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Posts posted by SuperTed

  1. Guys,

    When a new research level is achieved, the graphics and appropriate unit values (including maximum strength) of the affected units will usually change immediately to reflect this. EDIT: The reason I say "usually" is that the graphics don't always change but the values do.

    This applies to the following research categories:

    Anti-Tank---------------Corps and Army

    Heavy Tank-------------Tank

    Anti-Aircraft------------Strategic Resources

    Long-Range Aircraft---Air Fleet, Strategic Bomber, and Carrier

    Jet Aircraft-------------Air Fleet, Strategic Bomber, and Carrier

    Heavy Bomber---------Strategic Bomber

    Sonar-------------------Battleship, Cruiser, and Carrier

    Advanced Sub----------Submarine

    Gun Laying Radar------Battleship and Cruiser

    Of course, the enemy will not see evidence of the improvements until a unit is spotted.

    [ May 24, 2002, 06:03 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]

  2. Originally posted by redeker:

    Question - What is the value of each country in MPP? That is, how much does a conquering nation get added to its own MPP, apart from the one-time pillaging bonus? Is it simply the combined MPP value of all cities/ports/mines? Or is it calculated some other way? And does anyone have a quick crib list of the values for each country and/or region (e.g., Egypt)?

    I guess that was more than one question... smile.gif


    Each occupied strategic resource is worth 80% of its value if a land-route can be traced to the occupiers' capital. If a land-rout cannot be traced, the value is 50%.

  3. RL,

    I have London in the bag and Manchester United has been routed. ;) Anyway, the USSR still sits at 41% for joining the war, but the US is up to around 85%.

    Taking Britain should not affect the USSR (much). However, taking Spain (remember all the Soviet soldiers that died in the civil war?), Sweden (too close for comfort), Yugoslavia (an ally), Greece (still a bit close), and Northeast Africa (far too close, via the Caucasus Mountains) will get their attention.

  4. Originally posted by willgamer:


    Are you saying that the End of Turn Summary will inform me of my opponents research progress, but I will have to make a pencil and paper note of it since the game will not remember it for me?

    Bummer! I hate taking notes! :rolleyes:


    No, sir. What you get in the summary is declarations of war, captured cities/ports/etc., and destroyed units.

    The research information is protected by Fog of War.

  5. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    The most I've gotten from taking France is 1139 points. Sometimes it's as low as 989. Anyone know what the formula is? Is it just how quickly you conquer a country that determines plunder?


    It does not matter how quickly you conquer a nation. Also, each nation has a range for its plunder value. What you get will fall within that range.

  6. Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

    I can't speak for Battlefront but for SC we are very well taken care of

    Thanks for the interest though,


    Thanks, Hubert. It's nice that you noticed. :cool:
  7. Willgamer,

    Originally posted by willgamer:

    I've had research advances (as high as level 5 armor smile.gif ) but no advances ever show up in the Last Turn Summary.

    The Last Turn Summary tells you what happened during the previuos enemy turn.

    Also in the table of all countries' advances, I can only see my countrie's technology improvements. Is that by design?

  8. Originally posted by Bill Macon:

    Thanks Ted. The 10-point limit should moderate things somewhat and unreasonably rapid advances should be statistically rare. However, 1 research point could improbably reap level 5 development within a couple of months. Yikes! But overall play should be balanced. OK.


    Even if a player has 5 points alocated to one area, that's still only a 25% chance of gaining one research level per turn. Having said that, if they have spent the 1250 MPPs for this, an accelerated program is defintiely not too bizarre.

  9. Bill,

    Originally posted by Bill Macon:

    So, once we purchase a research point we have it forever and I assume can then +/- each area?



    Is the limit 5 points total or just 5 per area?

    The limit is 10 overall and 5 per area.

    I raised a question previously about actually building a new unit type and gaining an experience point before being able to research the next level. In this case, sounds like Germans jumped to level 3 jets without any field experience with level 1 or 2.

