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Mannheim Tanker

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Everything posted by Mannheim Tanker

  1. It is targetted. In fact, M1 tankers are taught to aim center of mass at any range, provided they can get a shot at it (i.e. the tank is not in a hull -down position). edit: After reading through the whole thread, I see that at least one other tanker has already posted on this. As he points out, you aim for center mass, which corresponds with the turret ring. When I trained for gunnery, I was always told this was done in an effort to hit near the turret ring, but as M1A1 Tank Commander states, you're not explicitly aiming at the turret ring per se, just hoping to get a lucky shot in there. With an M1, however, most shots will blow through the armor whereever you manage to hit the target. [ July 13, 2006, 07:50 AM: Message edited by: Mannheim Tanker ]
  2. Bah! Shows what you know. The dreaded Right Coasters call it soda. We cornfed, apple-cheeked hillbillies call it pop. </font>
  3. Doh! I looked in the manual too. LOL! Thanks, guys! You made my day.
  4. Is there a way to increase the map dimensions and the new ground to the south or west side of the map? Currently, added row go to the top (north) side and columns go on the right (east) side (unless I'm all screwed up on how to use the editor). I'm interested in doing this for a metacampaign, where one side has pushed the front lines west somewhat. I'd like to be able to reuse part of the current map and just add some new ground to the west. I know that I could start off with a huge map and just use the portion that the fight occurs on, but I'm trying to avoid building gigantic maps where only a small portion will ever get fought over, especially since these maps are based on real world locations and are labor intensive to create. Thanks for any advice!
  5. It is also used redundantly, as in UberFinns (as if you didn't already realize that they're far superior to mortal humans without adding the 'Uber' to their nom de guerre).
  6. I hate them, personally and never play them (takes waayyyy too long to plot orders). I do like Rune's work, however. Are there any smaller ones coming down the pipe for those of us with ADD?
  7. Hi Mom! (Already two threads like this in the General Forum LOL!) And yeah, I tend to agree with the review. Too bad, since we need all the choices we can get in this genre.
  8. Um, yes. That's because there's only one way to "kill" an enemy unit in chess (put your piece where his is), hence no room for tactical prowess. Apples and oranges, but you're learning.
  9. Ich arbeite in Gross Britanien. Edited for spelling. [ November 06, 2002, 04:49 PM: Message edited by: Mannheim Tanker ]
  10. Major huh? Maybe the Canadian armed forces will survive if your retirement rolls around before the Light Colonel list. Sod offski! (Thank god for Poland!) [ November 06, 2002, 02:31 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ] [ November 06, 2002, 02:32 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ] [ November 06, 2002, 02:33 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ] [ November 06, 2002, 02:34 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ] [ November 06, 2002, 02:35 PM: Message edited by: Abbott ]</font>
  11. Wouldn't people think I'm gay? (obscure reference to a running joke in the General Forum)
  12. While you're at it, does "1rst" come after "1st"? Which is first?
  13. I think many, many English people would contest your assertion that Americans speak English....</font>
  14. Thanks for the prompt reply. Glad to know that whinge is really a word and not another bastardization like another word I always see misused: loose (often confused with lose). They're two different words, people.
  15. I don't understand why you responded with an insult. This is the General Discussion Forum. </font>
  16. That's the third time I've seen this posted lately. What the crap is a whinge!? :confused:
  17. And your response to it just bumped it up again! Thank you, Generale Thought Police. Edit: Threads like this do belong in the General Forum, BTW. [ November 06, 2002, 12:17 PM: Message edited by: Mannheim Tanker ]
  18. That's true to a point, but it actually varies a lot depending on the individual. The problem with your viewpoint is that you're looking at it from a rational perspective. When you're getting shot at, you tend to not be as rational as you are when you're sitting at your computer. I say that from experience.
  19. Why do you say that? I believe that sgt emren is correct. The variance described by treeburst seems entirely in line with no statistical difference. Masstrictian's test bears this out. (Nice work BTW, Chris). [ October 31, 2002, 10:19 AM: Message edited by: Mannheim Tanker ]
  20. Lt. Kije, you forgot one item for your score: Lt. Kije shouts out misinformed, unhelpful advice from the peanut gallery that in no way contributes the discussion. Yeah, I think I have it right. FWIW, you're not the only one on the forum that has taught graduate students, and neither am I. So if you're going to continue sharpshooting people, you might at least do so in a constructive manner since your credentials alone don't earn you anything around here. Best to ya.
  21. Wow, that's interesting (AI firing first). Has anyone else seen this?
  22. For a really good laugh, compare the discourse level of this thread to your average thread on the Counter-Strike forums You gotta love it here!</font>
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