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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Why are you wearing a large black plastic earring that glows like a rat's eye, you whiskered bum?
  2. Oh my God, he's 'fallen away'. This is going to kill your mother, you know. I'm tired of making excuses for why you're never at the Service anymore.
  3. I don't have a habit of drinking in front of my monitor at 02:01 Friday night, all alone. Not that much fun, imho. Are you drinking? If so, why? If not, why not? Oh, and back to the cesspool with you, isn't the whole point of the Peng Challenge Threads to keep you safely contained somewhere?</font>
  4. Isn't the whole point of the 'MasterGoodale' thread to keep you safely contained somewhere?
  5. This is a good point, actually. I guess we'll have to kill Grog Dorosh after all, eh? But I don't know that it 'wouldn't occur in real combat'. I mean, really. I think of where I've used this, and it's generally been where I had a tank encounter something nasty, and they've already buggered off. I tell them to go back, and have a very cautious 'nother crack at it. I can often get them to do this a number of times. But, in most of the cases where I've used it, I've known that my unit was quite probably 'overmatched', either in terms of what beast they were fighting, or how many. I think you have a valid point about building into the engine compensations for the vagaries of the terrain model, but I don't know that it completely invalidates concerns about the 'reactions' of crews in combat. And I still think a big factor would be abuse because of 'borg spotting'. A unit that would have only the most basic knowledge of 'what to do in a bad situation, as it arose for them in particular', can now 'proactively cope' with the drama of an unequal shoot-out, often without ever having encountered the original opponent. If other units, some of which couldn't conceivably have precise communication with the AFV in question, have spotted the opponent, the AFV can move with fair precision, even with the simple abilities of a Michael Emrys or a Seanachai, to find the best 'Shoot and Scoot' location. Should we then allow this unit even more precision by allowing the AI to manage it into finding the precise moment when they can spot the other tank? it is a difficult call. I long for the wisdom of BFC. Of course, I also long for the fact that the whiskey hadn't run out 25 minutes ago. Sometimes I wish I were a Real Grog. But then I think about the horrendous social costs. I don't think I could handle having teenage girls show up wherever I go, offering me sexual favours if I explain what exactly 'shatter gap' is, and how the various test grounds have all failed to completely define an exact formula for modeling APC penetrative power. [ December 06, 2002, 12:39 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  6. Okay, I'll give this a go. I believe that, as nice for the Player as a 'Hunt and Scoot' command might be, it would introduce a level of 'too much precision' into the game. Frankly, the Real World tactic of being aware that 'very bad things' were out there, and trying to cope with it on the fly, would be made almost too 'Uber', by allowing AFV crews this level of precision. The situation is: A Tank crew knows that there are bad guys. The Tank crew is then allowed the ability to precisely, by the designation of the engine, inch forward in what would otherwise be a 'high tension/ nervous battle of wits' situation to find the precise point at which they could shoot, and then retreat. I don't think Reality works this way. You encounter Enemy tanks, you escape, you know that you need to get out there and hurt people, you don't have computer driven cruise control for doing so. That's Reality. A big aspect of not allowing this sort of 'Fine Control' is trying to mitigate the effects of 'Borg Spotting'. The Real World is a messy place. In the Real World, units aren't allowed to use calipers to find the precise place to fire from before retreating to safety. Of course, someone who's only intent was to be the God Of Battle, Smiting His/Her Foes With Perfect Precision, would find the ability to 'hunt and scoot' purely commensurate with their desires. I, personally, do not anticipate BFC exacting this particular patch...
  7. Blinking heavily lidded eyes, I lean forward to take another swill of beer. "Dear Diary" I stop to reconsider. "Dear Journal of Infinite Pain. Peng has sent me another turn. How blessed I am. With what enthusiasism I approach his next turn. Ah! Nothing happened. Apparently some troops furtively scurried forward. The wine is gone. The beer is gone. Thank all the gods that tomorrow is Friday. You, my Journal, know what hell I suffer here, in my games against Peng. The mockery. The aimless drunkenness. The feelings of superiority coupled with feelings of inadequacy. More tomorrow, when Peng will doubtless announce his imminent victory."
  8. Ooo, Massa, turn sent! Pleas' don' hit Toby no mo'! I never thought it would be like this when I was told I was going to live in the big house.
  9. Oh, very nice. Now that you've finely recovered enough from you egregious cough syrup overdoses long enough to realize you keep sending me emails without the file attachments, you want a turn,do you? Your wish is my command, Master. Pissing off now to see to the demands of Peng, all!
  10. Not to mention the difficulty of managing the little girl being reunited with Flicka in every scenario. Seriously, you lot, I thought only teenage girls got this hung up about horses? On the other hand, after you've waded through enough of these posts, there must surely be a pony in here somewhere...
