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David Aitken

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Everything posted by David Aitken

  1. Who thinks support weapon crews, if ordered to withdraw, should abandon their weapons? There doesn't seem to be much point in ordering a heavy MG to withdraw, as he'll just saunter to the rear as the enemy lines him up for the kill. These guys should drop everything and run, don't you think? David
  2. Okay, it took me a while, but I think I have found The Running With HMGs Thread. Rather than launch back into the argument here, I suggest everyone who has not already should go and read through this. Spur of the Moment Complaining. David
  3. Tiger wrote: > one could safely assume that the walk-speed that heavy mg squads do have incorporates short trots from time-to time? This is an important point. Think about this in reality – would an MG team get their stuff together, walk calmly in a straight line to their objective, and then start firing the second they sit down? Of course not. They would be desperately trying to lug all their heavy kit, at the same time as trying to keep out of harm's way. The graphic you see may seem to be moving slowly, but in reality these guys would be maneuvring to avoid enemy fire, so if the graphics were 100% realistic you would be in no doubt that they're moving as fast as they can. They would also need time to set up at the other end, which is not modelled in the game, so you can take this to be incorporated into the moving time. David
  4. Sergeant Huang wrote: > In an small exercise, I brought my own rifle with 200 rounds, and carry about 800 rounds of 7.62 mm ammo for the MG team Don't you mean the squad automatic? What you're describing, as Andreas points out, is modelled in CM. Squad autos can run, but support weapon teams carry much more ammo, and therefore cannot.
  5. Herr Oberst wrote: > Robert jumped nude from 3000 feet into the middle of a biker-gang summer party. I thought that kind of thing only happenend in nightmares...
  6. Pillar wrote: > Is their a way to get FSAA on a TNT2? FSAA needs hardware support – it would be far too slow to do it in software. Only the latest batch of graphics cards support FSAA. David
  7. Marlow wrote: > ------------------ > If its stupid but it works, it isn't stupid. ... so then if it's not stupid, but still works, does that mean it is stupid? Or does it just stop working?
  8. I don't mean to detract from any of these honourable sentiments, but I do wonder about the appropriateness of everyone wishing each other a "Happy Veterans' Day". In Britain (and Canada too, apparently), we have Remembrance Day, the emphasis of which I think makes more sense. As much as we should be celebrating our war veterans, it is surely more important to remember the millions who have been killed in the past century's conflicts. No disrespect intended – I now return you to your previously scheduled commemorations. David
  9. Chupacabra wrote: > Has anyone noticed a significant performance increase with Dx8, though? Driver releases are usually just bug fixes and such. Claimed improvements in speed or quality are probably theoretical most of the time. If you don't have any specific problems, you're as well to stick with the drivers you've got, as performance is dependent almost entirely on your graphics hardware. David
  10. Have a look at this thread: Feature Request: Point Line-of-Site
  11. von shrad wrote: > STUKA- or should I say J-O 87. Nope, nope, I can't let that pass, you simply can't taunt someone on the premise of being a grog, and then blunder off and get the designation wrong. I don't know where the "-O" came from, but the correct designation for the Stuka is Junkers Ju 87. And no, you degenerates, Junkers is not pronounced with a hard J –– no bauhaus, a hard J –– thus calling into question the technical proficiency of the employees of this fine aviation company. Hereafter, taunts directed at Stuka's nickname should allude to the dated design, lack of speed, and vulnerability of the aircraft in question (as opposed to the fearsome reputation it gained among Allied ground troops early in the war, largely on account of it having loud sirens in the undercarriage struts which would activate during its bombing dive). That said, wouldn't it be funny if Stuka had loud sirens on his undercarriage... David
  12. jshandorf wrote: > They will rise and spew like the great Cracken himself! Is that a type of biscuit? Or do you mean the Christmas Crackens? (The latest American distortion of Christmas after Kris Kringle?) I believe the word you seek in vain is Kraken. And I should know as, lurking off the coast of Norway, the nice chap pays us the odd visit.
  13. YK2 wrote: > How is Scotland these days? It's still here, and still dull and wet as ever. The social infrastructure will probably collapse in a few years though, as the Scottish Qualifications Authority has jeapordised the education of an entire generation... > Only this morning as I was standing in the pouring rain and freezing cold wind I found myself singing............. *clears throat* > Keep right on to the end of the road [...] Until the confused natives called the Men In White Coats to come and collect you, presumably.
  14. This is what happens when you combine a Frenchman and a Scotswoman. Innocents be warned! Hark! Do I sense the approach of Madmatt the Padlock Fairy?
  15. Handy the topic of films came up... I was just thinking "Hey, when we had that thread about the best Second World War films, I should have mentioned None But The Brave!". Rather than watching a film made of a game of CM, why not just play the game? Films ideally have a storyline, instead of just lots of pictures of stuff blowing up (although you wouldn't guess that by watching the average Hollywood offering these days). David [This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 11-08-2000).]
  16. Germanboy wrote: > or a system analyst, which is even worse. Analysts, the thread is full of 'em.
  17. Lorak wrote: > Get out and vote you slack arsed american bastages! ...and it's a tough choice between Vice-President "totally wooden" Gore and Governor "thick as two short planks" Bush, aka Gush and Bore.
  18. AL the red wrote: > Never mind CM2...What about the CM2 Demo? The CM beta demo came out a few months before the game. The final demo came out when the game was finished. There will not be a CM2 beta demo, considering that the engine is already done, so the CM2 demo will be available no sooner than the game itself.
  19. jshandorf wrote: > "Oooo.... My feelings have been hurt! Make me understand. Make me feel wanted." Watch it Jeff – I think our specimen tends more towards the line of "Apologise or DIE!". Trust me, I know (and I'm as good as dead too).
  20. Kitty wrote: > I hate this sort of remark SO much. Aagghh!! No more! We believe you! Reminds me instantly of my lovely sort-of-ex-girlfriend ('sort-of' being that she wouldn't be 'ex' if we actually lived in the same country). I'm still not sure whether to love or loathe her when she gets on her hobby horse. Croda wrote: > he is a miserable sot who spends his days peering out between the blinds in his appartment to see what the real people are doing outside, where he dares not go. I'm just cleaning the blinds! Look, I've got all my equipment out! Yes, I know it's not standard blinds-cleaning equipment, but it's very handy! Oh, you mean Andreas... forget I said that.
  21. Hiram Sedai wrote: > The dwarves are still my favorite. Let's lobby BTS to reprogram engineers so they can do with satchel charges and a grenade what dwarves can do with satchels and a molotov cocktail!
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