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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. On several occasions I've watched my own captured troops suddenly 'disappear'. I've captured many troops, and never gotten a sniff of a thought of where their fellows were. As far as I can discern, 'captured' troops cannot convey any info at all once they're captured. They drop off the 'sighting' board completely.
  2. Abase yourself in your contrition. Or brazen it out. Or could I suggest you lead us all in a jolly sing-song?
  3. Let's see...in the last 24 hours I played miniature golf with my kid, studied for a test, aced the test, had sex twice with my wife, met some friends for lunch, had a good time and interesting conversation with those friends, discussed a long term project with a colleague, recycled a bunch of bottles, used an umbrella three times, was awed by the beauty of nature twice, corresponded by e-mail with three significant other human beings, had a really tasty dinner, helped arrange some logistics of a weekend retreat with some friends and participated in this vibrant thread. I've got enough life, thank you. In fact I'd rather get rid of some life. Perhaps you need some?</font>
  4. ÜberGnome, how about an amazing Aussie singsong? The Happy Little Vegemites Song We're happy little Vegemites as bright as bright can be, we all enjoy our Vegemite for breakfast, lunch and tea, our mummies say we're growing stronger ev'ry single week, because we love our Vegemite, we all adore our Vegemite, it puts a rose in ev'ry cheek we're growing stronger ev'ry week. It's such a happy song. Persephone</font>
  5. Dammit Seanachai! Why can't we just crucify him. Why does every one want to make this more difficult than it needs to be?</font>
  6. Do you know, I love this Thread. Oh, not most of you, of course. Most of you lot are like a big city drunk tank on a Saturday night. Between the halfwits shaking the bars and screaming obscenities during psychotic episodes, and the other lot weeping, snuffling, and wiping their noses with their vomit covered t-shirts, it's hard to sort out those who 'Can' from those who 'Never Will'. But the Thread. There are moments... When even halfwits see the point. When even the Worst, say the Best, for all the Right Reasons. When the Eldest have to Acknowledge the Most Useless, because they've arrived. Still, that's nothing for you, CMplayer, because you've still been a major pillock. You've not done right, lad. You took a Squire before your own Knight owned you as a Knight. We called you on it, you sodding, useless, half-witted pillock. You admitted nothing. Marlow returned and forgave you. WE are not that forgiving. You are not forgiven. I want a song from you, lad. Or a post that will make the Angels weep. Something worthwhile. You've been carried, now, for any number of months. Return to us one good thing. Just one. Put some thought into it. Some heart. Something to make us all sit up and say: Yes!
  7. Ah, Grog Dorosh. How you puzzle us. Firstly, talking about anything, even Groß Deutschland, with Panzer Leader, is a sign of mental instability. As for your trouble with MTM, there are many fine counselors now able to prescribe medications to keep you from 'smiling' too soon. Perhaps if you think about cricket while you and Panzer Leader are discussing GD, her smile won't cause you to return to your wardrobe in embarrassment. As for 'best' CM players, isn't this a topic for the Opponent Finders thread, or the forums on the various ladders? Ladder play. What a very focused way to direct your consciousness. Like a gang that was neither bright enough to be able to, nor stupid enough to want to obsess about their SAT scores; and lusting after belonging to the Chess Club, while disdaining it because they didn't wear leather. [ June 13, 2002, 03:43 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  8. Bah! Grog Dorosh, I beat you like a gong that was being beaten with the dead baby harp seal that you are, that I had already clubbed into a better world; with that baby harp seal having been beaten into usefulness with the leg I sawed off your silly Canadian frame by wrenching off your lower jaw and using it like a saw to sever your limb that resides in the house that Peng built. Be sure to mention your loss to me while you're swanking it with all your Invitational 'Uber' friends. Mind, he was quite a good sport during our game.
  9. So the top two players were Finns? Fix! Fix! Or do somefink... And Shandorf, you toad, have you no shame? What are you doing at number three? Couldn't wrestle your rightful place away from Grog Dorosh, you little boy?
  10. Also, this is, without a doubt, the worst sodding title for a Thread we have ever had. I will be back later when the nausea recedes. Oh, and I can walk again. What a very strange double post... [ June 11, 2002, 12:28 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  11. Tie your shoes. Ah, another week of blessed silence... [ June 11, 2002, 12:26 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  12. Good gods. Hemingway. Well, Bad Hemingway. But still funny. Well, except for some of the spelling, which was awful. Still, throw in a few references to eating mussels and drinking good white wine, and this is rather like Hemingway discovering CM.
  13. No, Michael, I will never have my name in 23 subject headings simultaneously. I would vastly prefer to be abused in 23 different threads simultaneously. As part of the general round-up, you know, of the 'Usual Suspects'. Now, as to this 'Challenge' thread... Well, Fionn, so 'You're Back'. Walk in here, bold as brass, laying out the rules, the what-have-yous, and the demands. And challenging the lads of the Peng Challenge Thread. You've been gone a long time, Laddie. Oh, don't mind me, Lad. I'm not after a Lesson. I'm not after an AAR. I've no intent of a 'Victory'. I'm here to tell ya' one thing, and one thing only. You're good. You may be amongst the very best. You might even be 'The Best'. But you're no 'The Best' in the Peng Challenge Thread. Now that you're back, Lad, and can post as a free man, you've yet to take up the Challenge. As for a game against you...well, I'm only a half-arsed player. I certainly wouldn't put my name on the list, becaue I can't imagine mustering the skills to challenge Fionn Kelly. Although I'd like to, because defeat does not bother me. But what about the Challenge, Lad? Would you care to show up on the Peng Challenge Thread, Lad, and bandy words with me? You've taken on any number of challenges from our members. And you've shown neither hide nor hair to abuse any of them. Is that what you think the Peng Challenge Thread is about? You're a busy man, I realize. But I demand some sort of Challenge, by our now ancient and almost incomprehensible rules. As one of the Olde Ones, I should demand that you abuse our folk individually, at length, and with feeling. Given the rush of folk willing to play you, I will stand as their representative, and abuse you one on one. Taunt me, Fionn. Validate your return.
