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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Apologies to...well, none of you, for the most part. After discovering that my new computer (or rather, it's specific video card installation) would not play CM, I fell into a decline. Then I snapped back, but pointlessly so, because I haven't been home long enough over the last two days to even get online. I am exploring a possible fix. It may work. All this would be unneccassry, of course, if BFC would market their own line of CM Branded video cards for Macintosh and PCs.
  2. It had originally been my intent, after I stumbled in here in dread and disbelief, to not post in this thread in an attempt to pull the last tatters of my dignity around me before skulking off to the General Forum to check under the couch cushions for spare change, and making that phone call about the going price for certain rare blood types that might, coincidentally, coincide with those of certain members of the Peng Challenge Thread. But there is simply too much good abuse here to simply skive off in horror. Also, since MrSpkr is already continually posting my home address, I would like to take this opportunity to renew my call for all members of the Combat Mission Community to once again send me postcards, cards, and letters filled with hate. Also, after my last round of received hate, some of which was extremely imaginative, I would like to remind people that hate can also be sent in the form of CDs, MP3s, Audio Tapes, and a very small device whose exact nature or purpose was hard to determine after the Minneapolis PD dealt with it. My recent rather depressing experience with the failure of my computer system to be able to play CM had me down. I will frankly admit it. I was in despair. I did not want to go on. All I could think to do was wipe away the tears, and retire from playing Combat Mission. But the upsurge of abuse, the skeptiscism regarding my having any purpose in the Universe (for some, in fact, the Multiverse), and the bids to humiliate, degrade, and even enslave me, have altered forever my perception of my time here on this planet. A life that has irritated so many, and has so thoroughly proven to be of no worth, is a life that has not been wasted. I can die, now. Knowing that each and every member of this Forum that comes in here, posts, and remains skeptical about my serving any function whatsoever, is a soul that I have touched. And we're talking 'bad touch' here. Something actionable. Basically, a 'take the hose to your soul' sort of touch. You're a great bunch of guys. You've convinced me that, even if I can't play CM, I should never, ever leave you alone. Did you know that Boo Radley is the wind beneath all our wings?
  3. Is there anything more despicable than an Australian? By God, lad, you people make me proud! That's good solid hate and abuse there, that is! Is it any wonder that I've dedicated my life to crushing you and all your ilk? I mean, really, what's to be gained by crushing the Swiss? Never a nasty word, always watching what they say, trying to be as neutral as possible. How can a man get behind that sort of shifty behaviour and push? Hail to thee, Australia! A more vile, sodden, degenerate democracy dedicated to the brewing arts will never be found! When I am finally lowered into my final resting place, I want to be buried with Australia. I would also like to be on top, please, and face down, where I can keep an eye on the buggers.
  4. Humiliating servitude? Why is this man reciting my credits?
  5. You daft Irisher. I'm using a Sony Multiscan 200ES (CRT-VGA) monitor (my old one, which I cannot afford to replace right now, and which otherwise works fine). I'm using the Apple supplied DVI to VGA adapter to connect to the monitor. I haven't yet encountered any problems with other games, but then, I haven't had much time to try most of them between trying to sort out my CM problem, and get MSN to explain what kind of strange rituals I will have to perform to get my MSN email account to work with the OS X Mail Client, or, at the very least, explain why my OS 9 Outlook Express can receive my email, but not send it. Oh, and forget trying to use Outlook Express while OS X capable Internet Explorer is in use. My concern about buying an earlier version ATI card is that it may work with my Single Processor, 1.25 ghtz Mirror Drive Doors G4, but still not be CM capable given the platform architecture. Or that it might work with CM on earlier G4s, but not work with this only very recently orphaned hardware (the new G5s are just now rolling out). I know it's not really their problem, but do the lads at BFC have any clue? Take pity on a short, annoying, twisted gnome, and dispense what wisdom you can! Please, please help me! It's only a matter of time before MrSpkr and the other lunatics of the Peng Challenge Thread escalate the Sorrow and the Pity...
