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David Aitken

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Everything posted by David Aitken

  1. Olle Petersson wrote: > Combat Mission is not: > [...] > - A game simulating raids behind the front line. Good point – you can't get your men to act stealthily. They always assume they are currently involved in a battle, and will shoot first and ask questions later (if they survive that long).
  2. Kitty wrote: > Hmm. I'm going to add a special section on my site just for you. =) On the issue of what you should now consider gifting Stuka, I think you're confusing the terms "webpage" and "smack".
  3. Berlichtingen wrote: > If you haven't seen Kitty's website yet, check it out Never have there been so many people with so much time on their hands.
  4. IIRC = If I Remember Correctly. How about we all just settle down, enjoy playing CMBO or – heaven forbid – explore what else life has to offer us? Sure, CM2 will be better than CMBO – but the latter has only been in our lives for a few short months, and it fills exactly the same spot which CM2 will occupy in a year or so, so it's not as though there is a gaping CM2-shaped hole in our lives. David
  5. Strat wrote: > Aww! I thought it said MythIII. Read Max's second post.
  6. No surprise Gathering Of Developers are squeezing all earning potential out of their part of the divorce settlement when Bungie eloped with M$. It's a bit silly, 'cause Myth: Chimera was effectively Myth III, and should have been the last. Bungie won't be doing the storyline, so I wonder if it'll actually sell.
  7. Enough of the CM2 mania. You'll spend your life waiting for new things – try looking closer at what you've already got.
  8. How dare you! It is one of the most important facts of the 20th Century that Hitler's Bunker Had No Windows. For lack of a nice view and a bit of sunlight, Hitler became depressed and ended up killing himself. Goebels attempted to cheer him up by projecting a countryside panorama onto his study wall, but had to stop when Hitler started to cite the unspoiled view as proof that the Allies had no power over Berlin.
  9. captain_foobar wrote (in the Evil Place Of Black And Green): > Peng told me you just bought Hasbro's Squad Leader to brush up on your tactics. Your previous doctrines came out of Sgt Rock comic books. You thought Avalon Hill was a Close Combat map. Nice one.
  10. It was 40 feet underground, so the best they could've done was a skylight...
  11. Uh-oh, it's Faller! Quick, deny all knowledge. Macs? Aren't those raincoats?
  12. Not sure how iDisks are supposed to work. You can go to your File Sharing page and view or download the pictures from there, although they're a bit big (more than half a megabyte). I'm not sure if you can post pictures as-is, but I downloaded one and reduced it to 40K. Nice looking mod.
  13. Downtown Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA. Police receive reports from members of public harassed by person(s) unknown lurking in sanitation system. Officers investigate. Encounter hideous, deformed humanoid creature evidently malajusted to daylight. Army called in. Explosives employed in clearance of entrance shaft. On later examination, debris found to include smileys and hamsters. Recovered humanoid limb (right arm) found to be wasted bar pointing finger and middle finger. Muscle characteristics consistent with repeated, sporadic downward twitching action. Soldiers devoured by giant mutant hamster. Entrance sealed pending further action in force.
  14. Elijah Meeks wrote: > But you can be assured, Jefe, that I will be copulating with a gorgeous Cantonese girl the next time I send you a turn. Oh yes, we will be in flagrante delicto while I am planning and watching the destruction of your forces. Merry Christmas early. Combat Mission as foreplay? Hmmm...
  15. YK2 wrote: > And to think I have been sitting around moping awaiting his return [...] tomorrow I will be celebrating being Scottish. Aha! Resounds and exclamation from the dark recesses of the ceiling. Through the gloom, a figure drops, announcing Now it all becomes– ::SPLASH:: The figure disappears beneath the murky water. ::sploosh:: ::splush:: ::SPLOOSH:: The figure resurfaces ::GLURP:: ::ptthh:: ::ack:: ::cough:: ::ahem:: Now it all becomes clear! . . . Hang on – where'd she go?? You cannot hide! The Caped Aikvenger shall expose your evil conspiracy with the Frenchman! [This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 11-03-2000).]
