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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. Gesundheit. All the best Andreas
  2. The German word for Troll is Troll (that's because Norwegian is just another German dialect). Or you can say nervtoetender Laberarsch. Alles Gute Andreas
  3. Just use Shermans. Get on with it. All the best Andreas
  4. Thanks to Count D'Ten and JasonC, a new version of '21st Army Counterattacks' is now available on 'I wish it was Der Kessel' (link in my sig). Not all of Jason's suggestions were implemented, so even if you read all the critique, FOW will exist. All the best Andreas
  5. Added: * Cory Runyan's reworked 'South of Kharkov'. Huge CMBB battle set during the German Fridericus counter-attack in 1942. * Kingfish's CMAK conversion of my (allegedly) unwinnable CMBO scenario 'Hasselt', a single player US recce battle on the Belgian-Dutch border in 1944. * Following JasonC's advice, I reworked the CMBB disk single-player advance operation '21st Army Counterattacks'. Even if you read the thread, there will be surprises, since not all his suggestions were implemented. Enjoy. All the best Andreas
  6. Ah Stefan, I was waiting for you to turn up. Was Badanov involved in the Korsun battles? I know he was commanding the raid of 24th Tank Corps, which was of course a heroic example of determination and grit (why don't you search Wiki for it? ), and I guess that this put him in line for the tank army command. Maybe in the same way that Katukov lost much of his command in Mars, but still came out ahead considering his overall performance. All the best Andreas
  7. I know you were not advertising it intentionally, but unintentionally you were. Emailing them such finds directly is the right thing to do, and it is best not to discuss the matter here at all. Agree that it is a bit daunting to do something about it. All the best Andreas
  8. If I were you I'd delete the link, double-time. All the best Andreas
  9. A long time ago we were discussing the performance of Pavel Rotmistrov in this thread. I have since started a few biographical articles on Wikipedia, in my continuing quest to make the world a bit more aware of Soviet performance, I mean beyond what they read in Guderian's memoir. See e.g. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavel_Rotmistrov http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pavel_Rybalko and http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mikhail_Katukov Someone I can find little to nothing about is V.M. Badanov. Some info on their careers once they were given command of a tank army. Rotmistrov: Commanded 5th Tank/Guards Tank from 1943. Taken off command 1944, deputy commander mech forces, later commander mech forces of Soviet forces group in Germany, later deputy minister of defense. Highest rank Marshal. Rybalko: Commanded 3rd Guards Tank Army from 1943, later commander Soviet forces group in Germany (Rotmistrov's boss), died 1948. Highest rank Marshal. Katukov: Commanded 1st Tank/Guards Tank from 1943. Stayed in command of it post-war when it was stationed in Saxonia, facing across the Iron Curtain. Later succeeded Rotmistrov, later became inspector of the army. Highest rank Marshal. Badanov: Commanded 4th Tank Army from 1943. Removed in 1944, given command of the armoured school of the Red Army. Highest rank Lieutenant-General. Corrections welcome. Also, what about the other chaps commanding ? Of the four listed, I would argue that Badanov and Rotmistrov did comparatively badly in terms of career, but I would like to see the career data for the other tank army commanders before making a final judgement. I believe that the heavy losses suffered by Rotmistrov's command at Minsk were the final reason to get rid of him. I have read somewhere that Badanov did very badly in terms of losses in the opening of Operation Kutuzov, and would be interested in what his last major battle in command of 4th TA was, and how he fared there. All the best Andreas [ May 10, 2006, 04:02 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]
  10. Just go straight to the source for the Answers.com/Wiki article: http://www.axishistory.com/index.php?id=1145 All the best Andreas
  11. Err. No. You are so far off the mark, it is quite amusing. Norwegian production was reduced, but not shut in during the period. They were still making money. Just not as much as they liked to. Linky to PDF containing boe production cost And this 23 NOK = 3.74 USD Both these statements should be SRMC (short-run marginal cost), I believe, i.e. the cost of getting a particular barrel out of the ground, without paying for the infrastructure. Regarding the middle east, you are out by at least an order of magnitude, I believe. Production cost defined as SRMC per boe there should be well below one dollar. EIA - emphasis by me Note that this cost is LRMC (long-range marginal cost), which covers the fixed cost of the investment, and has no bearing on the decision of whether to produce or not on a given day. All the best Andreas
  12. http://www.wtrg.com/prices.htm OPEC and Norway had government production restrictions in 2002 to shore up the oil price. All the best Andreas
  13. Thanks to Count D'Ten there will be a revised version of the operation available on TPG and IWIWDK sometime next week. If anyone has played this one through, I would appreciate an email on experience with reserves coming in, to help me understand a bit better how it works out. All the best Andreas
  14. While you are at it, drop me a line. I have Hasselt converted to CMAK. </font>
  15. That depends on whether you get to work on a sub (or not) or on a C-130. All the best Andreas
  16. Helge Can you drop me an email please? Cheers Andreas
  17. If you are capable of constructing a version of the scenario that opens in 1.03, you can email it to me, and I'll do the changes for you. Preserves FOW. My problem is simply that I get an error message telling me that I need to install a newer(!) version of CMBB to show the scenario I got. I have no idea what version of CMBB it hails from (my guess is 1.0 CDV), and can't find my installation CD (process of moving house). If your CD is already loaded with 1.03, just emailing me the scenario should do the trick. All the best Andreas
  18. Ah well. So much for the road to good intentions. For me it ended when I could not open '21st Army Counterattacks' in the scenario editor. If the only way around that is to re-install all pre-1.03 patches and the original game, I'll have to give that a miss, I am afraid. All the best Andreas
  19. Thanks Steve. Jason is right though, in that this operation was supposed to show an 'anytime, summer 1941' Soviet counter-attack. As such, it should really have an 'anytime, summer 1941' OOB/TO&E. As you probably know, the 'formula' I use for scenario design is not one of attempting to recreate historical events, but one of trying to recreate historical tactical challenges. Therefore, unless it is explicit (as in e.g. 'The Dirt Road') that you got shafted in your assigment in terms of toys, there should be what you can realistically expect from the force you belong to. That's why I will re-design this one (now that Jochen finally sent it to me, the slacker! ). I expect the revision to be more historically correct, and more of a realistic challenge for both sides. You'll be able to find it on TPG when I have finished. All the best Andreas
  20. I just read an entry in Fliegerkorps VIII KTB during or after the battle of Kursk, where a Hauptmann in a Stuka formation had his 800th (eighthundredth) combat mission. After how many missions were Typhoon pilots allowed to stop flying? All the best Andreas
  21. It's a WW2 for D&D website. Don't expect too much. All the best Andreas
  22. www.afrikakorps.de has nothing on Stug A in Africa in the topics where Stugs are discussed. All the best Andreas
  23. Google throws this up. It's a gaming website, so can't be accurate. Battlefront Article All the best Andreas
  24. Oh, and send me an email too, you hermit. All the best Andreas
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