peng Challenge Thread. It was amusing, however. Needs an editor.
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzerman: Be carefull, Cap they maybe looking for new targets. As a former big Red target my self...I can say just this stay with it... the little flame team can't stand it when you ignore them. Also try this post somthing that they just can't do anthing about like... "Joe Blow I love you" hehe <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> In keeping with the tone of this thread, may I just say that only a lazy pillock quotes every line, jot, and tittle of a lengthy post when he replies to it? We know what that Captain fella said, did we need to scroll through it in entirety as a tribute to your lack of editing skills to arrive at your unbelievably minor contribution to this topic? Added for the Once and Future Peng
  4. Roight, then. I have to say, Geier, that I'm quite taken aback, as Berli and I were just discussing "The Master and Margarita" by Bulgakov just a few days ago. I've always loved Pontius Pilate. Made one of the greatest statements in the Bible: "What is Truth?", and has gone down in history for it as one of the villains. 'Course, history's written by the Victors, as is known better here than perhaps anywhere else on the face of the planet. Beyond that, Bulgakov's novel is a modern classic of depth, irony, and beauty that far trascends any appellation regarding 'Russian dissidents'. A sound and significant addition to the Reading List of any Peng Challenge Threader who wishes to understand the world beyond his little lump of self-involved clay, and to have vistas open before his eyes. For that matter, Berli is one of the main characters, and does a bang up job.
  5. To my Once and Future Squire, an email has been sent. You are never alone, Hiram. We are always with you. As I've said before, we care for our own. Geoffrey, lad, a gentle rebuke. A little less of yourself, lad, and a little more of others. An apology for even unintended callousness shines back to the person who is in pain. Did you notice that Hiram has since edited his original post to someting innocuous? Would he have done that, lad, if there hadn't been unpleasantness? I'm not asking you to grovel, just avoid turning another's pain into a pissing match. As I like to think well of you, I imagine you've already sent him an appropriate email. One less brusque, perhaps, and not so inclined to snap at others. I, for one, would not trade this band of committed and genteel enemies for even a greater number of casual and unconcerned friends.
  6. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Lorak: I have spent some time going thru my large collection of books and have hit upon an idea. I should have seen this all along but I will throw it out here for discussion. I Lorak feel that Joe Shaw should be given the title of Justicar. Discription: Justicar - A Person that holds the power to punish transgressions of the Traditions, and one of the ultimate authorities in the organization. There is only one Justicar for each Clan at any one time, And all within the clan are subject to their authority, with the only exceptions being members of the Inner Circle. Only Justicars can call a Conclave, where their judgements are dispensed. These are often harsh, as there are no written guidelines for penalties for specific crimes. And in addition, a Justicar's decisions may only be challenged by another Justicar or head Judge/enforcer. So.... any thoughts? Lorak the loathed Paladin of Peng<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think, Lorak, that you may have achieved the solution. This sounds right to me. I wasn't at all happy with the whole 'deputy' Inquisitor bit. Oh, and Dalem, lad, no one's poncing around after titles. Occasionally, here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we feel the need to stir the brew, as it were. Just as the tree of liberty must be frequently watered with the blood of patriots (probably very frequently, should Shaw accept the title of Justicar), so here in the Peng Challenge Thread the Mythology must be renewed, the legend deepened and enriched, and sometimes, it's nice to put in sesame seeds. I just love those. In any case, just as the Thread is revealed by the passage of the folk, constantly creating 'something' from the 'nothing' of the Wasteland, dragging the present into the future and arguing about it, so is it's very reality kept fixed by