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Posts posted by SuperTed

  1. Originally posted by Camicie Nere:

    Yes, I understand the Smithsonian is actually restoring it according to the original vision of the Horten brothers.

    For everyone who has E-Mailed, I appreciate the feedback and kind suggestions. This mod file thing is turning into a real monster and I am chronically short on time. Nevertheless, I am done with all major country ground units and am probably a week away from completing everything. The air units are my real pride and joy, and are coming out amazingly given the extremely small space one has to work with.

    I have made a "preview" file that includes all the ground units for major countries - anyone who would like to see it is more than welcome to E-mail me at ITAGP@aol.com.

    Unfortunately, I am not internet-savvy enough to know how to post the file on-line. Any suggestions on how to do this would be greatly appreciated!

    This has been a lot of fun - features so far include: national insignia on each unit, slight color variation according to unit type, Soviets using the Katyushka for their rocket units, Italians borrowing the V-1 for theirs, and the aforementioned French infantry appearing to give it up without much of a fight!


    If you'd like me to host them for you, feel free to email them to me.


  2. Originally posted by Hawkmek:

    Well, According to Hoyle, there was a rumor that CMBB was to be released in T-minus 8* days. It was said SC would be out when CMBB was out.

    So the next two weeks should prove interesting.

    Pre-orders anyone?

    *8 days from message post date would be JUNE 22.


    The last post here should help.

  3. Originally posted by Offwhite:

    Folks, Ted is one of the most vocal athletes I've ever seen (heard). Not at all what one would expect, given his succinct updates to the board. ;) It's worth mentioning that even when they went down 0-3, he stayed just as loud, and just as positive.


    Hey, I save all my energy for soccer. ;)

  4. Originally posted by Offwhite:

    I was sitting in about the third row at midfield, but I had to leave early in the second half. Otherwise I would've come down to say hi. Considering they scored their three while I was there and you guys scored when I wasn't, I guess I shoulda left with the jinx earlier, eh?


    A-ha! That explains why the team was playing so poorly. ;) Normally the games we play against that team are very close, with one goal almost always being the difference. I think several of the guys caught awed by the venue and lost focus.

    Well, thanks for coming. I wish we could have put on a better show.

    Did you happen to see Sylvan? He was wearing a bandana.

  5. Originally posted by Offwhite:

    Folks, Ted is one of the most vocal athletes I've ever seen (heard). Not at all what one would expect, given his succinct updates to the board. ;) It's worth mentioning that even when they went down 0-3, he stayed just as loud, and just as positive.


    Where were you? I would have checked, but I was a bit busy. ;)

  6. Originally posted by KNac:

    nice AAR. as I have played football lots of times >I encourage you to do, omething must have this sport when all the world (less USA) plays it :)

    my (stupid) question is, why if football called soccer in USA? I know American football or rugby (mispelling?) but...


    This should tell you everything you ever wanted to know about non-American football and this should answer your question about the term "soccer." I believe it is called "footy" Down Under.

  7. Originally posted by Offwhite:

    Ted, I used to be a Far-West-Sider, but now I live north of the airport a ways. Just a few short blocks from the loony bin; I figured it'll make that move easier when it comes! Just let me keep my CM, doc...

    It's pretty cool to hear you play with Sylvan. I might be able to swing by the game on my way to Capitol Ice to play a real sport. :D


    We played at Warner-2 (off Troy Drive) Monday evening, until the lightning came. I assume we were in your back yard then. ;)

    I am guessing you play hockey. I love to watch the sport, but I can't skate.

  8. Originally posted by zukkov:

    great aar ted! makes me glad i never played the game. lol...

    i once had a salesman that called on me back in the mid 80s. he was british and a retired pro soccer player. proudly he showed me all the scars he received during his years on the field, as if each one was a badge of honor. at that time, he was coaching a ladies team from a nearby city. he told me something then that astounds me now. he predicted the u.s. women would be the best in the world someday, but that the men would not be world class in the foreseeable future because they were just too hard to coach. that's why he stuck with the women. his team had won many titles and travelled all over the world. don't know what he's doing today, but i'll bet it's something to do with soccer.

    anyway, congrats on your recovery and your team's great comeback. good luck in the finals!


    Yeah, it can be a bit physical. When I was in high school, we played a semi-pro team for practice. They won 2-1, but we gave them quite a run for their money. Anyway, they were all bigger than we were ( :rolleyes: ) and physics dictates that larger objects will crush smaller ones into dust, all other factors being equal. ;)

    Well, my 5'8" 135-pound frame was playing sweeper (as always) and I went up for a header and got squashed between two opposing forwards. I landed in a heap and breathing became an adventure, but I insisted on playing. It wasn't until I got home later that day and lifted my arm above my head to help paint the house when I noticed a sharp pain on both sides of my rib cage. The x-rays at the emergency room showed three broken ribs and the doctor surmised that least at two others were bruised. :(

    The other "cool" injury I had was only three years ago. I was defending a player at the top of the box near the center of the field. I was playing off of him about five yards and he decided to fire a shot, so I stepped into the path of the ball (I never turn my back on these). Well, I stopped it alright, but it hit me square in the face! My teammates tell me I was airborne and landed about six yards from where I started. I was out cold for a few seconds, but returned later. The 'keeper told me he expected the shot to be on target, so I did my job. :D


    [ June 11, 2002, 05:22 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]

  9. Originally posted by Offwhite:

    Wow Ted, all this time I've been reading your updates and never noticed we're in the same town. Ever play with a guy named Sylvan Esh? I used to work with him and I know he was in a 30+ league.

    Congrats on your rehab too, and I know exactly what you mean about that sound a collapsing joint makes (mine was an ankle, but hey).


    Sylvan Esh plays midfield for Mad City United! :eek:

    The game is at 7:00 at Breese Stevens Field (on E. Washington Ave.) if you'd like to come and watch. I'll be #19 in red. You'll hear me yelling long before you enter the stadium. :D

    Where in Madison do you live?

    Small world indeed. smile.gif

    [ June 11, 2002, 03:51 PM: Message edited by: SuperTed ]

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