  16. Jeff Heidman wrote: > Personally, those little guys toting PFs have been much better off with them than without Exactly. > In ASL, you knew you were always taking that chance when you fired a LATW in a building, but it was *your* choice. Consider that in CM (as we've discussed before), AT weapons – which in reality were carried by regular infantry – are modelled as separate teams, thus allowing you much greater flexibility. The Panzerfausts are the exception, and there is a small chance of things going wrong – but as you say, Panzerfausts are a blessing more often than not. David P.S. Sorry Andreas – my risk in not quoting Bruno first time backfired, and it looked like I was replying to Jeff. [This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 11-02-2000).]
  17. Bruno Weiss wrote: > I have to worry about placing PF equipped infantry into a building on account of one of em breaks bad and goes Audie Murphy on me and fires off the PF and POOF! There goes the neighborhood? If your infantry are able to shoot at enemy vehicles (by design or accident), said enemy vehicles are quite likely to shoot back, under which circumstances a building is not the best place to be. This argument is starting to feel like Colonel_Deadmarsh's (see above linked thread on this page), where he wanted the game to be reprogrammed to avoid the case where he put men in a building, and suddenly an enemy tank appeared and started shelling the building, and knocked it down before he had a chance to relocate his troops. If you're expecting enemy armour, you don't want your men to be in buildings, because buildings are poor protection under shellfire. Where light enemy vehicles are concerned, no-one in their right mind is going to send a halftrack up next to a building where your men might be hiding. If the halftrack is unloading infantry to assault your building, your men will be too busy firing at the infantry to worry about the halftrack. If an enemy tank takes you completely by surprise, rolls into LOS and starts shelling your building, and (in Deadmarsh's case) the building collapses, or (in your case) your men let off a Panzerfaust, and by a small chance they set their building alight – well, that's just hard luck. But good tactics and sound operating procedures will go a long way towards protecting you from such eventualities. David [This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 11-02-2000).]
  18. Croda wrote: > GB, the "I know you are but what am I" and "I'm rubber you're glue, whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you" defences are classic schoolyard tactics. They go along with the much underused "Sticks and stones" approach. The memory of that kind of bollocks fills me with dread. Have you ever tried holding a conversation with someone who repeats everything you say? Absolute murder. Elijah Meeks wrote: > Now you listen up you ugly bunch of Survivor 2 rejects, [...] I will personally hunt each one of you down, cut off your significant parts, sew them together and make a new house out of them. Kay? Hmm... sob like a little girl... Umm, anyway, that was funny. Hakko Ichiu wrote: > Enter Hungarian gentleman with phrase book. > [...] > Cut... That was funnier, but it doesn't count because it's not relevant. Mace wrote: > Ahh, classic Monthy Python! Ethan, you horrible little rodent, you've spoiled a Python sketch I haven't seen yet. Oh, and I was going to say... Is it not horrible to read a language you don't understand? You know something is being said, but it makes no sense to you. It really does make your head hurt. [This message has been edited by David Aitken (edited 11-02-2000).]
  19. Jeff Heidman wrote: > Unfortuantely, you might need that squad in the building to defend it from other infantry, then that enemy HT strolls by and before you know your defensive strong point is on fire... Such is war. Frankly, there are an infinite number of screwy things that might often happen in real war, which can't happen in CM because they're simply not modelled. So I think it's quite fair that there is reasonable potential for confusion and disaster with what is there. David
  20. Medieval wrote: > A Panther of mine in Parker's Crossroads BLEW to pieces a 2 story Heavy building filled with like a company of Amis. Most died. That's a bit over the top. Well that's another debate. Try this thread: Why DO houses blow up? Anyway, if it really was "like a company of Amis", whoever put them there ought to be court-martialled and shot. David
  21. Bruno Weiss wrote: > and why the faust backblast is a more leathal building killer than an incoming HE round? When an AT weapon sets a house on fire, yes, the effect is more than you could usually achieve with quite a few HE shells. But there is a far greater certainty that HE will level a building, than a rocket launcher will set it on fire. Bad when it happens, but it does not happen very often. David
  22. Germanboy wrote: > Looks like David has taken over the searchonauts... That's what I was thinking...
  23. You are correct. Spotting abilities for both infantry and armour are significantly reduced while moving quickly. David
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