  6. Of course, some of us have ATI cards that won't allow us to play CM at all. I will be at that chat, although I doubt that ATI has any interest in updating drivers for the Mac G4s & Radeon 9000 cards that will not display CM as anything other than a puddle of technicolor vomit. Doubtless the response to a 'niche' market wargaming company.
  7. Dear God, tell me there's still some whisky in the cupboard under the sink...
  8. C'mere, Joe. I want to dribble blood from my stigmata on you.
  9. Oh Fairest of Ladies...know that all we Dwarfs and Gnomes avoid all use of the 'smurf' word. Strangely enough, back in College one of my best friends one day declared me to be 'A twisted little dwarf'. It was immediately adopted by all who knew me. "Let's see what the twisted dwarf wants to do," etc. Many years later, another close friend with no connection to those times or knowledge of that usage suddenly declared me to be 'an evil little troll'. Then Berli, returning from his first visit, declared me to be a garden gnome. I sense a theme...
  10. WHAT HATH GOD WROUGHT?! I just found this out on the Main Forum! Ohmigod. HELP ME, PENG! THEY'RE TRYING TO CRUCIFY ME!
  11. It was developed on a Mac, it's supposedly Mac compatible, the G4s were, until a day or so ago, the primary available Mac system, and ATI is the only one who makes video cards specifically for Macs. Perhaps foolishly, I imagined that Combat Mission would play on a current Mac system that used current Apple supplied video cards.
  12. Oh my God... MRSPKR, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE?!! I just got a chance to get back on the Forum... I'M TRYING TO FIND OUT WHAT VIDEO CARD IS COMPATIBLE WITH BOTH MY MAC G4 AND CMBB, NOT GET IT PAID FOR! Oh, Lord. Could you at least try and get people to send postcards, cards and letters of hate for Seanachai? I mean, that's something we can all get behind and be proud of. It's bad enough I look like a panhandling bum, now I look like a panhandling bum. I mean, not just physically. This is all very disturbing. If only I could play CMBB to relax... [ August 25, 2003, 05:00 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  13. Yes, it boots into OS 9. I can start up CMBB, it even seems to play correctly in OS 9, but it is beyond merely horrible to look at. The system can play CMBB, but the card cannot display it correctly.
  14. I have considered this, but currently my options in that direction seem to be negligible, with the only guaranteed 'Mac compatible' cards coming from ATI (my original problem), or a single, extremely high-end $400 card from Nvidia (with no guarantee that they won't have other, currently unknown problems with CM). I've posted a request in the Tech Forum asking for help in finding a video card that will work in a Mac G4 with a 4x AGP slot, and will also work with CM, and am waiting for someone hopeful response. Things look grim, and I simply don't have the space to keep two computers set-up, especially since I have but the one monitor, and yanking and swapping cables constantly does not appeal. I hope there is a solution, as I would hate to retire from this fine community and incredible game.
  15. I throw myself at the feet of the Forum community and BFC and beg for help. I have a new Mac G4 with the ATI 9000 video card that will not play CMBB (you get the horrible prism refraction effect on all the map squares, etc.). Is there a video card out there that will work with a PowerMac G4, 4x AGP slot and that will play Combat Mission? I can find info on cards for sale that claim to be compatible with Macs, but with no reassurance that they will actually play Combat Mission. I don't want to sink the money into another video card only to find that it will not play CM either. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
  16. From the BFC troubleshooting page: Problem: I have a dual processor G4 with a Radeon Pro 9000 card installed and I am getting what looks like psychedelic graphics displayed when playing the game. Cause/Solution: The problem lies with the current drivers for the Radeon Pro 9000 card and we are not able to fix it on our end. Both ATI and Apple have been contacted but there has to date been no progress on this issue. Sigh. Guess I'm done playing Combat Mission, guys.