the connection to the past. We could have just made this a generic 'Combat Mission Taunting Area'. It could have been the Velveeta of Taunting Theads. As such, it would have been a constantly renewed thread of useless tripe, with no special character, and where the worst and most imbecilic of newbie insults were constantly reiterated, until the only thing keeping it alive was the arrival of new half-wits keen to prove they were light enough to make the team. But the Peng Challenge Thread is beyond that. And one of the reasons is that it has proved itself capable of not only moving forward into the future, but of returning to the past. It grows, it evolves, it, apparently, Blames The Damn Dog! It doesn't matter if all the rank and file 'get it'. It doesn't matter if every post is pithy, pungent, and well-larded with sparkle, wit, and reference. It only matters that an undefined but significant 'proportion' of posts be such. And that the goal of being so is held in honour by the participants. To that end, heirarchies have been suggested. Titles have been handed out. Standards suggested, embraced, and fiercely rejected. Warfare is rampant, agreement is non-existant, and consensus is general. We must do more than create reality from the Wasteland. We must also go Walkabout to renew creation, revisiting and reaffirming what has come out of chaos. For this, certain elders are chosen. They are given titles. In one mythology, it might be 'Old Man Kangaroo', in another, 'Coyote', or in another 'Justicar'. They have duties. They have a world they must help define, by ever renewing the roots that it sprang from. Call them shamans, priests, lunatics, or 'Ole Foul Joe Shaw', but called they must be. Would you want a world brought into being by the most recent post of the SSNs, nurtured by nothing more than their stupidity, and with no more purpose to it than a good piss? The time will come, Dalem, oh 'he of the earless dog', when you will realize that you are awash in a sea beyond your present self. You will lie on your back, lapped by the 'Pool, gazing at the posts of brilliance and wit, like stars shining in the firmament above the Wasteland. You will raise up one finger to trace the constellations of the Peng Challenge Thread. Those posts there, you'll murmur, they trace the outline of 'Meeks, Apostate and Defender'. That Triad forms 'the Old Ones'. That bright star, centered amongst the others, is 'the Lorak'. And so, born up by the 'Pool, redeemed from chaos, and filled with an understanding of the need for creation, you will finally understand. Oh, and you'll take care to remember that the water's always a little unnaturally warm near the SSNs.
  7. Now, as I was saying before that gibbering descendant of rats...SIT DOWN AND BE QUIET, BAUHAUS! NO, I KNOW I DIDN'T MAKE A DOUBLE ENTENDRE, BUT YOU WERE GETTING UP TO ASK ABOUT THE F'ING CHEESE AGAIN, WEREN'T YOU? I thought so. Now be quiet. In any case, no turns went out tonight, nor a number of personal emails, because my bloody ISP is simply not allowing access to email. I'd be more angry, but my friends with DSL connection from the same load of pillocks tell me they can't get online at all, so at least the fast access people paying more money are even more screwed, and that's enough for me. Turns for everyone tomorrow night, 'Useless Parasites' willing. We must achieve some sort of resolution regarding Shaw. Well, that doesn't involve his execution, which is illegal even in Utah and Texas unless sanctioned by the State. Perhaps Inquisitor Lieutenant General? Or Inquisitorial Proconsul? I mean, doing all the busy work of fact gathering, prying, harassing, torturing, accusing, and then endlessly compiling his information for presentation to some higher authority, someday. This would leave Meeks as "The Once and Future Inquisitor", safely interned on a mystical Isle somewhere, or under a mound, in righteous keeping with Myth and Legend, both of which rate high in the Peng Challenge Thread, while allowing Shaw to get busy with ferreting out the tedious details of wrong-doing that he's so obsessed with, and which do, of course, bear ferreting out, as long as it's done by odd people who take a certain delight in the whole process, leaving the Old Ones free to sit quietly in the Wasteland, having a few quiet drinks and discussing which of the new arrivals is the least evolved. I imagine we can easily resolve this in time to get everyone home for Christmas.
