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Posts posted by SuperTed

  1. Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

    I'm just amazed that nobody has said anything about the French Fry mine being supersized.


    One more crack like that and Hubert and I will be at your front door in under an hour. ;)

  2. Guys,

    The main benefit of encirclement is a reduction in the enemy's readiness. This can have a dramatic impact on combat results. Also, the reduced supply means reduced reinforcements. So, the combination of reduced readiness and reduced reinforcements actually works very well and does indeed encourage encirclements. Give it some time and you'll likely agree.

    Of course, as has been observed, it may be hard to tell just how well it works until you can get out onto the steppes.

  3. Originally posted by BloodyBucket:

    BTW, as far as I know owning Gibraltar doesn't restrict the passage of naval units in or out of the Med, and doesn't cut supply to the Med. Is this correct?


    If there is a naval unit in the Gibraltar port, there is no way to get through there. However, the supply is unaffected.

  4. Originally posted by Cpl Carrot:

    I get this as well. All my icons that I placed around my background picture get moved upon exiting. ie they migrate to the upper left corner of the desktop. No big issue - just mildly annoying. One work around is to never stop playing I suppose :D


    What could you possibly know? I hear you associate with Newbies. tongue.gif

  5. Originally posted by Hubert Cater:

    I could be wrong, but it starts at 10 for me. Are you sure you are not talking about the one in France?


    I checked the start of the 1942 campaign and it's at 8.

  6. Originally posted by Aacooper:

    I noticed the MPP's are collected independant of the length of the turn, even though the turns vary quite a bit in length. Is that a simplification, or do people think that can be improved. After all, production wasn't 8x faster in the summer than winter.


    It is intentional to help simulate the slow-down in overall activity that is generally experienced in winter.

  7. Originally posted by redeker:

    Can the land route be through another nation on the same side? For example, Albania starts off as 5 MPP for the Italians; would it go up to 8 only if the Italians conquer Yugoslavia, or will it still go up to 8 if the Germans conquer Yugoslavia?[/QB]


    Actually, if Yugoslavia is conquered by any Axis nation, the Albanian city and port both increase to 10! Albania is not an occupied territory according to SC. It is treated as part of Italy (don't tell the Albanians).

    Also, Yugoslavia doesn't need to be conquered. Once Bulgaria and Romania join the Axis, a land route can run through Greece instead.

  8. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    Okay, I didn't know about Spain. I guess I have to pay attention to the percentages better.

    Note to Hubert: please put those numbers on the main screen!

    But does the increase in Soviet war readiness jump by a specific amount? Is it fixed or random? If it's fixed, I can see a "gamey" cry arrising from using a set order of conquests to keep the Red Bear and the US at bay as long as possible.


    The increase falls within a range of values. For example, after dclaring war on Denmark, I have seen the Soviets jump by as little as 5% and as much as 16%. So, there's a pretty wide range.

  9. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    So, SuperTed, you're saying that the mine in Norway, listed at 5 on the map is worth 2.5 MPP to the Germans? That because a land route can't be traced, it gets the 50% treatment? Rounded up or down?

    Or it is already figured in, and the 5 points is the value? Can these values ever be increased?


    5 MPPs already accounts for this. You'll notice the Ruhr mine is worth 10 MPPs and the French Fry mine is worth 8 MPPs (to the Germans).

    No, they cannot be increased.

  10. Originally posted by R_Leete:

    Absolutely sure. After having the Italian unit invading Algeria disappear, I thought it was destroyed (hadn't paid attention during the AI turn). Then I saw the thread on it, and Hubert's reply. So, this time I looked. Not on Britain or Canada, and not back in Gibraltar. I suppose it could have been in the far east, but I'm pretty sure I checked there, as well.

    It was very frustrating, as I had contemplated moving it to Algeria to help defend against the Italians, or disbanding it for the MPPs. At that stage of the game, 60 MPPs is a big loss.


    That is indeed not supposed to happen. It may have been sent to Alexandria, but that seems a bit far.

    Well, if you (or anybody else) can check this, I am sure Hubert will be able to track down the problem. It's simple to check: play the Allies and get all the French units out of the way to allow the Germans to take Paris easily. Be sure to get the Gibraltar garrison to Marseilles before France falls.


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