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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Sorry, the Chicago Part Deux thing threw me. I thought this might be a look at the second Daly hegemony.
  2. Where are all these bloody Finns coming from?! There are thousands of them! Can't we establish immigration quotas like any other polity? Or perhaps a system of environmentally sustainable control practices, like setting the Australians on them in order to keep both populations properly culled? I imagine I will be playing CMBO for some time to come as I finish my current PBEMs. Given my rate of return, this will doubtless be several months. I, too, am looking forward to the Eastern Front, most likely because there are many people of Finnish descent living in my State. Of course, on AussieJeff's computer, the Eastern Front will continue to look like Libya. [ July 10, 2002, 11:00 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  3. Truimphant means you actually had your fly zipped as you staggered through the grating? Since Marlow is back, I will return to my story: 'Marlow Comes to Schloss Peng' as soon as I return from Canada.
  4. Yes, noted. I've been dealing with a number of issues involved with leaving town for 5 days. But I will send your setup tonight.
  5. What, besides your almost magically halfwitted belief that you are fighting somewhere just south of Tobruk?
  6. Hmm, 'Play Nice' comes immediately to mind. The egregious halfwit known as CMPlayer is still waking up, and Berli actually longs to be asleep. How about a group hug?
  7. No! Never! It defames everything we hold dear for Australians (that most hated of peoples) to begin to discuss 'sneak previews' of CMBB. It must not happen! BFC, I beg of you: Do not simply forbid the Australians from a sneak preview of CMBB, but immediately rip the Beta-test copies from the clutching paws of Marsupials like Mace! (bolded because he's an esteemed member of the Peng Challenge Thread).
  8. Hmm. I was pretty sure that Yeknod was a Knight. But a Seniour Knight? True, he amuses me. Anyone who amuses me rates high, in my book. Also true, he annoys others, and many 'simply don't get him'. This also gets points in the ÜberGnome scoring system. But, it's also true that suddenly elevating him to Seniour Knight will annoy our Justicar. This has both positive and negative effects. But, we have a 'This would make me happy' from our own Persephone, a Lady of the 'Pool. And I know that Joe has a certain affection for our own Patch. I think we need to poll the Olde Ones. Berli, Peng, What Sayest Thou? Should Young Yeknod be named 'Knight of the Thistle', and raised to Seniour Knight status? Seriously, he's damn near as incomprehensible as Mensch, but far more coherent. [ July 09, 2002, 02:06 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  9. Sod all that for a game of tin soldiers! As a 'Forum Regular' (no matter how annoying), with a member number below 1500, I demand that BFC call me up personally several days before the release and discreetly take my credit card info and ship me the disc before the general announcement and all the unseemly screaming and flailing around begins.
  10. Time to sing the Anthem! Oh, Canada Oh land filled with Canadians If the French had won you might be called Acadians And then a hockey game breaks out and drowns out the rest Harv...may I call you Harv? Of course I can. That's like Mace asking a sheep if he can call it 'Sheila'. Harv, I uphold the right of all Canadians to be Canadian. I rather like Canada, actually. The Canadian side of Lake of the Woods might be where we scattered my father's ashes. I hope it was there, actually. Everyone had been drinking quite a bit, and it might have been any lake down here (Christ, we've got thousands of them, and most of them you could heave the urn completely across), and it might have been Mille Lacs. But that's neither here nor there. You see, I'm departing for Canada in a couple of days. I'm heading up to the Winnipeg Folk Festival, which I massively enjoy. Oh, so to all my 'Esteemed Opponents': You won't see any turns from Thursday, July 11th until Monday, July 15th. Like this will be the longest you've waited. Now, Harv, the reason I know, respect, and even like Canada is simple: I'm a Minnesotan. And it has long been the dream of our State to secede from the American Union and, after Conquering Canada, form a new nation that will finally achieve perfection. We, as Minnesotans, will finally be free form having to deal with the useless, whining, aggressive swine of the East Coast, the daft and drooling hicks of America's South, the bumbling lackwits of States like Ohio and Illinois, the 'aura fed' idiocy of Californians, the gibbering idiocy and back-slapping stupidity of Texans, the...Well, I think you get the picture. Our dream has always been to take control and provide the leadership necessary to turn Canada's smiling, friendly, lackadaisical populace with the drive to achieve World Domination that only Americans have (however poorly executed). Our timetable, of course, has been seriously hindered by Jesse 'the Ego' Ventura. He's discredited us before both nations, not to mention that I was never once invited to the Governor's Mansion for an evening of drunken hijinks resulting in vomiting all over bits of Minnesota's history, while the State Patrol was confiscating driver's licenses and trying to decide whether to document the fact that they were ignoring the inordinate number of 16 year old girls that had passed out in various rooms of the manion. But that is neither here nor there. Well, actually, it's very much here, but the useless swine won't be running again, so there. Now, once we are back on track with our plan for a New World Order, championed by Canada under the leadership of Minnesotan Warlords, can I count on your support? Remember, lad, the Whole World Is Watching. [ July 09, 2002, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  11. CMPlayer, you complete and utter pillock. We've already had problems from 'excessive nested quotes'. Stop it. Now. Also discontinue this practice in the future. We all had fun with them in that one thread, but we've moved on. We make enough demands on the Forum and UBB as it is, without halfwits making things worse. Now, carry on. I know you didn't mean to be a complete tosser.