  11. Er, would you care to swap your thieves for our Republican Party? Probably not. However, could I interest you in one recently retired Governor and his brave squad of utterly inept handlers and advisors who've just turned over power? A month after the elections, it's revealed that Minnesota is facing a $4.6 Billion dollar shortfall. The departing Governor's comments, after an administration marked by endless and ill-thought out tax-cuts, mismanagement, and a Governor more concerned with junketting at the public expense and concentrating on his various celebrity appearances/money making ventures: "My fingerprints won't be found on this shockingly huge budgetary shortfall". His assumption seems to be that wearing gloves during the commission of a crime equates to good government.
  12. The next time you go on about this, and post that damn picture yet again, I swear to God I will drive to your trailer park and kill you. NO CAVALRY ATTACKS FOR YOU! NO CAVALRY ATTACKS EVER! Take up Napoleonics, Panzer Leader. Your strange obsessions are wasted here, really.
  13. Do you realize just exactly how thoroughly dismissive it is that I've never even bothered to do a highly vicious and dismissive piece on you Kiwis? If you had anything like a sense of national pride, you'd piss yourself in shame, and then go hide behind Indonesia... [ December 05, 2002, 10:05 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  14. Ah, Harv is back! That lad from the perfect L7 province, Saskatchewan. Welcome back, Harv! If truth be told, though, I prefer Labatt's. C'mon, everyone, let's sing the Hockey Song! O Canada! Our home and native land! True patriot love in all thy sons command.... [ December 05, 2002, 10:00 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  15. Finally, for the first time in a week, I can sleep, knowing that redwolf is, with some assurance, having fun. My work here is done. Let's ride, amigos!
  16. HE SMILED! LOOK, EVERYONE, HE'S HAVING FUN! And that, after all, is what the Peng Challenge is all about. Gods bless you, redwolf. Everything is going to be okay.
  17. Good observation. As I've told friends: there's this to be said for the large 'Irish' side of my family: when there's disagreement or problems, people yell, sometimes knock each other down, even, but apologize just as quickly , and will have a pint and hug a short time later. But the Germans and the Scandos...they put you in mind of the Icelandic Sagas. Some minor point, or some small slight or imagined slight will pass all but unremarked, but they go home and brood on it for 10 years. Then one day they gather up all their kinsmen and friends, show up at your house at midnight, and set it afire, killing everyone fleeing the flames with swords.
  18. Michael, you do not need to defend redwolf to me! I am, in fact, deeply concerned about whether he is having fun. I have noted his sense of humour before, which he has, for the most part, retained here, as well! Why, I remember that thread long ago when idjit came in and was storming around and told everyone that there is no such animal as a 'red wolf', and I quite thoroughly refuted him! This was all done in defense of redwolf. And, despite his almost magical fixation on this issue, he has, as I've been reminded, as well as noting for myself, always maintained a courteous, considered, and dignified demeanour. Actually, I think that's partly what makes these threads so disturbing. I mean, if the lad would go berserk and rave a bit, and shout a few courteous bits of abuse at everyone, I think it would put everyone more at ease.
  19. What the hell are you talking about?! I am nice to him! Do you think I'm kidding about worrying that he's not having enough fun? I'm dead serious about that. It's important to me that redwolf have more fun. For that matter, I'm way nicer to him than I am to you, for example. I treat you horribly! Still, it speaks well for you that your concern is for others. You're a bit like the Cesspool's version of 'Tiny Tim' Cratchett, aren't you?
  20. Oh, Berli, you'll be glad to know that Licensed Fool has been banned. Turn's out that he was previously banned as 'Veteran Gamer' back in November, came back and started posting as some tool named Scatterbrain Kid, who made a huge deal about leaving the Forum, and now Steve's officially banned his 'Licensed Fool' persona.
  21. You know, Capt, I think that redwolf's threads are more like Reverse Kafka, with redwolf as Joseph K, but subjecting Society to persecution, alienation, and confusion. Rather as though The Trial were re-written in order to put the victim in the role of oppressor... redwolf, I demand that you tell me something you've done lately that you found to be fun.
  22. They can't ban me! You can't ban someone who's only crime is to recognize human stupidity in all it's multitudinous and multiplicities of disguises, and call an ass an ass! Especially when I have no position to maintain, no axe to grind, nor any 'credentials' to trumpet. Besides, after what seems like a near decade of posting in the Peng Challenge Thread, I feel better qualified than most to recognize complete and utter posturing ****e when I see it. But your concern for my Forum presence does you credit. Do we hug, now, or do I simply tell you that you'll get a sodding turn when I feel like sending one to you, you pillock? [ December 04, 2002, 12:53 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
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