    Field experience has no bearing.

    What's been the overall feedback from playtesting the campaign game? Can we expect reasonable advances in technology or does this lead to bizarre alternate histories in 1943-45? Heck, Level 3 jets in 1941 sounds bizarre enough. This is a concern. :confused:

    If the Germans (or anybody else) had heavily researched jet technology, there is no reason to believe they might not have appeared in greater numbers in 1941. Likewise, if a player would like to invest heavily in an area, it is within the realm of possibilities that ahistoric things will transpire. That's part of the appeal of the research model. smile.gif

    Also, does any research transfer to allies or does everyone have to research on their own? Some things like tanks would represent industry gearing up for new production lines and would be different, but stuff like sonar might be transferable.

    Each nation is on its own.
  10. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    SuperTed, no apology necessary at all. I was simply trying to clarify, so I don't appear to be a complete boob.

    Now that you aren't doing any more AARs, can you give us some updates on the tweaks Hubert has been making? Have there been any changes that had to be reversed, due to play unbalancing?


    Actually, I am still working on conquering Britain and writing the next installment. It's going to be monstrous! :eek:

    Things have slowed a lot since the release of the demo, but I expect to have it done by the end of next week.

  11. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    I was typing my post when you posted, SuperTed. I was also just commenting on how it appeared to work, without having any of your insider knowledge.


    No problems. I apologize if my comments come off as sounding a bit harsh.

  12. Bill,

    Originally posted by Bill Macon:

    Is there a limit to how many units a HQ can support?

    Each HQ can have no more than 5 units attached at any given time.

    Not sure what unit costs are for Russians and how things change with industrial research, so maybe all this works out in the long run.

    The base costs are the same for all countries. However, the penalty for attaining new levels for research results in a production cost increase of 10% for the unit(s) it applies to. Also, every new level of industrial technology decreases the cost of production for each unit by 10%.

    Further, the Soviet research levels start at:

    Heavy Tanks-1


    Industrial Technology-1

    A question about force pools. Are there any limits to how many units can be purchased?

  13. Originally posted by misery:

    Good Morning Everyone.

    Does anyone know if stacking a large army on the Russian border will "agitate" them into declaring war earlier?

    After playing the demo I'm definitely buying this game!



    You can't agitate the Soviets with too many troops, but you can lure them with too few.

  14. Originally posted by Achiles:

    Well in both my games as the Axis I had planned to invade Sweden with german troops and take Yugoslavia and Greece with italian troops and then invade Russia. However I was unable to get enough italians in place before the game ended to take both Greece and Yugoslavia. When it came to Sweden I just moved much slower than I really needed to. I was hoping Yugoslavia and Greece would be enough to make Italy selfsuficient and with the addition and all of her resources, save those going to the air defense of France, Germany and her Minor Axis allies would be able to tackle the Russian Bear. I'm thinking of trying it again. However I may not redownload the demo again. I've already made up my mind to buy the game assuming they enlarge the map a bit, a mac version is released or I can get it to work with Virtual PC, and the price is no more the $40 not including shipping and handling. Cya, bye!


    The map cannot be enlarged. A better explanation can be found here.

    There is a slight chance that a Mac version will be made, but this will give you the specific answer.

    The game will cost $25.

  15. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    Well, it works when it wants to. Sometimes it doesn't seem to get you anything. I'm assuming it's some kind of random chance, influenced by the number of points put into each category.

    I researched radar AAA, with three points, and got nothing. Then, I researched jet power (1 point), and got it the very next turn. Just having one level increase caused the AI to abandon strategic bombing on all ports/cities covered with improved air units, and he had three bomber groups.

    I've tried heavy tanks, A-A radar, and heavy bombers, three points in each, and gotten nothing. Then again, I've tried rockets, industrial production, and jet power, one point each, and gotten all but rockets within 2 turns.


    Did you read my above post? It is a statement of fact, not speculation.

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