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd: Seanachai Quit yer prattling and choose your doom...the futility of your position is obvious, the files lie before you <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Weighty matters in hand, lad, weighty matters in hand. Bauhaus, what? You're tired, you're exhausted, you are busy daydreaming? You no longer even make the effort to leap to your feet and make a smirking reference to 'thingies', playing on the concept of 'double entendres' which you cannot even spell correctly, let alone define, and yet by your actions you constantly define the concept for the Peng Challenge Thread? Hmm? What's that? You never understand anything I say? I see. Well, let's see then...er, Bauhaus? Would you like some cheese? That got through, did it? Good. No, I don't actually have any cheese, be quiet. I offered it merely as a test of your cognitive abilities. I mean your ability to recognize and understand simple concepts. Goddamn it , Bauhaus, it means I offered you some cheese to see if you would say yes or no. No, for Christ's sake, I don't have any cheese for you! Yes, I do understand you'd like some sodding cheese, but I don't have any, as I told you, it was merely a test to see if you could understand very, very simple things I say to you. WHAT THE HELL DO YOU MEAN, WHY DID I OFFER YOU CHEESE IF I DON'T HAVE ANY CHEESE?!!! I TOLD YOU, I WAS TRYING TO SEE JUST HOW MAGICALLY HALF-WITTED YOU ARE! Alright, look. I'll get you some cheese in a while. Yes, a nice sharp flavoured one. No, I don't care how you eat it, as long as it's out of my sight. Now shut up. As I was saying to JD...what now, Bauhaus? Oh for the love...yes, an orangey coloured cheese it is. No, there'll be no nasty vegetables mixed in...sod this for a lark, I'm starting a new post.
  9. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: NONSENSE ... who ever heard of a Grand Inquisitor reporting to a simple (and I MEAN simple) parish priest. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Peng hears even the confessions of the Old Ones, Shaw. Well, in Berli's case, they're more like boisterous, drunken confidences exchanged about the nature of the War with Heaven. He's not a simple parish priest. He's more like a Jesuit.
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Perhaps that would work... he should have to answer to the Father Confessor until the Inquisitor General returns<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Of course. Everyone must answer to the Old Ones, eventually. I mean, when the moment comes to stand before the Spirits in the Wasteland (or, in your case, the Spirit in the Desert), they will all have to give an accounting. Oh, and eventually every one of the useless little sods will have to learn to play the digeridoo. I like that part most of all. It's so incomprehensibly heartless and annoying. One of your bettter bits, really.
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Marlow: The best part, my faithful little Toady, [rubs hands gleefully] is that he has NO SAY. [HE HE HO HO] The only one that matters in these decisions is Sir Lorak the Loathed. .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh My Bleeding Peng On A Crutch! From the mouth of...er, I believe that came out of his mouth, Marlow, suddenly mine own errors are revealed to me! I have been guilty of one of the most egregious errors in many incarnations of the Thread. Yea, hear it not, Heaven, thy Ministers have done it! I have recently offered the position of 'Herald of the Peng Challenge Thread' to Joe Shaw, in a moment of, most likely, advanced DTs. I did so because of Shaw's concern with tradition, precedence, 'what's proper'. What a pillock I was. I imagine it's the influence and constant exposure to the rest of you that's to blame. Obviously, the Peng Challenge Thread has had a Herald now for uncounted posts, in the form of Lorak. Although it's not normally done, and I certainly don't feel any real need for it, normally, I tender a deserved Apology to the Lorak. I abase myself in my contrition. I think it will have to be 'Inquisitor General' for Joe, then, even if pro-tem. I don't know that the Peng Challenge Thread needs an official 'guy who runs up to your car while you're locked in to a light under the overpass, sprays some foul smelling and oddly colored fluid on to your windshield from a bottle and you can only pray that it's some sort of 'cleaning fluid' rather than something he's created himself by internal organic means, while rubbing and smearing it around directly in front of your field of vision with something that looks like it might be someone's well-worn underwear, while grinning a gap toothed smile and bobbing his head and asking for change', and I don't know that Joe has any other skills besides that, Mortgage Banking, and a serious desire to harrow the heretic. Mind, if we ever create such a position, he's on the short list, but he's rather further down than not from slot one. I mean, there are people posting here who aren't even capable of Mortgage Banking.
