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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. wbs, not to get on your case, but I'd just like to say this before this moves into full-swing: This is probably the third or so discussion I've seen on this issue, and I even think this is a question that bears looking at, but before everyone piles on again stating their opinion yet again, and the same fragmented info and thoughts on this, and before all the new people rush in to say 'yeah, what's that all about', and other people call those people a bunch of bloody idjits, could someone please post a link to some of the original threads on 'gun hits' for wbs. On the other hand, if you have new and relevant info to bring forward on this issue, then do so. But I envision that the fourth, or maybe only third, rehashing of the same info and opinions will most likely result in the usual gang of people saying one thing, and the other gang of people saying the other thing, and the relevant bits will get lost, as they almost always do, in the strident braying of voices trumpeting 'Overmodeled', and the equally discordant shrieking of 'Where's Your Proof!', and people calling each other all sorts of perfectly true and applicable names. I'm an old man, and I need my rest in anticipation of CMBB, and the brouhaha that results from one of these discussions of a feature in a year old game that will not, for the foreseeable future, undergo any modification, is putting me off both rest and food. Worse, the resultant reiteration of every opinion, thought, half imagined concept, half remembered fact, completely made-up gibberish, personal hatred, 'BFC got this ****e horribly wrong', 'BFC can do no wrong', I once saw a tank in a movie, I once read a book about tanks, and finally, I want everyone to read, yet again, the thing I previously said about this in the first, second, third, ad infinitum iteration of this thread, is causing me to question the very utility of BEER. Suppose Jesus returned to earth tomorrow. And suppose he brought beer. Really, really great beer, like Keystone! Would he have to listen to the barfight that resulted from another discussion of the modeling of 'gun hits'?
  2. Noted. It was a 'hasty and poorly defined' generalization lumped in with much more specific examples. When written I was thinking primarily of those splinter groups whose ultra-conservative 'christianity' merely serves as an underpinning for their primarily 'supremacist' activities. [ July 19, 2002, 04:47 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  3. Actually, I don't know where that whole thing came from. I thought the whole 'Knighting' thing was just something we did when drunk and/or bored. It's very important to have rules, and traditions, and unbending and unvarying rules of conduct and behaviour. The important thing is not to pay any real attention to them. Unless, of course, they're needed to beat some utter idjit into unconsciousness, or you want to have someone on, or you just feel like being a pain in the arse. Then they're like religion, but not as humourous.
  4. "Flak units in Brittany and their representation in CMBO" Whether Britney Spears has sex with her PR flunkies or not, is, I feel, something that should not, by any means, be modeled in any of the Combat Mission games. Michael Dorosh (who is, after all, a card carrying Canadian), should be beaten within an inch of his tacky life for even introducing this sort of 'celebrity-mongering', disgusting topic. Beware: One man's mole hill, is another man's Everest. And do we really want to be confronted with Grog Dorosh's 'Everest'?
  5. It will never end. What inspires disappoinment? This is the one, true soul of the Combat Mission Forum.
  6. I find your lack of faith...disturbing. Alright then, Papa Khann. I will accept a setup from you. No more than 1500 base points. Quick Battle, please, I don't wish to expend a scenario, from whatever source, on your infidel ramblings. All other conditions are yours to set. I have withheld the full scrutiny, abuse, and...'attention' of the ÜberGnome from your aimless postings because, after all, you are a Landsmann. That shall change. You have had your day in the sandbox, Papa Khann. Your time of poncing about with the young and the foolish is at an end. Send me the setup. Then make your peace with whatever ludicrous entity you may worship. For I will feed you to Great Fred. May he have mercy on your useless, pointless, and flavourless soul.
  7. Well, we also have "Political Officers" in the General Forum, and they are indeed the equivalent of "Commisars". One is characterized as 'Starfleet Captain'. All Totalitarian States, or those who would emulate them, will institute this sort of grim and judgemental 'check' on individual thought and expression. From the Inquisitor General of Spain, to France of the Revolution, from the Gestapo of Nazi Germany, to the Commisars of Soviet Russia, from Islamic Mullahs demanding the death of book authors, to Right Wing Christians of our own America, you will always find those ready to perpetrate horror in the name of their "Higher Ideal'. When an ideological stance is philosophically and spiritually bankrupt, the only way to promote and enforce it is through repression, bigotry, and the slander of all opposing viewpoints. [ July 19, 2002, 02:26 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  8. Take yourselves off to the new home of the Thread of threads. The Death Clock of the PENG CHALLENGE Thread Tolls for Thee
  9. Will he accept Great Fred as his personal saviour? Not that that's required, of course, I'm just interested. I say, Lurkur has shown himself...well, not 'worthy', as such, but certainly less worthless than many others. And he even took time to try and lead this rather lackwitted 'Rooster' fellow back on to the path of righteousness (hard to tell if it had any profound effect). I'd say make him a Knight. What sayeth Berli? How speaketh Peng? Someone call the Justicar at poolside (you know how he loves it when a uniformed hotel employee has to carry the silver phone out to poolside on the special long cord, and stand there and hold it while the Justicar handles business), any reason why young Lurkur shouldn't get the nod, Old Foul Joe?