  17. Sod all. All of my opponents who actually come in here to read the Peng Challenge (and who can also read, because I know a lot of you just look at the pictures), please bear with me. My computer, although it works quite well, cannot play CM, and I'm not sure why. Berli, if you read this, call me. I rebooted into System 9, and then opened CM, and although it went well enough, what I got when the actual map loaded and opened was a nightmarish prism/rainbow landscape like something out of Yellow Submarine. I could see the map, and I could scroll around, but everything was nightmarish refracted colours.
  18. I am not! After the Reinald and Doggie idiocy, I am doing my part to reassure a doubtless nervous and stressed community that there are not huge numbers of neo-Nazis posting along side them. Very public-spirited, I'd say.
  19. Our long national socialist nightmare is over. Our Forum works. Our great Modders are enthusiasts of the game, and not neo-Nazis. Tyranny and belittlement by a few disgruntled bigots cannot tarnish this fine historical and war-gaming Forum. Investigations by members of the Peng Challenge Thread have failed to turn up any significant number of neo-Nazis among Modders, among Forum members, or among the BFC staff. There were some neo-Cons, but steps are being taken to establish a registry so that their activities and movements can be monitored. And residents of Grog Dorosh’s neighbourhood have been informed of his presence, and he must register with local authorities if he moves his residence. This is a place you can all be proud of. A place where the only voices that will not be heard are the voices that unjustly vilify, misrepresent and demand the silencing of others. A place where you can bring your families. Although you might not want to let the children go into the Peng Thread or the Master Goodale abomination. Return now to your quiet contemplations of armour penetration, ammunition types, and uniform shoulder tabs. Take pride in all that has already been accomplished, and take satisfaction in the knowledge that soon you will be able to play Combat Mission as Australians, New Zealanders, South Africans, and perhaps even sillier nations. And do not fear the Dutch. They are mostly harmless. Just keep them where you can see them, is all.
  20. Boo, you is my woman now, you is, you is! An' you mus' laugh an' sing an' dance for two instead of one. Want no wrinkle on yo' brow, Nohow, Because de sorrow of de past is all done done Oh, Boo, my Boo! Mornin' time an' evenin' time an' summer time an' winter time. Boo, you got yo' man. Boo, you is my woman now and forever. Dis life is jes' begun, Boo, we two is one Now an' forever. Oh, Boo, don't min' dose women. You got yo' Porgy. I knows you means it, I seen it in yo' eyes, Boo. We'll go swingin' Through de years a-singin'. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Gads, I'm going to be laughing about that one all day. It works on so many levels... [ August 22, 2003, 12:59 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  21. Heh...hehheheheh..haHaHaHaHAHAHAHAHAHA!! wipes away tears of mirth Thank you, Lars. I don't know why, but I found that uproarious. Porgy and Boo. It sings, doesn't it? [ August 22, 2003, 12:51 PM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  22. Do ya' see! Do ya' see that?!! It's like, I knew Dalem would be in the sky, I knew he would be flying tomorrow! It's like we're all...connected. Like there's only one reality, and it echoes over and over through everyone. And it's all connected through the Peng Challenge Thread. Like right now, I bet Lars is looking at the stars, and imagining he's flying, just before he falls off the boat again into the lake. And SirReal is looking at a boat, and wondering why he's not a viking, but just some lame Swede who thinks I've got tatoos and wondering if it's time to pop the top on another can of Surströmming. And Mouse is looking at a tatoo on his thigh and wondering who 'Bucky' is. It's like fools stand joined, hand to hand, and one shock of idiocy runs the whole circle round! And Boo, you were there, and you wanted the wizard to give you a brain, and Shaw was there, and he wanted some courage , and MrSpkr was there, and he needed a heart. And you were all there, oh, I know I'm not explaining it well, but it seemed so real!
  23. You know, Berli, it balances on my head just like a mattress balances on a bottle of wine.
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