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Hiram's Ghost: I also miss Meeks. He did not conform as most of you do... I noticed how Sir Seanachai did not mention my role in the Cesspool Schizm. I am forgotten once more. I was and am the outcast knight. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Because of the esteem I've always held you in, lad, I wished to gloss over your original participation in the Schism, when you, Pantaglossian Rebel that you are (now isn't that a contradiction in terms), bounded on to the Meeks bandwagon. It is quite charming to see you posting again, and I whole-heartedly approve of the new screen name. That whole Phillies Phan thing was just too jejune. Too piddling. Too 'not Hiram'. In a word, it wasn't French, yet seemed to bear an unnatural affinity to Jerry Lewis.
  13. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: Meeks is the Inquisitor General, and always shall be. Joe is a pale shadow of Meeks<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> About as I expected. Berli arguing in favour of tradition and the status quo, supporting the candidate who's ambition and zealotry nearly brought everything crashing down (well, what would you expect? He was cast out of Heaven for same damn thing, when you get right down to it). Peng willing to allow anyone the chance to fail horribly as long as they sod off and leave him alone; always interested in seeing how poorly anyone can do. Myself? I believe in a place for every lunatic, and every lunatic in their place. I believe in the Hierarchy of Good and Evil, and the necessity of uniforms. And I believe in a Universe firmly founded on mystic principles: seven wonders of the world; seven deadly sins; seven brides for seven brothers, and so on. So, Berli, what say you to a Deputization? An Inquisitor General pro tempore, as it were? While Meeks is playing whist with Walt Disney and Elvis Presley, Shaw shall maintain the power, prestige, and activities of the office, until Meeks returns to take up his duties? [ 09-05-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  14. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Mark IV: Seanachai, if you've time to post the entire Minneapolis telephone directory (and a re-run at that, though droll the first time around), might I prevail upon you for A FRICKIN TURN? There's a good fellow. I hate the thought of my Pickett's charge frozen in mid air between their last step, and the ground. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, Mark IV! Is that your finger, or have you turned thoughtful upon seeing me? I anticipate a day when the slogans of Pawbroon, Germanboy, Mensch, Meeks, Peng, and Colin, the eternal mascot of Stuka's various units (and Colin, dear 'Pooler's, is far wiser and more discerning than most of you), will be gathered into a tome to surpass the wisdom of Sun Tzu, Lao Tse, Mao Tse-Tung, and "that Asian chap that runs the take-out down at the corner, and always give ya' extra egg noodles if you smile and are polite, and don't talk loud and slow at him as though he were a half wit". Yes, then, Mr. Four? May I call you sushi? Mind, right now it appears to be sashimi grade. Let an Old Man who has fought many a war against you, and who wants nothing more than to see your shattered and mangled bones laid finally to rest in peace, just say: If you call in artillery on my positions while you are assaulting them, and I call in artlllery on your men while they are assaulting my positions, and my lads are lying in foxholes under cover, and your lads are doing some kind of 'heads down, knees up, Morris Dancer quick step to oblivion' , who do you think will have more men playing cribbage when the smoke clears? Take your time, I know these Math Word Problems are difficult even for Southern Californians, who have the advantage of wearing sandals and who often work these difficult equations out in the bathroom, which allows them to reach twenty-one in their counting. Mind, I expect to pay for my recent successes with a world of pain. As long as it's shared, I don't mind a bit, lad.