  10. You are not paying attention. I have not been eaten by a polar bear. I will be eaten by a polar bear after my death. This Great Fred has promised me, his name be praised.
  11. Alright, lads and lassies, I'm once again attempting to re-immerse myself in the Thread of threads. After returning completely exhausted from the Winnipeg Folk Festival, shy several pints of blood from the flying vampire bats that Canadians humourously refer to as 'mosquitoes' (their attacks would have made Russian human wave attacks look limp and weak willed), and still slightly bemused from spending 9 hours a day sitting in bright sun and 90 degree heat, I was welcomed back by my family and relations with demands to spend all my free time and little remaining strength on construction projects. So no turns have gone out, and posting here has been spotty, at best. But that shall now change. First, let me tell you that while attending that great Canadian music festival, I underwent spiritual rebirth. So profound was the experience that I was moved to write a song celebrating this apotheosis, that I shall share with you now in a jolly spiritual sing-song. Now some men pray to gods And some sacrifice to devils And some folk go to church And some to satanic revels Some place faith only in science While others worship money But my god’s greatest of all, although you might find him funny Refrain: There’s a Power watching over me And I even know his name He’s a great, white polar bear named Fred He loves me and he guides me Comforts me and chides me And he’s promised that he’ll eat me when I’m dead Well I used to walk alone, And I often walked in darkness Through a spiritual landscape Filled with ugliness and starkness But now aurora borealis Flames all around my head ‘Cause a great white bear will eat me when I’m dead You can talk about your heavens You can talk about your hells You can ponder and debate About where your soul will dwell But when I’m dead and gone And Fred’s taken that last bite I will spend eternity, as a pile of frozen ****e Refrain Don’t fill me with embalming fluid Let’s skip that old cremation I want to return all that I was and am And be at one with all creation So when I’m dead and gone And shuffled off this mortal coil Passing through great Fred’s intestines, will be my final toil Now Fred performs no miracles Except that of digestion To punish sinners, raise up saints That’s just out of the question No temples have been raised to him Except the mound there’ll be When he’s finally digested, and excreted me Refrain If you believe in my polar bear Then he’ll believe in you And when you’re dead and gone my friend Great Fred will eat you too And we’ll make our merry way Through the bowels of another species To be immortalized forever, as polar bear feces There you have it, my friends. The first hymn in the Church of Great Fred, or Psalm 1, as it were. More this evening, when I return to my home computer and finish catching up with all your little natterings while I was gone. [ July 18, 2002, 12:15 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  12. Whoa! You can't beat an inflatable Berli. Well, you can, of course, but that's really sick.
  13. Is it done in his own blood, or someone else's? If he was signing in blood, shouldn't this be in Berli's hands? It seems a bit pale, suggesting anemia. In any case, if it's in Madmatt's own blood I'll put in a bid. Please clarify.
  14. Actually, I think most of the Brits are cannibal anglicans. But as they're C of E, they only eat the 'proper' bits.
  15. It's not a leakage if: One Important Thing) We don't start the thread. A Different Important Thing) They invite us in. The poor Newbie named his thread (roughly) in such a way as to encourage Cesspoolers to post. In this, all members of the Peng Challenge Thread are to be held blameless here. In any case, someone will probably be along shortly to tidy up.
  16. "You useless little bit of shredded meat that hasn't quite yet been sucked out from between the teeth of one of our lesser members, and spat into the mouth of a roight idiot." I found your explanation not only apropos, but quite cogent. Even well spoken. I remember your original appearance in the Peng Challenge Thread. I had high hopes for you (cue Spanish guitar). But you arrived at a time of conflict, self-doubt, and confusion. You posted like an angry hand wielding the brand of bitterness! (Guitar goes wild on the high end, with a determined-but-tear-jerking riff) It's never too late, lad, to have an unhappy Peng Challenge Thread experience all to yourself.
  17. House of the Unserved Masters Geier, Hakko Ichiu, Mark IV, Pawbroon Some are gone Some are game None forgotten Their names remain Forever ours their posts our fame Swift striding bastards Amongst the lame. I name their House Let no one claim That Masters, servantless Were here defamed. Standing Skald then, yes, once again, and with a right awful attempt at anything approaching an historical verse. Still, I blame you lot. I'm constanstly having to make good on the fly when I see what you've been up to. Ah, the joy of discovering that the World is evenly split between Bodhisattvas, Drunken Masters, and Sly Dogs. Render it here now, and say it with a Roight Good Will: I AM RETURNED FROM THE WINNIPEG FOLK FESTIVAL! In my absence, I see you've raised up that Geordie swine, Athkatla to Squire. Good thing, and time he was brought into the fold. Good on Ye', Sir Yeknod, for taking his otherwise useless, anarchistic poncing about and redirecting it into simple useless, anarachistic poncing about! Everyone wins. More upon all that you've done here, my own adventures, and the fact that most of you aren't fit to tote guts to a bear in my next installment.
