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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Seanachai

  1. Goodbye, all. Neo-Con Whores used to stand for something. Nothing I want any part of, but something, supposedly. Peng, strangely enough, seems to have been right. This is no place for a man with feelings. I'm going away. Now. You've been a great group of lads. And the Lasses. I never had issues with all the various stupid bastards in this Thread. Despite our political differences, a great group of fellows, I always thought. I'm tired. I can't stand smarmy, stupid mother****ers anymore. I'm gone away. I'm no longer willing to bring discredit on this Thread, and I won't put up with my stance reflecting badly on the Peng Challenge. This is, simply stated, the best goddamn thread on all the Battlefront.com forum. The Goodalers are mildly amusing, as well. Buh-bye.
  2. Done! I insist that both Lars and Papa Khann be there to dance around me and worship me as something like a god...
  3. Oh, be silent, Scando boy. When was the last time you said something heartfelt and humorous? It's been days!
  4. Oh, be silent, Scando boy. When was the last time you said something heartfelt and humorous? It's been days!
  5. High on a mountain side Somewhere in Austria Maybe it's Switzerland It's hard to say I see the woman She runs through the meadow She's crying in anguish She's turning away Oh God...oh...oh...God I think it's Julie Andrews Julie...Julie Andrews Maybe we should call somebody Maybe we should put her out of her misery Julie...Julie...Julie...Julie.. "Julie Andrews" -Uncle Bonsai Dear fecking love of God! Are you two tossers still simply talking about this game? Endlessly, I might add?! I thought you'd been playing for the last week or so! I was already at work on Boo's deeply humiliating new sig line. WHAT ARE YOU TWO FECKING POODLES WAITING ON? I think you both want to get on top of this Blood Hamster match now, before I convene a full 'Pool meeting to rewrite both of your sig lines. And mind, the rewrite will make heavy reference to 'pitching' and 'catching'. Ask SturmSebber if you're not sure what that's all about... What, did I Challenge Peng in order to watch some sort of verbal slap-fight between little girls?
  6. Very good chance that tomorrow I will have a new car. I know how anxious you've all been about me, especially since the transit strike began. While I'm not looking forward to the endless round of liquor store robberies that this will require financially (in my own defense, I look upon the theft at gunpoint as merely a less than voluntary dividend payment, as I have been investing in these businesses for decades), I am looking forward to driving around again and having a life. Not to mention the opportunities this will provide to once again harass Lars, Dalem and Papa Khann (Xyphorus, being a nice guy, doesn't need the same level of abuse). So, in the weeks to come, look for an increase in crime in Minneapolis, and for the Minnesota Miscreants to once again be brought properly to heel.
  7. Okay, how about pengwiener? ...Nah, just stick with what works. No argument here. </font>
  8. Okay, how about pengwiener? ...Nah, just stick with what works. No argument here. </font>
  9. This thread makes me feel all...strange. cues 'The World Turned Upside Down' I see this as...a noble gesture. Waffler reaching out to Cesspooler, their steely gazes meeting above furrowed brows, across the gulf of the similarity that separates them, as it were. I blame Kitty. And I never did like 'willowy'. But one thing...stop calling us 'Penguins', you bastards. It's either 'Cesspoolers', or 'Followers of the Peng Way'. Or somefink. But 'penguins' are right out.
  10. This thread makes me feel all...strange. cues 'The World Turned Upside Down' I see this as...a noble gesture. Waffler reaching out to Cesspooler, their steely gazes meeting above furrowed brows, across the gulf of the similarity that separates them, as it were. I blame Kitty. And I never did like 'willowy'. But one thing...stop calling us 'Penguins', you bastards. It's either 'Cesspoolers', or 'Followers of the Peng Way'. Or somefink. But 'penguins' are right out.
  11. Is that where the expression 'You little dickens' originates?
  12. Sorry, you'll have to wait in line behind more qualified applicants. Let's see... that puts you right behind Gaylord Focker </font>
  13. Okay, I can't find any posts more recent than February 12th for him. Does anyone know where Emrys is? I would hate to think something untoward has happened to him. Has he abandoned Battlefront.Com forever? If so, could I get an application to take his spot with the Horsemen of the Apocalypso? I mean, I don't want my very real concern to be mistaken for opportunism, but without the Four Horsemen to rule, the Board would quickly dissolve into anarchy. And I know that Michael wouldn't want that.
