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Posts posted by SuperTed

  1. Originally posted by Jeff Heidman:

    ...I want to know if the players of scenarios can setup their starting troops wherever they like, or within some kind of limits. So, maybe to start the 1939 scenario the german player wants his army massed on the French border instead of near Poland, or whatever.



    The units are stuck where the designer places them. Sorry.

  2. Jeff,

    1. When?

    Soon. :D

    2. When will we see some more screen shots?

    3. How about some AARs? (Ahem! Ted!)

    I'll have Poland in the bag tonight. Once that is accomplished, there will be a detailed report posted ASAP.

    4. When?

    Soon. :D

    5. How about that demo?

    Agreed. How about that demo. :cool:

    6. How do you deal with the incessant demands that people like me make in regards to when the game will be done?

    Mas despacio por favor. No hablo ingles. :confused:

    7. How soon will the game be done?

    Soon. :D

    8. Could you define "soon" as it relates to the claim that the demo will be out "soon"?

    Not later. :D

    I hope that helps. tongue.gif

  3. Originally posted by Barticus:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SuperTed:


    Don't believe Hubert for a second. The game is actually done and we have been playing PBEM for the last month! tongue.gif

    If I may interject a brief comment here;

    You, sirra, are an EVIL EVIL man!

    Thankyou and good day.


    PS : :D;)tongue.gif </font>

  4. Originally posted by Immer Etwas:

    ...Suggestion: how about heavy artillery in SC2 to simulate continuous shelling before a battle, as the Americans always used to good effect?...


    A good point, but not within the scale of SC. If this was an operational-level game, that would most definitely need to be part of it.

  5. Originally posted by Titan:

    ok, to me that sounds suitable enough.Seems costs is in realation to reality or of some conseqence if one starts buying big ticket items.

    Id hate to think one could buy x2 carriers a battleship and few planes and a spread of ground troops in one turn unless we are talking about the US or you own half of Europe

    So buying a carrier one would have to sacrife a great deal.

    Anyway Super Ted when is the next AAR im dying to read how the germans are dancing in London or the allies celebrate in the smoking ruins of Berlin


    I hope to have the next installment posted by the end of the day (I'm in GMT -6:00). Saturday's are for soccer, so little wargaming is done. :D

  6. Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

    Really, no lag time at all? :confused:


    Correct. I know it would be cool to have that extra layer of planning ahead, but this is one of those "Features vs. Simplicity" issues.

    EDIT: Let me clarify that a bit. Larger units are more expensive, forcing a player to accumulate more MPPs. For example a German aircraft carrier is 700 MPPs, but they start the game collecting only 120 MPPs per turn. So, you can see it would take a long time just to afford that one unit. I suppose that would be something of an abstract way to address the issue.

    [ April 28, 2002, 03:11 AM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]

  7. Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by SuperTed:...

    All of them are possible, plus:...


    • Invade Sweden (attractive resources)</font>

    Attractive resources? Indeed! :D </font>
  8. Originally posted by Mr. Clark:

    YAY! Thanks a plenty! I cannot wait to read more!

    (I especially cannot wait to PLAY!)

    EDIT: Couple of questions from the MAP.

    * Do the white dots on the bottom of your units signify anything?

    * Shouldn't there be a fortified line on your side of the French border? Am I wrong here... once again, its been a while, I'm just catching up again.

    * Some of the "enemy" units have numbers, some have lines. Is this a FOW thing?

    Mr. C,

    * Each unit has a flashing white dot until itsturn is done. It's simple and effective.

    * You'd have to ask Hubert that one.

    * Yes, if a unit has not been fully identified, it has the line.

  9. Originally posted by Straha:

    The Axis player will have to

    - pile up alot of spare resource points to pay for the shipping of alot of stuff.

    - concentrate on buying cruisers etc. to protect the to be shipped armies.

    Furthermore, I gather that even if the transfer is not interrupted, he will have the problem that his armies can suffer losses right when setting foot ashore. Plus, he will have supply problems galore. Finally, there is always the danger of Stalin not sitting on his hands like he should. So I think, in the end, maybe it is not too easy after all. smile.gif



    Good points all around. smile.gif

  10. Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

    </font><blockquote>quote:</font><hr />Originally posted by Ancient One:


    Sealion should definitely not be something the Axis player can count on to succeed on a regular basis against a reasonably competent Allied player.

    Agreed. Reasons it wasn't a go might include:


    • Lack of German transport </font>
    • The Royal Navy </font>
    • The RAF </font>
    • Hitler didn't have his heart set on it, hoped for negotiated peace </font>
    • Large scale sustained amphib ops not easy to begin with, combined with any or all of the above </font>

    Since, IIRC, naval transport is not a seperate, buyable unit in SC, how can the other factors in SC make it a dicey, but not impossible, task against an allied player who does not aim the majority of his resources at "invasion proofing" jolly old England?

    If the allied player wants to gamble and put his eggs in other baskets, he might deserve what he gets if Sealion works.</font>

  11. Originally posted by Ancient One:

    Well judging from the screenshots the map doesn't go past Syria, so no Persian campaign.

    One thing I'm worried about with regards to Axis strategies is that Operation Sealion will be too easy. In my opinion it should only work if the Allied player REALLY drops the ball. Sealion should definitely not be something the Axis player can count on to succeed on a regular basis against a reasonably competent Allied player.


    As long as Britain has the RAF and the RN (nurses were worth their weight in gold :D ), the Axis player will have a tough go of it.

  12. Originally posted by Straha:

    Hey, these are - totally unrealistical things like Z-Plan aside -, more or less all options there are for the Axis. I think they should all be doable. Even without Japan, the Middle East plan (after having won in North Africa) should still be interesting as long as there are nice oil fields to get. Also, this opens up the possibility of a strike into Russia through the Caucasus from the South. smile.gif



    Persia has two oilfields. Unfortunately, Persia and Russia share on hex worth of border. So, it would not be hard to defend against an Axis incursion from the south.

  13. Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

    I'm sure I'm forgetting some, but here are the basic German options I remember from 3rd Reich and World in Flames:


    • Invade England </font>
    • Invade Russia </font>
    • Invade Spain (Get Gibraltar) </font>
    • Grab what you can and fortify, no invasion of England or Russia </font>
    The sub-options include Russia through Turkey, Isolate England (U-boat and Air), Spain becomes Axis minor, North Africa-Persia (Most attractive with a Japanese player in WiF). I am guessing that most will be possible in SC, with the exception of the Japanese link-up via Persia-India.
    Any thoughts on how these options will play out in SC, and are there any more out there?
    All of them are possible, plus:
    • Turkey is Axis minor ally</font>
    • Invade Sweden (attractive resources)</font>

    [ April 27, 2002, 07:26 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]

  14. Originally posted by basilhare:

    Looking forward to Strategic Command.....looks great....will it support PBEM?

    Thanks Battlefront....you guys are about the last holdouts for us old wargame grognards....

    As a side note there is an excellent homegrown Grand Strategic WWII ETO scenario for "The Operational Art of War/Century of Warfare" system available called Europe Aflame....go to warfarehq.com for more info....

    Happy Gaming....



    Agreed. :D

    Good plug (and good game). ;)

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