  12. He often begins like Cyrano, but he inevitably concludes like Beavis. If we could just break him of this habit of descending back to his roots, he'd be...well, not an 'ornament to the Thread', but at least he'd be less annoying. Oh, and my dear former Squire: I suddenly discovered that I'd neglected to return your last file (probably because it was a setup, and I was drunk). It shall wing its way to you shortly.
  13. You are lost to us, lcm1947. Another one succumbs to excessive exclamation point use... I blame Madmatt; he's made this sort of thing fashionable. [ July 08, 2002, 11:14 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  14. Hmm, resend. I'll double check, but I'm sure I don't have it.
  15. Spoken like a Gentleman, and you can't ask more fair than that. Now, Harv, as the closest...nearest...well, as the only Canadian currently on the Thread of threads (at least at this hour), let me just tender my heartfelt apology for making any sort of ironical, or joking remark about the liklihood of anyone in Calgary being at the Winnipeg Folk Festival. The distance between these two, fair, Canadian cities was pointed out to me on the General Forum, and I'm afraid I made light of it all, and reacted poorly to the person who let me know that the two were 'a long ways apart'. I would hate for my jocular remarks regarding the ability of a person in Calgary to nip on over to the Winnipeg Folk Festival to somehow imply a lack of knowledge regarding Canada. If you could find it in your Canadian heart to understand that I'm not completely ignorant regarding your country, nor belittling of its majestic grandeur, then I am willing to welcome you onto the Peng Challenge Thread, and accept the fact that although you're a bloody farmer living in the flatest and most appallingly 'unsuited for anything other than farming or supporting bison' place on earth, you're one of us.
  16. Yeknod's a Knight, isn't he? If not, I demand that Yeknod be a Knight. Knight of the Thistle, perhaps. I like his patois. It amuses me to hear him speak.
  17. That was entirely too many exclamation points. Please show a decent sense of restraint. Also, your grammar was execrable, but we're going to let it go by, because we assume you were attempting to be both 'excited', and 'colloquial'. But more than three exclamation points makes you look either like Madmatt (which you most certainly are not), or a 12 year old. I post this out of concern for you. [ July 07, 2002, 11:44 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  18. Broken elbow my arse! You're spewing out your usual reams of gibberish on the General Forum. We should start up a contest to see if there even is a topic on this planet that you won't suddenly develop an opinion/expert status on. Christ on a crutch with motion sickness, but if someone posted tomorrow that they did enjoy the caresses of children, you'd post an op-ed piece on how their child molesting wasn't the 'real thing', with a 500 word synopsis of how it should be done, and round it all out with a sniff over how if you'd been molesting the children, they'd have been in therapy until they were 40.
  19. Sigh. Capt, a mind is a terrible thing to waste, or to never have had at all. Focus, lad. Hmm. I feel an almost...depressing need to reach out to you. It would be so easy, in so many ways, to just tell you, sometimes, to shut the hell up. But that wouldn't really be the answer, now would it? So instead I feel myself moved to send you a story via email. Doubtless you will laugh at my attempt to...not 'bridge' the gap between us, but rather to explore its width and depth. Attend, it shall be there shortly. [ July 06, 2002, 02:24 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  20. I instruct the young, Mace, for their own advantage and safety. [ July 06, 2002, 01:46 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  21. Harv, my little soldier boy. I have turned a forgiving eye to your presence here so far. Firstly, because the Justicar spoke up for you, which was good enough for me, and Nextly, because the Justicar spoke up for you, and took you to Squire, and no one should have to pay for the same mistake twice. But let me show you the way out of the shadow into which you have strolled. Never, ever, screw with the names of the Ladies of the Pool. Not Persephone, not Yk2, not Kitty. It's simply not on, lad. Don't make this mistake again. We now return you to contemplating the endless lack of a horizon in that perfect L7 of a province, Saskatchewan.
  22. Boo, it is only normal that you should regard me with near idolatry, and equally understandable that you should feel a certain embarrassment when that fact is revealed. I'm sure no one here thinks less of you for desiring to scour my boots clean with your tongue, while attempting to sing my praises at the same time (while this imparts a certain rhythmicality to your vocals, it is playing hell with the melody, I might add). Sorry, all, to break in like this, but Lord General MB seems to be intent on my 'megalomania' again, and I'd hate to let the little tyke down by a display of hubris that was less than optimal. Also, this is a good way to help Boo confront and learn to accept his role of 'Caliban' to my 'Prospero'.
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