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Everything posted by Seanachai

  2. Ninety-nine Boo Radley's nailed to the door, Ninety-nine crucified Boos! You cut one down and kick it around Ninety-eight Boo Radley's nailed to the door! A suitable donation made to the Church of Seanachai, would, of course, result in a dispensation to abuse Boo Radley, beloved Acolyte Thug. Especially true this week while I'm Usurious, god of Short Term Loans and Lending on Interest, when I delight in all forms of monetary exchange and the sorts of brutalizations that follow non-payment.
  3. Not until one of the Modders works it over to restore all the parts that were stripped off it when it was stolen.
  4. Agreed and WOW. Guess I touched a live wire. Battlefront's marketability concerns are more than justified by the sad tangents this string spawned. </font>
  5. What the hell, Macey? Did you pull a groin muscle, or something?
  6. You lot out west got it worse than we did in town. We only ended up with about 5-6". It's only fair that as you crouch in your hugely expensive lake homes, you get shat on more than the rest of us.
  7. Well...DUH! Really? We all thought you used your prehensile tail. </font>
  8. I KNEW IT! DALEM IS WITH MEEKS! Although it seems like he merely might have passed out drunk on the nearest ship...and awoke to find himself the Right Hand of Darkness!
  9. Sink me! If that's why you're sailin', y'might as well stay in port </font>
  10. I say, Captain Rolf, be so good as make ready the Princess Petticoat. Y'll be takin' her out ahead of th'squadron. Th'rest of th'squadron will follow as soon as they make ready. Me flag'll be aboard the Indigestible. Her Majesty's Navy sail t'her rescue! </font>
  11. I just spent an hour and a half shoveling 5" of snow off all the sidewalks, stairs, and walkways of three apartment buildings. By hand. Wait for me, Lars. You're going to need a manservant in the tropics. Dalem, glad to hear that you're not crushed by being unemployed. You have taken the first steps on the 'Way of Seanachai'. Oh, and on that note, I've been giving this whole spiritual thing a lot of thought. I think what the World needs most right now is that Old Time Religion. So, not only is the Church of Seanachai a Pagan Church (and very High Church, at that!), but I will, in fact, be manifesting as a different god every week in an attempt to give proper representation to the many, many pantheistic avatars that go sadly unrepresented due to a general falling off in pagan practice. I blame this Christianity multinational franchise thing. You can hardly turn around without finding yet another Christian church popping up in a strip mall, or an untenanted bank or convenience store. It's worse than MacDonald's. The Abominations of Seanachai, on the other hand, will remain constant. Once something has been declared an Abomination in the eyes of Seanachai, it remains and Abomination in the eyes of Seanachai. The godhead may constantly warp and frug it's way across the spiritual landscape, but an Abomination is forever. Tonight's Abomination: Lawyers and Churches that are located in Strip Malls are an Abomination in the eyes of Seanachai! I don't care how low the rates are, or even if tambourines are used, it is not right! Abjure them!
  12. I find it somewhat sodding disturbing that our very own Queen, the Fair Emma, has, all too apparently, been KIDNAPPED BY THE USURPEROUS PRETENDER MEEKS, AND YOU LOT OF CANDY-ARSES HAVEN'T EVEN TWIGGED TO IT YET!!! I"m wearing my underwear on my head the rest of the evening as a sign of mourning. And yes, I know, usurperous isn't a word. It just seemed right somehow.
  13. What do you lads think? Do you suppose that Soddball is a royalist? Pictures of the Queen Mum up all over his flat, and commemorative plates and mugs, and coffee table books full of Fergie and Di? That would be my bet.
  14. I don't know. They haven't done all that well by England...
  15. But you never found out where I live. You stayed on the boat. Bwahahaha, shovel snow Gnome!!! </font>
  16. We're sending your mother in first. Our mothers don't want another endless discussion of the 10 percenters 'Campaign Option'.
  17. Ever since I was a little boy, I've dreamt of someday bombing Rotterdam. I would bring to the cowering Dutch a sort of 'Rotterdamerung'.
  18. Look on the bright side, Dalem. We've now got two weeks of non-stop fun and vandalism time to turn Lars's house into something that will make the bombing of Dresden look like just another extremely stupid argument on the Forum.
  19. Ah! How precious. Some fools spend their gold on parrots or monkeys, when having Boo around so much more surely fills the same void. I would send a turn, good Boo, but I have but just returned from drinking ale with two 30 year old blondes, one wearing leather pants, who I regaled with many a fine story. I shall now go and pass out with a lovely smile upon my puckish features, there to dream of elfin maids dancing naked in dew circles. Then I will probably arise and throw up, but you can't have everything, now can you? Beware the Usurper that seizes back his own!
  20. affectionately That's my Boo! Don't be afraid to put the boot in and duff him up a bit while he's lying there. The contemplation of his bruises and cracked ribs is a wonderful philosophical exercise for him on the morning after, and keeps him humbly marveling at the recuperative powers of nature. But list, all, and bend an ear. I have heard rumour of a great villainy afoot. It is for now nought but rumour, yet it fills me with darkest forebodings. I speak of whisperings of a plot against our very own Queen, Fair Emma! My heart foretells that wicked business is in the offing! Remember, all: Defend the Queen!
  21. I must away, to find that nancy boy hair gel that Richard...er, Berli loves so well! Mighty sword, indeed! Tap dancing sod! [ January 23, 2004, 04:24 AM: Message edited by: Seanachai ]
  22. Nice try Toad. that's almost as pathetic as editting a quote. Are you honestly drunk enough to think that anyone would buy into that tale? Hop along back to the garden and try to scare away a chipmunk or somefink. </font>
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