  14. Hmm, can't see it, personally. On the other hand, could you try on this pointed red hat, Sturmy? We're always on the look out for an improvement of our image...
  15. I had to think long and hard about this one to try and sort out the secret message. Then it came to me: last night, as I got on to send out a quick email to a friend before going to bed, I went to the dock bar to kick up my browser to quickly check something and hit the AIM icon by mistake. When I realized what I'd hit, I simply quit out of AIM, as I was only going to be on for a few minutes. It didn't occur to me until seeing your post that someone would have been on and been treated to the sight of my arrival, and immediate departure.
  16. vskalex said very nice things about the Queen over on the Fiefdom board. He asked if there was anything he could do to help serve her. I told him to keep his head low, as by then we were locked in a life and death struggle with the Crimson Brown Shirts, and that his time to serve would come.
  17. Dear God. Those pictures of Lars Please bring back the gay gladiator pictures.
  18. Axe2121, best thoughts to you and your family, and a pint raised to your Uncle. His memory becomes our memory. Let his name be entered in the Cheery Waffle (such as it is).
  19. Stop that! Stop that at once! At this solemn moment, as we await our Queen's decision to ennoble certain worthy individuals, I'm not after having the mood disrupted by an Aussie and one of those...those...well, by God, one of those buggers who now want the legal right to marry someone they love, and that's for sure! Sit down and shut the feck up! Cue the piper!
  20. I, as an Olde One of the Peng Challenge Thread, now propose that two BFC board members, having laboured mightily in the service of our Queen, the Fair Emma, be ennobled for their actions, and raised to the rank of Knight of the Cesspool by act of Monarchy and popular fecking acclaim. I propose that v42below, and SturmSebber by made Knights of this august body of complete and annoying wankers, with all the duties, responsibilities and privileges that attend thereto. When the hour was darkest, and enemies assailed our Queen, they did not hesitate, but threw themselves into conflict without thought for their own persons. I further propose that lenakonrad, already a Knight of this awful place, be awarded the Order of Cyrano de Bergerac Medal for his efforts on behalf of our Queen. Who will ever forget his very odd poetry? What sayeth the Queen?
  21. How did I know you'd be in here? You're more damn pervasive than staphylococcus bacterium...
  22. THAT'S ENOUGH! ENOUGH OF ALL THIS FIEFDOM TALK! It's over. Done with. Yesterday's parrot droppings. Is v42below a Knight of the Cesspool yet? Dalem, I'm available for that drink anytime, foot is all better. I could always meet you downtown, because I can take the bus there. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! See below. My Insurance Adjustor, who's apparently been sent through rehab by the company and is now in the process of correcting decisions made while deeply, deeply under the influence of crystal meth and ether, called me today to tell me that, even though they had already begun repair work on my car and replaced the steering column, they had decided to total out the car instead. She gave me a dollar amount that pretty much exactly matched the amount I would have thought they'd have gone with 5 weeks ago when they began the whole process of 'investigating' my auto theft. So now I need to get a new car. But I am not filled with despair, because that 5 week period of being in limbo with them while they finished their 'investigation' was sufficient to carry me to the brink of the city-wide transit workers strike that begins Wednesday. So, even though my car is not going to be repaired, I won't have to worry about the inconvenience of taking the bus, because it won't be an option. I blame Michael Emrys, and I demand a public apology from him. Also, Kitty had a huge population, but they were all love slaves, so they don't really count. They couldn't actually reproduce, they could only immigrate and wait for the sweet taste of the lash. That's not what I call a population. Also, I kept reading references to people being 'Real Life Members' of the Crimson Brigade. At first, this puzzled me, but I now believe that outside the game of Fiefdom, the 'Crimson Brigade' is the 'Waffen' arm of the Disney Corporation. They do wet work and 'heavy lifting' for Mickey Mouse, which explains a lot about them. Finally, let me say that this new hair-care product I'm using leaves my hair feeling silky soft and manageable. Here, Boo, be a good thug and touch my hair. Doesn't it feel nice? But gently, Boo. Remember that puppy and the boss's wife.
  23. Remember the words of the Great Spirit, Boo: Follow the peaceful way. The true White Brother is bound to show up eventually...
  24. Aye aye, Sir! While you are all flushed with this new found enthusiasm and self-image...why dont you send me a set up....anything will do...so I can beat you back down into the depths of dispair from whence you crawled. </font>
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