  15. This history was begun and originally appeared in response to some poor stupid sod begging someone to define 'Peng' for him. However, as I am currently writing a multi-volume history and analysis of the Peng Challenge Thread (the very attempt alone will probably earn me an honourary degree in Abnormal Psychology), I felt it best to gather this sort of thing together and dump it where it belongs. History of the Peng Challenge Thread, Part I: Origins, Schism, and the Meeks Interregnum The Peng Challenge Thread originated in the early days immediately after the dawn of recorded history (that is, around the time of the Gold Demo, which is equivalent to the Bronze Age of Combat Mission), when a certain individual named Seanachai, chose to challenge another individual, Mr. Peng, to a PBEM. It is wrong to maintain that Peng proffered the challenge. Peng, in fact, inspired the challenge. The original Thread, which went to something like 3,000 posts before collapsing into a black hole, was titled "Peng, I Take Our Challenge Public". It can still be visited by the adventurous who find the lost ways, I believe, but further attempts to post to it are impossible. Because many of the members of the Combat Mission forums are as keen on spectacle and as filled with bloodlust as your ancient Roman plebe, it quickly drew the attention of a large and boisterous crowd of the cognescenti (affectionately called 'halfwits' by most), all chanting for blood, offering odds, and chundering out their own taunts and insults, first to the participants, and then, more generally, to each other. Many remained to become Seniour Knights of the Cesspool, a name affectionately bestowed on the place by a long lost teenage landsmann named 'Minnesota Joe', who entered one day, and unceremoniously declared the place to be 'A Cesspool'. He then departed, and no one knows to this day if he still lives. After the rather spectacular death of the first Peng Challenge Thread (people used to show up from other boards just to see if it was true that BTS had let a UBB thread go to that length. BTS, like the scientists who created the Atomic Bomb, not knowing if it's detonation might result in a chain reaction that would anihilate the planet's atmosphere, were apparently keen to see what would happen), there was a flurry as various members started up 'new' Peng Challenge Threads to fill the awful, rending void that the demise of the original had left in the fabric of the Universe, and the hearts of its followers. Also, I understand, there was a certain amount of genteel looting, burning, and pillaging (but not that other thing; a gentleman always asks, and if told 'no' he desists with a murmured apology) as various followers of the Peng Challenge Way took this as a general signal for the End of Civilization As We Know It, and surged out into the night to get in a bit of fun before order could be restored. This led to the first Peng Challenge Thread schism, in which two competing threads were started, and followers hewed to one or the other, and spat insults and invective at the apostates in the other thread. No different, really from what they did to each other within the threads, but from different locations, and it made for a rather nice Holy War effect. The advocates of Orthodoxy, including most of the Seniour Knights, posted to the thread again started by Seanachai, entitled "Peng, I Am Still Taking Our Bloody Challenge Public", while some younger Knights and a bunch of heretical 'extras' that wandered in to round out the crowd scenes posted in the evil thread, started by the Arch-Heretic Elijah Meeks, who's Southern US origins and biblical moniker made him the perfect villain for any schism, aided by the fact that he was 'as crazy as a tree full of rats". Eventually, although Crusades were launched, heretics were burned, innocent bystanders were pelted with filth and spittle, the entire matter was decided by BTS (Steve, I believe) who gave the nod of the One True Apostolic Thread to the one begun by Seanachai, and clamped the Inquisitorial padlock of Heresy on the one begun by Elijah Meeks. Meeks, mouthing curses, promising vengeance, and sputtering a bit, then fled to some kind of 'Adventure Vacation/Research Mission' to the arctic circle, where he spent months reading Finnish copies of 'Playboy', longing for Asian women, and grooming a lack-witted California cousin for release on to the Thread as the first step in his revenge. Now, mind, schism is a painful experience for any faith, and while Meeks's apostasy was grievous, his dedication to the Peng Challenge Thread was profound. A solution was attempted. Meeks, who refused to post in the new, One True Revealed Thread until a trial by combat between himself and Seanachai should absolve him, or force him to make obeisance and admit his error, was persuaded to return to the Thread by the offer of a position commensurate with his abilities: he was offered the post of Inquisitor General of the Peng Challenge Thread. Yes, in a brilliant move, seemingly, the originator of schism was set to sniff out heretics. This offer was made more appealing by the fact that the scenario designed for the 'Trial by Combat' was a nasty piece of work intended to humiliate both participants (another Cesspool tradition was born). While brilliant, the results were mixed. Meeks, though undeniably efficient, brutal, and single-minded in a way that would have brought a rush of joy and a happy dance step to the walk of Torquemada himself, was aggressive to the point of psychosis in his drive to make the Peng Challenge Thread all that it should be. First there were murmurs, then voices raised, and then shouts of anger. Meeks responded as only a truly zealot can, by ever harsher and more vicious treatment of the protesters, or 'protestants', as they called themselves. Finally, after 99 newbies were nailed to the doors of the Peng Challenge Thread, Meeks stepped down from his seat of power. He fled into the wilderness, and sightings of him since have been sporadic, at best. Some say he is gone, never to return. Some claim that he waits without, brooding, and will return to the Peng Challenge Thread whenever it is threatened, rabid in his defense and smiting the unbelievers hip and thigh, bringing red ruin down upon them and all detractors of the Holy Mutha Beautiful Thread. Some say he was never a 'real' person, but a creation of the Old Ones. Who knows? The Old Ones know. Go and ask of them about Meeks. Mind, the response'll be 'here, you little sod, bugger off, make yourself useful, get me another beer, now go stand over there with the other lackwitted supplicants and truth seekers; Lor' where do these little pillocks come from, anyways? Another one wanting the 'Truth' about Meeks, Lord love an aquatic fowl. Wankers.'