  18. Two hours of sleep, then off to Canada. I've set up our new distribution center. No one got any turns. Sorry. Family crises, and last minute in town problems precluded being a good CMBOer Everyone play nice until I return. [ July 11, 2002, 04:08 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  19. Beloved and mentally damaged visitor to the Peng Challenge Thread: Doubtless the fact that you currently reside in Texas, marking you as almost magically halfwitted, explains your inability to recognize this as the 'Changing of the Guard'. One Peng Challenge Thread retires to the barracks of History, while the other takes up position to await individuals staggering in who are even more idiotic than yourself. Your post is deeply valued by the Peng Challenge Thread. You, however, are a bottom-feeder, and we're tossing dynamite into the pond in order to bring you to the surface.
  20. Ah, drawn in to see how the European Version of the Peng Challenge will be handled, eh? Well, the normal, Peng Challenge "Welcome In Our Brothers" will, because of certain Real World Legal Constraints, continue to be rendered as: "Sod Off, you Annoying Halfwits". Now, if you are a long time supporter of the Peng Challenge Thread, and cannot believe that the standing invitation to universal brotherhood and fellow feeling might needs give way to a hearty 'Sod Off', then you are living in a Fool's Paradise. The truth is, we have been telling people to 'Sod Off' within months of the release of CMBO. Many of them continued to show up anyways. Legislation here within the Peng Challenge Thread requires of us that the following behaviours be maintained: When you arrive, pick out someone, preferably someone as dedicated to the freedom to abuse and taunt others as yourself, but not someone who must, because of rulings from the Justicariate, remain forever above you, and challenge them to a game. Taunt Them. While doing so, sound off like you've got a pair. Rules of the Peng Challenge Thread forbid members from taking up challenges by idjits who challenge everyone in general. There is nothing we can do about this, as it is the law. Do not sound off about your pair, and do not make references that might target any given group with hateful references or belittlement, except, occassionaly and with a right good sense of fun, the Canadians, the Australians, the Anyone In or From Texas, the Mormons, the French Legume, Certain Species of Aquatic Fowl, and anyone so sodding stupid as to think we give a rip. Cherish each other. You will never have the opportunity to hate people, and to let them know that you hate them, like you will here. So each awful failure of the human species that you encounter should be like a brother. In any right thinking, correctly run society, you would be jailed for the feelings that you will embrace here with all reverence. Finally, when it gets right down to it, we don't need or want any of you. We can sell this Thread for millions to vicious arseholes like Bill Gates. In fact, we get requests from him weekly, begging us to sell the complete rights to the Peng Challenge Thread for immense sums of money, not to mention huge tracts of land. We never give in. Why? Because being the most hateful and iconoclastic wargaming Thread on any Forum is important to us. We could go for the money, but we don't. We would rather hate each and every one of you stupid swine to the exact extant that you deserve. Because, by doing so, we feel that we enrich the entire Wargaming Community. [ July 11, 2002, 03:45 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  21. Enough. Edit your post. No one likes scrolling back and forth just to keep caught up on the Thread. 'Up Yours' is not a taunt, it's stupidity. We all get carried away, from time to time. You've shown some promise, and have met some opponents here. A little more imagination, and a little less ****e. I leave for Canada in 3 hours (why, oh why, can I never get everything done before 2 AM?) (Justicar, please keep your eye on this one. In a community of chaotic individuals, no one can have any respect for the chaotic individual who doesn't acknowledge the right of all other chaotic individuals. The basis of community is belonging.)
  22. This is not on. In this I must step forward and restrain young Rune. Blood Hamster does enjoy a special...nay, reverential place in the tales, traditions, and mythology of the Peng Challenge Thread. Blood Hamster may always be called, and, if agreed upon, shall be in force. But something as...Holy as the Blood Hamster match cannot be made mock of by sending one opponent a setup to which he is unable to respond. Rune, I am surprised at you. I know that you're just having a bit of a go at the Justicar, but issues such as these should not be mocked. If you care to challenge the Justicar to a Blood Hamster match in CMBO, I'm sure, after you wade through a certain amount of verbiage, that you'll find him quite amenable. But to call Blood Hamster knowing that all means of legitimate reply are impossible... It is not right. I, at least, will not sit and see injustice done. Not, at least, to the traditions of the Peng Challenge Thread. [ July 11, 2002, 01:49 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  23. Did you notice that Fred 176 (or whatever) was back, and posturing again?
  24. I wish I could say that was true, but the truth of the matter is that Seanachai, Peng and I find the lad to be damned funny</font>
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