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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Good God, is this yet another, slightly more focused incarnation of Gunny Bunny? I think that perhaps the greatest contribution anyone could make to the CM community would be a spreadsheet of the various 'incarnations' of known trolls, their distinguishing characteristics, topics, pet peeves, and modus operandi, with dates of arrival, bannings, etc. I just can't help but wonder, sometimes, when I come across some incredibly high member number poster, with no email address (not even some anonymous hotmail or yahoo account) in their profile, a willingness to stir up anger and a delight in taking the piss out, rather than posting in a reasonable and thoughtful manner, whether I'm once again encountering another demonic resurrection. Perhaps what BFC needs most is not more moderators, but a damn good exorcist!
  2. He/She is from Nevada, according to the profile. This is where God sent the unworthy to die in ignorance. That's why Vegas has so many floor shows.
  3. Persephone, a very belated happy birthday, and best wishes to whatever road your life takes. An aging Gnome sees you, lass. Mensch, all is forgiven. You're a useless waste of human genetic material, kiss, kiss. Let's do the Time Warp again.
  4. cue romantic music accompaniment: Mankato, City of Lights, City of Magic! Mankato, City of Lights, you're calling me Mankato, even now I can remember How the Minnesota winter Goes drifting through my dreams Ah, Pondscum! How I envy you young folk! I can only nod my aging head and hum a romantic tune to myself as I contemplate your meeting, your senses filled with the smell of lip balm and damp rabbit fur, that heady combination that bespeaks winter love. If I was only 20 years younger. Actually, if I was 20 years younger I'd drive down to Mankato, find out where you were staying, kick your useless Brit arse, display my proud manhood before your beloved, and give her the opportunity to experience the profound wonderment of 'Love in the North' (with bagpipe accompaniment). Happily for you, time has marched on, and taken this aging Gnome with it. I'm still contemplating driving to Mankato and kicking your arse, but for the rest... You'd be amazed at how many women have nae taste for the pipes.
  5. Good on 'ya, Mace! I'm sorry to hear your folks are no longer with us. But, on the bright side, having passed into the vale of Death, they aren't subjected to Vadr's posts, so they might be said to be the luckiest of us all.
  6. Main Entry: strop·py Pronunciation: 'strä-pE Function: adjective Etymology: perhaps by shortening & alteration from obstreperous Date: 1951 British : TOUCHY, BELLIGERENT I suppose next you'll want me to hold it for you while you pee, you illiterate bugger. All the glories and intricacies of the English language before you like a sunrise, and you, dazzled by the light, are content to drool 'say what?'
  7. Not to mention wankers, berks, alcos, derros, drongos, and all the other rainbow colours of the Aussie landscape. But thanks for not going into your entire genealogy.
  8. I'm not sure I concur. He has not yet amused me, for one thing. And he was distinctly stroppy with a Lady of the 'Pool (although she took it in stride, gods bless her). Also, he's from Florida. I hate Florida worse than I hate Australia, and with twice as much reason. Not that he's probably actually from Florida. Nobody's sodding from Florida. Florida is just the big septic tank that fills with new residents every time the East Coast flushes its societal toilet and sends all the scum and losers South to make a new life in the sun. I say no 'serf' status for him until he tells us where he's originally from, what portion of the Sun Sewer he now resides in, and he says something nice about the Scots.
  9. Depends. Are you coming to the Twin Cities? If so, don't pack any, and we'll have Lars piss on you directly. If you insist on being peed on by a fox, we can always contact Hanns and see who he has available.
  10. Sigh. I'm back. What a wretched extended weekend. I should have stayed in town and watched you lot slap-fight each other on the Peng Challenge Thread like a lot of weepy little girls. Instead, I was whisked away to some Northern Minnesota 'ski resort' largely infested with people incapable of instilling any sense of courtesy, manners, or intelligence into their children, probably because they hadn't a trace of these qualities themselves. The terms 'wanker' and 'pillock' pretty much served to describe every adult in the place, and the hallways should have had handy ritalin dispensers for their inbred, hyper-active, verminous children. There weren't even any particularly attractive 30 year old Mom's running around the place. Oh, I suppose one could have relaxed the usual societal and moral barriers and indulged in degenerate and despicable fantasizing about 'young girls', ala Woody Allen (Oh, to be a comic genius!), but the crop of 15 to 18 year olds at this place were so given to blank, pendent lower lip, buck-toothed looks of near idiocy that even the most hardened and dedicated pedophile would have taken the pledge. Well, I'm not yet caught up on the Thread of threads, but I do see that we have new chums posting. Please correct me if I'm wrong, but is there actually an idjit in here with 'SS' tacked on to his screenname? And another who's attempt at what (by charity) we might call an 'Irish' accent will soon put him into the 'AussieJeff Lower Form Group of Those Forbidden to Attempt Dialect or Written Accents?' I see we've also returned to the trademarked Dalem school of 'Thread titles taken from vaguely remembered songs that were playing when he acquired various STDs as a young man'. Hopefully I will be able to read through the innumerable, pointless bits of gibberish posted of late in the various incarnations of the MBT by this weekend, finding, perhaps, the odd gem of humour, pith, and wit here and there, to somehow give the illusion of it all being worthwhile. Until then, continue to indulge the usual game of 'worrying the old dish-towel' amongst yourselves until my return.
