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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. He seems to be. Perhaps he can't continue pimp-slapping anyone until his hand heals up, and he's reading to fill the empty hours...
  2. I once tried being several people, but I found that being surrounded by that much intelligence and wit made me unwilling to seek out the company of others, which I felt was too much of a loss for the rest of humanity. This is all very strange, however. Why does Gaylord think I've been flirting with him? I assure you, lad, that I have never, ever flirted with you. That would be both unseemly, and contrary to my own nature. You have to get a grip on these flights of lunacy. I'm sure no one here has been flirting with you. I'm sure no one will flirt with you. You have to calm down and realize that there is no flirting being directed at you by any of the lads. Is that the problem? Is it the lack of flirting that has you so exercised? Perhaps you expect too much from the MBT. If it's flirting that you're actually looking for, then the General Forum will probably serve you better. Or perhaps the Opponent Finder Forum. Perhaps you could set up a 'PBEM and Flirting' thread over there. In any case, I think everyone should just allow Gaylord to take a few deep breaths and consider how he feels about himself, the other people here, and the lack of validation he's feeling (perhaps because no one is 'flirting' with him? Young people are so complicated and confusing when their hormones come into play). I'm sure none of us wants to accidentally say anything that might 'scar him for life', or lead to a crushing lack of self-esteem. So talk amongst yourselves, for a bit,and, should you see a few tears sliding down his cheeks, take no notice.
  3. Hmm. You do realize it should have been 'Detritus'? What is Counter-Strike? A game centered on convenience store labour disputes? If they wish to come by, they're quite welcome. A little notice would be nice, of course, so I could tidy a bit. As for masochism? I think not. I didn't ask for some rather piddling game of sexual dysfunction. I asked for good, honest hate. And in this thread, I merely made the reference as an avenue for the expression of that hate. Don't project.
  4. Thank you, Bastables. We should make you the Official Kiwi of the Peng Challenge Thread Bastables is quite right. Should you need to make your dislike manifest (as well you should), then go here: Hate Seanachai Or, of course, there's always email. But I find that something handwritten is so much more satisfying. So traditional.
  5. Ah, but there was no charge, you see. Your error was in thinking my time is valuable. But I thank you for your time. When a wise man reaches out to a fool, they become inextricably linked. Sigh. Perhaps I've grown too sensitive to the near endless parade of threads that begin with 'Wot's Up With This?' 'How Come My Lack of Understanding Isn't Being Met With an Equal Lack of Reality', and 'BFC, Fix, or Do Somefink!' Perhaps you are right. Perhaps I did this gentleman an injustice. Quite possibly he was simply being tongue-in-cheek. Sometimes it's hard to know. But I don't have any 'unresolved' hostility, lad. I have a lot of applied hostility. Famous for it. But perhaps, as you think, this was a missaplied application. Still, a bit of mockery doesn't seem completely out of order! Solidarity with our Northern Brethren, and all that. Bit west of true north, of course. But treat it as the right one.
  6. Terrapin, are you disrespecting Ninjas? Because I think there's probably some guitar music coming on...
  7. Hmm, gothic nightmare time. I bet the altar's been defiled, and there are actually vampires living in it and using it as their headquarters... [ December 17, 2002, 01:43 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  8. Thank you for this fine thread. Even I, as a non-Grog, found it 'magical'. It's always lovely to see a thread begin with a belligerent, or even 'clueless' title, and then have the poster 'guess' the correct answer in his first post. We look forward to many other fine, 'hey, this is stupid...unless, of course, this occurs to me' threads from you in the future. [ December 17, 2002, 01:11 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  9. There's that famous Panzer Leader sense of humour that we're all too likely to find all over our best pair of shoes! Let's run, and run, and run, through the rainbow-illuminated park of the Peng Challenge Thread until we all fall down and throw-up!
  10. Wow! You fought for the Confederacy?! How bloody old are you? I guess that doesn't matter, though, really. I guess what matters is: How could you fight for the right of Southern States to be...Southern?