  14. Sigh. I suppose this was inevitable. Grog Dorosh, step forward. You, most despicable of all the Goddess's creatures, a Grog, are you yet willing to enter here, and swear yourself as Squire to a Knight, that knight being myself? And as Squire, are you willing to do what is right, and uphold what is right, and to stray not from what is right? Will you Taunt, Villify, Jest, Mock, and Declaim? Will you honour the Olde Ones as Fools, and will you acknowledge the Justicar as their Tool, and will you give due weight to your Seniours, acknowledging that many of them are even weirder than you can ever be, and many of them can quite easily find out where you live, and do something about it? And, finally, will you be a True Squire to a True Knight, and will you honour the Ladies of the Pool? And you say 'yea' to all of these, I will take you into House Senility, and open to you will be the path to Knighthood in the Peng Challenge Thread. Oh, and a lot of people will throw ****e at you, and you never, ever want to fall asleep beneath an overhang. But that's alright, because eventually you have a really good shot at a lot of those stupid bastards.
  15. Sigh. I suppose this was inevitable. Grog Dorosh, step forward. You, most despicable of all the Goddess's creatures, a Grog, are you yet willing to enter here, and swear yourself as Squire to a Knight, that knight being myself? And as Squire, are you willing to do what is right, and uphold what is right, and to stray not from what is right? Will you Taunt, Villify, Jest, Mock, and Declaim? Will you honour the Olde Ones as Fools, and will you acknowledge the Justicar as their Tool, and will you give due weight to your Seniours, acknowledging that many of them are even weirder than you can ever be, and many of them can quite easily find out where you live, and do something about it? And, finally, will you be a True Squire to a True Knight, and will you honour the Ladies of the Pool? And you say 'yea' to all of these, I will take you into House Senility, and open to you will be the path to Knighthood in the Peng Challenge Thread. Oh, and a lot of people will throw ****e at you, and you never, ever want to fall asleep beneath an overhang. But that's alright, because eventually you have a really good shot at a lot of those stupid bastards.
  16. What the hell was that? Bloody idjits. Still, I imagine his mother loves him.
  17. What the hell was that? Bloody idjits. Still, I imagine his mother loves him.
  18. On my Jesus Christ Superstar album he asks "What is truth?" Do you have, like, a different edition?</font>
  19. On my Jesus Christ Superstar album he asks "What is truth?" Do you have, like, a different edition?</font>
  20. Yeknod are you gonna stand for that? Looks like Dorosh is trying to move in on your territory. </font>
  21. Yeknod are you gonna stand for that? Looks like Dorosh is trying to move in on your territory. </font>
  22. I was simply mesmerized by Seanachai's witty banter throughout the game, and rushed through my turns so that I could hear more, sooner. I simply did not want to admit to it here. As well he should, and no disgrace to him. I can vouche for his rushing through turns. The body count simply can't be accounted for any other way. Actually, Grog Dorosh, what we call CM is "Religion". Which is why we don't value prowess in playing CM as a measure of an individual's worth or ability. How do you 'rate' another person's spiritual evolution? We'll leave that sort of thing to Mr. Ashcroft and any number of god-posturing morons out there. No, you see, what we value here, what we, as connoisseurs, take delight in, is the Pose. The Taunt. The Challenge. What is a win or loss? They are both an offering on the altar of battle. Ah, but how they are offered, accepted, reported, or rationalized! That is the point at which artistry may arise! It is by the sermons of the Enlightened as offered by means of the Peng Challenge that you shall judge their participation, their joy, and their contribution. Children worry only about 'victory'. As did the Phillistines. Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we, like Pilate, simply ask: What is Victory?
  23. I was simply mesmerized by Seanachai's witty banter throughout the game, and rushed through my turns so that I could hear more, sooner. I simply did not want to admit to it here. As well he should, and no disgrace to him. I can vouche for his rushing through turns. The body count simply can't be accounted for any other way. Actually, Grog Dorosh, what we call CM is "Religion". Which is why we don't value prowess in playing CM as a measure of an individual's worth or ability. How do you 'rate' another person's spiritual evolution? We'll leave that sort of thing to Mr. Ashcroft and any number of god-posturing morons out there. No, you see, what we value here, what we, as connoisseurs, take delight in, is the Pose. The Taunt. The Challenge. What is a win or loss? They are both an offering on the altar of battle. Ah, but how they are offered, accepted, reported, or rationalized! That is the point at which artistry may arise! It is by the sermons of the Enlightened as offered by means of the Peng Challenge that you shall judge their participation, their joy, and their contribution. Children worry only about 'victory'. As did the Phillistines. Here in the Peng Challenge Thread, we, like Pilate, simply ask: What is Victory?
  24. It's not that you're becoming senile, Joe. Although it's no longer politic to admit it, all those goddamn Australians look alike to me, too! Well, except for Mace, of course. He looks like he just escaped from outtakes of "Boogie Nights". So, I guess you are becoming senile. Don't give it another thought, lad. Not that you could, of course.
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