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Posts posted by SuperTed

  1. Originally posted by barrold713:

    I have a question about Vichy France that probably fits nicely into this thread. The Vichy area becomes neutral after the fall of France and seemingly does not contribute MPP's to the Axis unless they are once again invaded and conquered. Should this relationship be as such or is it figured in some other way that is not readily apparent?


    Vichy France becomes a minor neutral and is just like all the others.

  2. RL,

    Originally posted by R_Leete:

    How do you implement scorched earth? When the low countries fall, the Germans get a city and a port. Can these be reduced somehow?

    Scorched earth only affects the cities in the Soviet Union.

    On the other side of the coin, how do you build up cities/ports? The ones in Norway never get above 5? Does industrial production help?

    Strategic targets rebuild automatically.

    The maximum supply value of an occupied city that cannot trace an overland route to the occupiers' capitol is 5.

    Industrial Technology reduces the cost of units.

  3. Originally posted by lcm1947:

    And now for the first time ever in over 1 1/2 years thanks to Pvt. Ryan I'm not asking myself - why wouldn't he ( Ted ) give us a link to the site. It sure is nice being informed. I am so smart :D And thanks Ted for the update.


    What can I say but "you're welcome?" :D

  4. Originally posted by Purple4Ever:

    Hm - So Malta, which is occupied by an air unit, cannot be invaded by sea? If this is so, then it seems the only way to occupy Malta is to pound it with the Italian Navy (which I've tried and always lose 4-5 naval points in each attack vs. 0-2 enemy air points lost - not a good tradeoff!) until the air unit is dead. . . .then land an army/corps.

    Are there paratroopers in the game?


    Yup, the air unit must be destroyed first.

    There are no paratroopers.

  5. Originally posted by Wako:

    I would like to second the option for having military symbology for the units. It makes it more immersive and less gamey to me.

    I would also like to suggest allowing us to stack units. In 50sq miles you should be able to get at least 3 corps for example.


    The current symbols change as improvements are made through research. So, they do serve a purpose as such.

    The game engine will not allow for stacking. It was a design decision to make it this way.

  6. Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

    2) In the Atlantic, it is within an intuitive range of either St. John's or Liverpool and in the med within range of any of the UK ports there. In general you have a greater range in the North Atlantic than you would in the Med.


    Isn't it just Gibraltar and Malta? I thought Alexandria was not included.

  7. Originally posted by Affentitten:

    And by the way, what precisely is the in-game effect of that "German u-boats disrupt Atlantic convoys" message?


    That means Britain has lost some MPPs due to U-Boat activities.

  8. BB,

    Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

    I didn't know there was an AA research category that would up the AA value of cities.

    Anti-Aircraft Radar improves the air defense of strategic targets.

    As to AA units being Gamey, it was those Gamey Germans who used an 88mm AA gun to shoot holes in tanks and other assorted ground items. smile.gif

    That's why they had to be stopped. Forward-thinking leaders knew wargamers would be arguing for years.

    I know that there is a HQ bonus, so I thought that a different type of bonus for air units might be possible. It just seems that an escorted bomber is more or less invincible in the demo. Perhaps the key is for those who are offended by bombing raids is to buy advanced fighters through research.

    Advanced fighters and anti-aircraft radar make bomber crews think twice.
  9. Originally posted by Affentitten:

    But most of the time it seems that you can't actually move into a hex with a port, since the majority of the hex is water. But having a unit in the city next to the hex with the Antwerp port allows you to transport.


    Land units cannot move into port hexes. If they are adjacent to a port hex, they can be transported out to sea. Look at Scapa Flow, Kiel, and Sevastapol and you'll notice a port without a city. They work, but Copenhagen, Bilbao, Lisbon, Tangier, Rome, Tripolitania, Beirut, and Istanbul (all cities without ports) do not.

  10. BB,

    Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

    Ah, but could there be a combat bonus for interceptors that have unused airgroups nearby, or a series of one on one combats when the pesky raider shows up?

    Nope. That would still involve a unit being involved in combat more than once in a turn. Remember, Hubert had to make a decision about the level of abstraction and changing one area would have profound effects in other areas that may not be good.

    Another way to go about it would be anti-air that could be purchased via research, that would make your cities and such a tougher target, or a seperate AA unit.

    The former is exactly how it works now. The latter is gamey in Combat Mission, so it would be gamey on a monumental scale in Strategic Command. :eek:
  11. Originally posted by Affentitten:

    And transports can't be bought. Move a unit into a city adjacent to a coast. Next turn you can right click and the trasnport option will appear. Your unti is automatically turned into a transport ship icon.


    That should be a port, not a city.

  12. Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

    I have yet to figure out the way to do an amphib invasion. Is it corps only? Can you land in an enemy occupied hex? How about ports and cities? Seems to me that "opposed" landings into an enemy occupied hex should be possible (Omaha beach).


    Any ground unit can do an amphibious landing into any unoccupied land hex. Since ports are not land hexes, they would be excluded.

  13. Originally posted by Wolfe:

    How do I tell which units have been upgraded? I've researched anti-tank, but I don't know which units have this new tech? Do all of them get upgraded or just the newly constructed ones? Is this info displayed anywhere other than the purchase screen?


    All units are upgraded simultaneously. You can see the unit statistics on the purchase menu and the research level on the research menu.

  14. Dave,

    Originally posted by dwtheriault:

    #1 - If I wish to reinforce my units, I have to click on each one individually then Max them out or incrementally update them all. Is there a screen that allows me to see ALL underpowered units and upgrade them from there, or will I just have to do it individually?

    It must be done individually.

    #2 - I cannot see a way to go to Next Unit or Previous Unit. I see that unmoved units have a blinking thing on them, but it'd be nice to hit N or P and that takes me to units that have not moved or attacked. With so many units on the screen, some may be accidentally missed.

    Here is the list of hot keys. Your answer is there.

    #3 - I am guessing that there are no combined arms attacks, true? In other words, each unit attacks individually. If I have 3 armor units surrounding a single infantry unit, I cannot have one massive attack from all three sides. I have to attack with each one, true?

    Attacks are done individually.

    #4 - Rocket range. My first German rockets only have a range of something like 2 or 3. Is this correct? I can see having early rockets accuracy being low, but range should be higher than 2-3, shouldn't it?

    Research will improve rocket range.

    #6 - Why can't I have a sub and a BB (for example) occupy the same hex. The sub is under water and the BB above? Just curious.

    The game engine allows one unit per hex.

    #7 - Resources. Is there a way to reinforce resources when they are attacked or are they permanently lost? To prevent loss, I'm assuming I need to have a unit sitting on top of the resource, ture?

    Resource hexes repair themselves automatically.

    Having a unit in a hex prevents strategic attacks.

    [ May 21, 2002, 11:26 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]

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