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Posts posted by SuperTed

  1. Originally posted by jjelinek:


    Those old AARs of Fionn's on the CMHQ website are very informative but I can't run the movies because they were made with an older version than mine. What can I do to view them?


    The sad reality is you need version 1.03 to run them. If your CD has a later version, I'm pretty sure you're out of luck. Sorry.

    [ May 20, 2002, 10:09 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]

  2. Originally posted by lcm1947:

    Boy do I feel stupid. Oh well. Thanks Pvt. Ryan for the scoop. Now it all makes sense. Like you said all this time I kept thinking well Ted's a really nice guy but why doesn't he ever provide a link? Now it all comes together.


    Well, if it helps, I feel a little stoopid too. I assumed you knew all along, but you were just ribbing me. ;)

  3. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    Don't hurt your arm, patting yourself on the back like that, SuperTed. Wouldn't want any reason not to continue with the AAR.

    Not that we will accept any excuses, anyway. I'd fully expect you to type it out with your nose, in the event your arms were amputated.

    Is the next installment ready? Then why are you wasting time here?


    I suspect my next installment would be overshadowed if I released it now. :cool:

  4. Dave,

    Actually, my reflexes got the better of me. :rolleyes: Panzerman and the team at The Scenario Zone are doing the scenarios, not B&T. The parameters will be the same as what I used for the first Newbie tournament, and I am sure the boys will do great work.

    As far as defining a Nebie goes, that is Cpl Carrot's call. When he wakes for the day, I am sure he can explain that in detail.

    Psycho maps?! :D

  5. Originally posted by Pvt. Ryan:

    By the way, Lee, the reason for Super Ted's posts are to let us know about new stuff posted at CMHQ, hence the title "CMHQ Update." He wants us to go to CMHQ to read more about it and to find the links to whatever the new item is. I always think to myself, "Thanks for the udate Ted, but why didn't you just post the damned link so I can get there sooner!" But that is not what the update is about, as Ted wants us to go to CMHQ first, which is fine by me.

    Pvt. R,

    You got it! :D

  6. Lee,

    Dan is a nice young man who was in the Newbie Tournament. I met him through his father Prit, who has a cool website with operational-level maps from OKW. In exchange for copies of some of these maps, I sent him CMBO for his son Dan.

    His website is Dan's CMBO Site and is dedicated to Combat Mission. He focuses on scenarios and does a pretty good job on them.

    Also, if you just follow the CMHQ link in my signature, you'll see the news entry for Dan.

    [ May 20, 2002, 01:06 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]

  7. Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

    Will there be a way to retract individual moves? I've been fooling around with "Dogs of War" and when you make a bonehead mistake in that game, you are stuck with it.


    You can "Undo Move" only if the currently selected unit has not revealed the location or strength of any enemy unit.

    [ May 19, 2002, 11:22 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]

  8. Originally posted by PawBroon:

    Nice new layout Ted.

    Congrats on the Grand Reopening.

    I've been browsing through the scenarios and maps and was wondering, could you post one of them small pic previews a la Moon's and Mensch's Sites?

    Not that it's mandatory but sometimes you just don't feel like playing an Hellish map and such feature could be nice.



    I'll take that under advisement and present it to the committee. Expect an answer before Christmas. ;)

    Good idea, actually. smile.gif

  9. Originally posted by Walker:

    Is anyone still playing Long & Short or Crash Landing? smile.gif

    (Well it's better than a bump...)


    YankeeDog and Austin Bowie are the only two Players still doing battle and they have both scenarios nearing completion.

    As always, you are free to post in the AAR thread. Just be sure to add spoiler warnings where appropriate.

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