  11. I've never withdrawn from the fact that, everything else considered, this complete and utter yoick can be actually amusing when he attempts rhyne. Simply amazing. Enjoying all the joys of the North until January 1st. The only thing I'll attempt to miss is the peevish idiocy of the 'yah, my stupidity dangles lower than yours, which makes me the Alpha Male...or, more properly, severely deformed...'
  12. So, Mike, after all this time...you've not one good thing to say? No one, true, 'by this I will be judged, though it be it not like my sneering Board character' post to share with us? Some one, revealing, encompassing moment of 'I stand for all Kiwis here, and I say thus!'? I believe you capable of a thoughtful moment, however couched in Kiwi irony. I wait to hear that moment. [ December 28, 2002, 01:35 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  13. Eggnog? Eggnog's for the weak, Dorosh. We're going into the New Year with Jameson's. You never write anymore. But I've never stopped hating you. Perhaps, after the turn of the year, I could kick your Canadian arse up one side of CMBB, and back down the other? It would be...like old times, eh, Michael?
  14. It's sometimes good to consider how much we all have. Been thinkin' that the last few days with frustration over what I don't have as yet, which is a permanent job. Still, I have so much, and a whole universe of Australians to make mock of... How can you call me less than King? Dickens' Dublin (The Palace) Joyful mystery, the birth of our lord ... This night our Lady and St. Joseph was going up to get registered and um they were going down the road and they met this man ... and he said have you any room and he said 'Not but there's an old stable over there that I owned ... If yous want to go into it ... And they went over and the Lord came down from heaven at twelve o'clock and loads of beautiful angels was with them ... and when they were walkin I walk the streets of Dublin town It's 1842 It's snowing on this Christmas Eve Think I'll beg another bob or two I'll huddle in this doorway here Till someone comes along If the lamp lighter comes real soon Maybe I'll go home with him Maybe I can find a place I can call my home Maybe I can find a home I can call my own These three wise kings ... um ... they were all from different countries. And they always looked up at the sky and they looked up this night and saw this beautiful star up in the sky ... and when they were going they all meeted together ... and they had to pass King Herod's, not that we much care for him ... and they went in and he said 'Where ye goin with yer best stitches on ye.' The horses on the cobbled stones pass by Think I'll get one one fine day And ride into the country side And very far away But now as the daylight disappears I best find a place to sleep Think I'll slip into the bell tower In the church just down the street Maybe I can find a place I can call my home Maybe I can find a home I can call my own And they said 'Did you not hear the news' and say he says 'What news' he says 'This day the Saviour is born' and he said to them 'When you find him come back and tell me cause I want to go and adore him too' and he was only coddin' them. He wanted to kill him and when they were going, they stopped and they said 'Surely not this old stable that our King is born in. We were expecting a palace. Maybe on the way I'll find the dog I saw the other night And tuck him underneath my jacket So we'll stay warm through the night As we lie in the bell tower high And dream of days to come The bells o'er head will call the hour The day we will find a home Maybe I can find a place I can call my home Maybe I can find a home I can call my own Maybe I can find a place I can call my home Maybe I can find a home I can call my own There was these shepherds and shepherds are fellas that mind the foals and cows and sheeps and little lambs and all and um they hears this beautiful music up in the sky and they were wondering what was so fun ... an angel disappated then and he said I was wonderin' what so fun' and he said ye and he said 'The Saviour is born. If yous want to go to see him, follow that star up in the sky, and it was a beautiful star. -Loreena McKennitt
  15. It's a bit dull around here tonight. Or perhaps that's just my 'intelligence' talking... It's made me think about what I see so often on this Forum...Forums...Fora...Fauna...Dryads were a totally hot concept, must give those Ancients some credit... Where was I? Oh, yes. What I've seen posted of late reminds me of a discussion I once had with my ex-Fiancée (even Gnomes may fall in love). She was a member of the American Society of Friends (Quaker), and a human rights attorney. She told me: the difference between you and me is that I love mankind, but I can't stand most individuals, whereas you, Seanachai, love people, but hate mankind. This has been born out again and again in our lives. She's gone to horrible, war-torn disaster zones to help family members dig up the bodies of the 'Disappeared', done legal consulting work in societies where she was personally at risk, and looked down on by the people she was there to help, and she has written me endless letters about how much she disliked all the people she was trying to bring justice to. I, on the other hand, hate every single nation, nationality, ethnic group, tribe, religion, political party and fraternal lodge on the face of the planet, and yet I like many, many individuals that any righteous human conflict would leave dead in a ditch without benefit of clergy. This despite the fact that I know that many of these individuals are equally hated by whatever group they belong to. Behold the Glory of the Peng Challenge Thread, and the Combat Mission Forum! Funny old thing, Life, what? Building bridges to a better world, no matter that most of it's being done by complete arseholes like myself. Tonight, I'm filled with an almost mystical hatred for everything Aussie, Kiwi, Southern Cross-ish. How I hate the very concept of all you primitive marsupials, with your 'too stupid to profit from crime under the English' backgrounds, and your almost Americanesque destruction of your indigenous peoples, and your brash, 'We're so new, the Americans offer us advice, and we sign on for it' approach to world politics. Sniffle. I miss Stuka. And Simon. I guess I'll go back out to the main Forum, and tell those idjit Russian toads how stupid I think they are. I wonder if any of them can offer a decent quasi-English taunt?
