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Posts posted by SuperTed

  1. Originally posted by Straha:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />What is the cost difference in SC between rebuilding a unit from scratch and replacing losses? There should be a disadvantage if units are destroyed, hence an incentive to evacuate the battered BEF from the continent and not risk their loss someplace else like Norway.

    Very good point!


  2. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    Until I read it on the forum, it ain't happened. As far as I know, you're still vacationing on the Danish coast. Get writing!

    And get that demo released!


    Here's a teaser:

    "XVI Panzer Tank Group, with support from Luftflotte I and II Air Fleets, move forward to clear the northeastern suburbs of Paris. The surviving French air force intercepts our planes, bringing down a handful of them while taking significant casualties of their own. In the end, our planes and panzers are far too strong for the French infantry units to stop. There are only small pockets of resistance, but they are quickly reduced and Paris lies within our reach."

  3. First, I am not offering to run another tournament. As much as I would like to do it, there is a limit to how much I can do. :eek:

    I have received several inquiries about when the next one will be and all I can say is I don't know. I do know I most likely will not have the time to run another one.

    So, I am wondering if a few brave souls would be willing to take the baton. It is really not all that bad if two or three people do it. One would be the administrator and two would take care of scenario design. I would be happy to be the tournament consultant if that would be helpful.

    I must admit the experience has been a lot of fun for me and I suspect the Newbies have been enjoying themselves too.

    Any takers?

  4. Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

    What is the HQ situation in the Med? I'm starting to think this might be more important than mere numbers of corps and armies.


    There are no HQ units in the Mediterranean at the start. So, whoever gets one there along with a decent force to command will have a jump on the enemy.

  5. Originally posted by Ancient One:

    British chances of holding Egypt throughout the war aren't very good are they? :(


    Well, the Italians do not have an HQ unit (it will take four turns before they can afford one), the supply situation in Libya is weak, and the British navy is formidable. So, the Italians will have a hard time pushing through even token British resistence.

    Now, if you start looking at the variables, things get interesting. If the Germans bolster the Italian force, the British will be in trouble, but it will take away from German effectiveness elsewhere. On the other hand, if the British strengthen their position, it will make their home defense weaker. So, you see, there are some intriguing options here.

  6. Originally posted by Ancient One:

    Thanks. Is it difficult for the British to send armies to Egypt after Italy enters the war?


    Yes, it is. They have to be raised in Britain and transported to Egypt. I would guess the trip would take about five turns.

  7. Originally posted by Ancient One:

    What kind of land and air forces do the British start off with in the Mediterranean compared to the Italians?


    The British start with one corps each in Alexandria and Gibraltar and an air unit in Malta. The Italians, once they declare war in 1940 (usually), have two armies around Torino, one each in Tobruk and Tripoli, and one corps each in Rome and Tirana.

  8. Originally posted by roman uk:

    Super Ted,

    Great AAR; very entertaining.

    So far all the attacks have been frontal assaults with overwhelming force. WW2 if anything was known for blitzkrieg=tank=encirclement and destruction of vast armies, with maneuver and combined arms with many times smaller, albeit concentrated, forces being emphasized (well, in the german's case anyway). Drive on Warsaw, Dunkirk, Minsk, Oman, Smolensk, Kiev, Vyazama, Belgorod, Stalingrad, North Africa (both sides), Soviet 44 advance. Shame about Falaise.

    I would love to see how encirclement, cutting off supply to gain advantage is implemented in SC!





    It is tough to recreate manuever warfare at the strategic level. The only exception to this would be in the Soviet Union, where the vast spaces lend themselves very nicely to that approach. The operational level is where you can really appreciate the effects of the blitzkrieg. For my money, The Operational Art of War does a great job with that.

  9. Originally posted by Ancient One:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SuperTed:


    Except for the ones in Libya, they do.

    Well that's bizarre, that means they get 115 MPP per turn correct? I hope that the British begin with a huge naval advantage.</font>
  10. Originally posted by Immer Etwas:

    SuperTed --

    Did you not bring a carrier along to counter the German Air Fleet? The Royal Navy could at least match that tiny German screening force?

    I am yet convinced that Britain could successfully counter an invasion, though, I have been wrong about so many things in my life, that I hesitate to assert this too vehemently.

    I guess this is what makes face-to-face or PBEM so attractive. smile.gif


    As far as I could tell, he brought just the battleship. Of course, he may have had others who decided to head for home without facing the Luftwaffe. ;) A carrier would have helped, but that is HUGE gamble for the British. If they take a pounding, their one corps defending Britain would be far too weak to stop the Huns.

    For all practical purposes, the British have only a navy at the start of the war. If they are careless, they will find themselves in a precarious position. They need to keep the navy intact because that is what will prevent Sea Lion from succeeding.

  11. Originally posted by Ancient One:

    Do Italian cities and ports operate at full efficiency, in my opinion they shouldn't. Historically Italian war production was dismally poor, they were certainly no where near comparable to the UK or France, which is unfortunately what it looks like from the strategic map.


    Except for the ones in Libya, they do.

  12. Originally posted by Mr. Clark:

    Since the Allies have a strong Navy to begin with, it makes me wonder what would have happened if it was parked around Norway as SuperTed made his amphibious assault.

    I suppose it would simply have risked it too early, but it would still be interesting to see.

    Can't wait to play!

    Mr. C,

    I am playing a PBEM of the war too and my opponent tried that. After I destroyed a British battleship with my air and naval units, the invasion of Norway went without a hitch. :D

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