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Joe Shaw: Well ... {Joe starts to pout, fully extended lower lip and everything} I kinda LIKED Prosecutor and Protector of The One The True CessPool. I think you don't like it just because you were my first conviction AND YOU'RE STILL HOLDING A GRUDGE! OH WAIT! Grand Inquisitor!!! ... that would be perfect ... it has the right medieval touch, AND I COULD TORTURE! Make it so. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, yes. Actually, the title was 'Inquisitor General'; 'Grand Inquisitor' was a somewhat Dostoevskian extravagance. I had, in fact, considered that option, as it did slot in nicely with your demented, McCarthyite obsession with ferreting out the innocent and confused and smiting them. But we run in to a procedural issue, here. You see, we have previously proclaimed an Inquisitor General for the Peng Challenge Thread, as part of the whole process of 'Healing the Schism' (for those unfamiliar with this aspect of the History of the Peng Challenge Thread, please see my posting of same below) Elijah Meeks was declared Inquisitor General, and pursued the role with such force that he eventually was forced to step down and brood. But I'm not sure that he ever surrendered the title. So, the issue is: Does Meeks remain Inquisitor General of the Cesspool, and is merely in absentia, or has his absence amounted to abandonment of his duties and responsibilities, opening the way to deposing him and instating a successor? I think a short dialogue among the Old Ones, cogent comments from Seniour Knights, empty posturing by the Knights, mindless quips from Squires, and the usual tossing of empty beer bottles, partially eaten food items, and other people's underwear by one and all should suffice to determine the matter, and probably not take more than the remainder of this Thread, giving it a bit of class. What say you Berli and Peng? As regards the position of Meeks, the application of Shaw, and the wah-dee-do-dah of the whole thing? The rest of you, chime in as your own lack of shame moves you. As though we could prevent it short of direct Heavenly intervention.
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: To hell with you two getting to make the decisions. I have made them for you. Bard you will be guiding your beloved Canadonians in a little grudge match against the Waffen SS. Corporate Counsel will defend. NOTE: I said, defend jd so try to show a bit of spine this time, won't you. [ 09-03-2001: Message edited by: Goanna ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Now that's right fair and equitable, and all we've ever asked for from one of you folk. Although it may be a bit premature, I anticipate a win against JD in this one. The gods simply cannot tolerate the on-going nightmare of him equalling me in combat.