  11. Stop playing silly buggers with Newbies, ya' nong! Dear Newcomers: This is a fine site, a great game, a fabulous company, and a good Forum. Some of the lads have a very strange sense of humour. Many of them dwell in the Peng Challenge Thread. They're...er...a bit dodgy with strangers. The other lads with a strange sense of humour will send you to the Peng Challenge Thread as a jest. Pay them no mind. It'll all come out right on the night, mark my words.
  12. Oh, and Nidan, I know your profile says something about 'New York', but are you a secret Englishman? Sometimes, when I'm reading your posts, I get this pong of lime juice. I'm not having with any of this 'secret Englishman', or 'Australian mole' thing. It was bad enough that Pondscum and OGSF played at it so long. I think we need some open avowal of 'country of origin' on your case.
  13. As well you should. So you will be amongst the first to know that Tony Blair, in an unprecedented bout of Limey sycophancy, cut a secret deal with George W.'s Keepers, Britain quietly became a US Protectorate, and all British troops are now considered American troops. So MSNBC got it right, albeit not because they did get it right, so much as they inadvertantly acted like pillocks at a propitious moment and lucked into doing the right thing.
  14. Er...Boo, dear lad. You are aware that in our game you are playing the Russians?
  15. You have to understand the scale of things, and how everything is relative to position. What you don't hear is the conversation going on in the plane, where one airman is saying to the other: 'Look down there. Would you really feel any pity if one of those dots stopped moving forever? If I offered you 20,000 Marks for every dot that stopped, would you really, mensch, tell me to keep my money? Or would you calculate how many dots you could afford to spare?" And then the bomb separates and spins down... [ December 14, 2002, 06:54 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  16. True, but quite often the difference is simply that between an assassin and a serial killer... What one does for power, money, or art, the other does because he's sick and dependent. The result, however, is quite often the same.
  17. Not this one, I'm afraid. Bugger, I knew the answers I gave him even before I'd hung out here for a while, and absorbed a vast amount of collective wisdom. As well as idiocy. It adds spice to the wisdom.
  18. Because the application of even a full minute or two of quick burning petroleum isn't always enough to torch an entire structure, even if it starts up small, local fires that die out before they can achieve anything memorable? Or perhaps because the point of a flame weapon wasn't always necessarily to set something on fire, so much as to exhaust the oxygen from an area, killing crew or infantry? Or perhaps the perception that despite the glorious 'burst of incredible flame', a building tile graphic is still a bit of an abstraction, and the burst of flame is still a bit of an abstraction, and that the two, when juxtaposed, aren't quite like the results in a cartoon?
  19. Bastard. Why lumber us with the mental defectives? Send him to the General Forum, ya' nong.
  20. Certainly. Feel free to use a rail-gun to get it to sting properly. We want him to know the peanut's arrived, after all.
  21. Well, you did drink the hemlock.</font>
  22. Step right up, everyone! Ladies and Gentlemen, Girls and Boys, chickens, dogs, and Outer Boarders! Step right on up and shiver at the sight of this unnattural freak of nature! Panzer Leader, the Grogless Boy! Recoil in horror as he endlessly states that 'something just doesn't seem right to him'! Watch as he keeps repeating "34 SECONDS"! See him ignore every attempt to offer him reasons for why his fears are bootless! Share his anguish as 'The Powers That Are' pat him on his misshapen head, hand him a cookie, and gently send him forth to have the drool hosed off. Do not pass up this, the most disturbing Oddity of the Combat Mission Forum! Panzer Leader, the Lebowski of the Combat Mission Forum! Finally, do not let this opportunity to mock, revile, and spit upon him pass! Everyone join in! Let this 'Poster Child for Pillocks Everywhere' know exactly how much he fills you with pity, horror, and loathing! Hurray, hurray, hurray to see, despise, and laugh at this gormless, clueless, graspless git! Panzer Leader! You won't find him in Ripley's Believe it or Not! You won't find him at any Circus, Carnival, or travelling Freak Show! Cesspool attraction only!
  23. No. That's just the room we lock the kids up in when they've been really bad.</font>
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