  16. The piss-artist formerly known as 'HOFMAN' has been banned (twice). All future posts on how horribly everything 'Russian' has been handled in the game will be done in a completely similar style and at great expense by 'Leit', but probably without the benefit of calling Dorosh a vulgarity. I sometimes call Dorosh a vulgarity. But that's because I rather like him. Not like the Russians...
  17. This from the 'baby harp seal' of the Combat Mission Forum. 'Mis-spelling' doesn't even begin to approach the necessary descriptive power for what Gaylord does. Gaylord's treatment of English involves levels of significance that would normally be handled by the spelling equivalent of quantum theory. We hates him, and you. Have a lovely New Years, you useless, scary, intellectually suspect freakazoid.
  18. Whatever it is you are doing, it is not 'spelling'. We might have to make up a new word for what you do.
  19. So tell me Seanachai... do I send you some hate mail straight away or should I wait until New Years Eve before sending it? Regards Jim R.</font>
  20. Take some thorazine and wait for the text to go back to normal, you substance ingesting swine.</font>
  21. Agreed, but, as has been said, the German tractor is in because the work had already been done. But I believe that the actual game-play benefits conferred by using the correctly 'modeled' Soviet gun tractor aren't serious enough to merit the research, graphics modeling, rarity calculations, unit specs, etc. needed to correctly include them, given their limited relevance to frontline combat . It might be nice if BFC were able to do 'representative' Russian tractor capable of moving the major pieces. But seriously, how often is it necessary, or even worthwhile, to move a major field piece during the course of an average CMBB battle? Still, as I say, a 'representative' tractor might be nice. But don't go all reasonable on me, Kanonier. I know you, lad, and I've got my eye on you, I have. Bloody Aussie...
  22. Another good guess would be that the lads at BFC opted not to spend time endlessly modeling bunches of gun tractors that were: 1) Almost completely outside the scope of the tactical, sharp end of the stick frame of reference of CMBB 2) Almost never going to be purchased by players as a useless waste of points given the tactical nature of the game 3) Would, in any case, simply end up as so much burnt out, abandoned equipment in any given battle Ask yourself this: When was the last time you seriously concerned yourself with spending 100 or so points making sure that the correct gun tractors were being used to move artillery pieces in a 30-60 minute battle in which you never actually had the time or luxury of moving artillery pieces around? It boils down to whether people are playing an historical sim tonka truck documentary, or fighting a battle. I can think of a few games in which I had to load up some Artillery and move, or rather, 'attempt' to move it. In no case can I think of how that job would have been made more 'personally significant' if it was carried out by a gun tractor, as opposed to a 'truck', or even a twenty-mule team. Quite often the result was an abandoned gun, a burning 'transport' unit, and a certain amount of bad language over the failure to move my gun assets to a more 'advantageous' position. Now, I can imagine that there are certain situations, and perhaps even certain advantages to be gained, by using one of the many, many fabulous gun tractors that the Soviets doubtless produced in an unending stream during the War. But, in general, it simply doesn't mean a bloody thing within the scope, timeframe, and intended purpose of the game. That shouldn't stop anyone from dancing around shouting 'Oh My God! The Russian Gun Tractors normally used kilometers away from the action to move field pieces seldom found on the immediate battlefield outside the time-frame of a normal fire-fight are not modeled in the game!' BFC fix, or face the wrath of Soviet Tractor Enthusiasts Everywhere! What is this, a wargame, or a Monster Truck Rally?
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