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: Roight, I'll start then. "My ole man's a dustman, 'e wears a dustman's 'at, 'e wears cor blimey trousers, and a something, something, something"<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, no, no, it goes: "My ole man was a dustman, 'e wore a dustman's 'at, 'e wore cor blimey trousers, Whadya think of that? Me mum she was a queen and raised our lot up right and every Friday without fail they'd get into a fight They'd bellow and they'd bicker they'd cuss till nearly dawn but when the morning found me Da' he'd have no trousers on. On Saturday, they'd bil and coo like doves or newlyweds they'd smile throughout the evening time and then rush off to bed. On Sunday Mum would go to church and pray for all our souls Our Da', at home, would have a few and tell us all he knows. He'd tell me: Son there's this to know the man must wear the pants but every man must take 'em off to do the marriage dance. It's give and take, he'd smile and say first one and then the other but I'll kick your worthless little arse if you say so to your Mother. My ole man was a dustman 'e wore a dustman's 'at he taught me what I needed to know now whadya think o' that?" [ 09-03-2001: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Goanna: . . . and just let me add that since you are both my plastic drums, it should work out fair.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Do it then, Oh Lizard King. 1500 Points between me and the Official Lawyer of the Peng Challenge Thread (the other Law fellow is, well, a different and sodden kettle o' fish), JD. After four consecutive draws, with never a win or loss on either side during the time we've played each other, we need some sort of...hell, closure, or somefink.
  20. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Panzer Leader: The reports of my loss to Dalem have been greatly exagerrated. Okay, so it was 99-1, so what!?!?! Scores don't matter, right?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Scores that sodding awful matter, lad. The consensus of opinion has always been that to achieve that imbalance, you have to be shooting a fair percentage of your own troops just to help out your opponent.
  21. The answers are readily available by calling the Psychic Truck Drivers Hotline. Psychic Truck Drivers are standing by to answer your call. Just dial 1-976-T-R-U-C-K-A-I!* *calls billed at $3 per minute. Children, Lewis, and Newbies please obtain parental permission before consulting Psychic Truck Drivers Hotline.
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by MrPeng: Well jdI have a smallish sort of thing that would be just right for breaking the tie. This thing wont end up in a tie. Just askPShaw and Berli. Just ask and it will be on it's way to you. Peng<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Oh Bloody Hell, NO! Nothing from Peng! After all this time, I know Peng all too well, and Peng, sir, is Peng. Anyone but Peng and one of his nightmares.
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by jd: Seanachai ya rotten draw string git. Are you going to wallow in your prose or are you getting our tie breaker going. Or do i have to seek out rune to punish us. Truly visions of Hieronymus Bosch, locked in a nether world of non-resolution [ 09-03-2001: Message edited by: jd ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ah, Bosch. Now there's a fella that could do the murals on the Cesspool walls. Haven't seen the Prince of Darkness here in a few days, so maybe we can get Goanna to do us a map? He could even recycle a recent one. Who do we get to buy units, though? I don't know about you, but I'm simply not up for one of those 'Wise man poking a finger up the fool' battles where some sniggering swine loads down both sides with a bunch of joke units and handicapped troops. For one thing, it's imperative to find someone who hates us both equally for one of those, and I'm a bit vague on our current hatred quotient. Best policy is to find someone who's beating us both like a gong, and then threaten to not send turns unless they play Solomon with the force allocations. It's not all that bloody difficult to find an honourable man in the Peng Challenge Thread, but it is difficult to find one who's sense of honour doesn't take a back seat to his sense of nasty humour.
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Stuka: The current batch of byte battles are out of bounds now as I've looked at them and we wouldn't want to be gamey now would we Joe? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I think, perhaps, this isn't where we should go. There's gamey, and then there's gamey, and then, of course, there' s the wretched gameplay that so many of you indulge in, which would look, to the untutoured intellect, as though it was gamey, but turns out to just be astonishingly simple-minded and pathological. Who's for a jolly sing-song, then? And Geier, seriously...the Byrds? While they had many fine songs and adaptations, no one who has ever driven through a gray Minnesota morning sucking on a can of cheap lager to stave off the melancholy of existence can ever forget hearing the Dylan song suddenly come on the radio. It didn't necessarily make existence less melancholy, it merely made the melancholy holy. This was not achievable with the Byrd's version of the song.
  25. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by CMplayer: Seanachai, since you ask straight out, and on the behalf of the community that I know and loathe: I can not tell a lie. 'Twas I that chopped down the cherry tree. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Ohmigod, he's from Orange County! It's Nixon!
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