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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by mensch: eeewww! in worms?? must be that Arrakis world you come from ey? but honestly cool!! how much of the Altstadt is there Stadt Mauer? chances are its all build up but what about the Jewish quarter near the Hafen is the Synagogue still there? (assuming they rebuilt it) if so I would guess it would be one of the oldest in Germany (even if it was restored heck most of germany was restored after getting hammered in the war). [ 11-19-2001: Message edited by: mensch ]<hr></blockquote> Grego, quite a bit of Stadtmauer is still left. The Synagoue is gone since 1938 (no surprises there), but the old Tora school is still left, and no contains a museum. The whole Jewish quarter (Ghetto - in the medieval sense) has been restored. If you go, stay outside the town on a wine-farm. If you are really interested, email me and I get my parents to recommend a place to stay. Travel time is 1hr20, cost is DEM124,- pp, less if you go as a group.
  2. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by ParaBellum: A humble question: Does anyone play these monsters????<hr></blockquote> I don't.
  3. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by ParaBellum: Ah, and have a look at Worms, the old city of the Nibelungen (you know, Siegfried and that stuff...). Not that far away from Stuttgart (150km). And plan to see the cathedral (Dom) in Speyer, about 120km from Stuttgart. One of the most beautiful cathedrals in Germany. Built in 1030 it's the biggest romance (sp?) building in europe. Hope that helps<hr></blockquote> My parents live in Worms. It has the oldest Jewish cemetary in Germany (if not Europe), the Cathedral is very impressive, and there are some nice old buildings tucked away in side streets. Unfortunately it was destroyed by Bomber Command in two attacks 1944 and 1945 - there were leather factories in the city centre, which were an important target. Speyer is also great. The cathedral is from about the same time as Worms. The period is called 'Roman', and the style 'Romanic'. Preceded the Gothic style, ran from about 10th-12th century. I much prefer it to Gothic.
  4. Cintheaux - Totalize at Der Kessel for a battle, and 'Halpenny Force' at Der Kessel for an operation.
  5. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Moon: Germanboy - "Even Bavaria is better." Hey! <hr></blockquote> Moon, I hate to break this to you, but the Allgaeu is at best 'Beutebayern', and at worst 'Moechtegernbayern'. They have an inane dialect that can not even claim Lederhosencoolness. Only ended up there because Napoleon gave that bit to Bayern, IIRC. Bayern starts behind the Lech, not before the Iller. Anyway, almost any place up to and including Kandahar or Coventry is better than a part of Germany where they believe that Linsen mit Spaetzle und Seidewuerstle are a delicacy. As they do in Stuttgart. Yikes.
  6. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Hakko Ichiu: [QB]On a map from Germanboy, no less - and how much less could there be than the Teutonic one? <hr></blockquote> A lot less. Now, for 999% of the nitwits frequenting this thread, the above line would have constituted what they see as a 'witty' response. They would then have proceeded to edit it, because they are incapable of spelling 'a' without resorting to Chambers, lying on their lap while typing their inane drivel, like a smelly, dank poodle, reflecting their state of mind when drooling on their legs. That is what is wrong with you lot. Not to put too fine a point on it, you stink as taunters. You once were great, and you look at the image of what you once were, thinking 'Yeah, that was so cool, like, woohey' or something. Now, you are but shallow shadows of yourselves, who are so shortsighted that they see a witty, bright, and lucid response in the pointless crap being spouted forth here these days. If I did not dislike you so much for that, I would pity you. Instead I entertain thoughts that involve you, and a lawnmower. But we won't go there. If the words 'stale', 'clubby', and 'outlived its usefulness', as well as 'well past it's sell-by date' did not exist, someone would have to invent them for the Peng Thread these days. Morons. Read 'The emperor's new clothes' - you may just learn something. BTW Ethan - a long time before this game is over, you will curse me. Oh yes you will. Not edited because I am worth it.
  7. Personally, I would not want to hang dead over a fence in Stuttgart. But since they have a high-speed train stop, you can at least get away from it quickly. You are in the Alsace in no time - Colmar pocket and all that. Nice base. Nice to get away from it. Oh, did I mention I really don't like Stuttgart? Even Bavaria is better.
  8. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Berlichtingen: You may also want to try 'A Long And Bloody Mile'. Its longer than you requested, but it has a low foece density. I suggest giving the Germans a +25% advantage against the AI<hr></blockquote> Oh, that is published now. Let me go to the depot...
  9. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by rogue male: Okay, managed to move fingers just a couple more times and go to DK site. It's Sunday after all. AI is good too. Thanks for the tip GB!<hr></blockquote> Heh no problem. Maybe give the Germans a bonus or somefink. If you are not sure, just email Mensch, who made it. I am currently having one tested, too.
  10. I totally forgot, Berli's 'Liberation of Hyéres' is also a good city fight. Available at Der Kessel, like all good scenarios
  11. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Panzerman: As for other units CM doesn't allow Canadian or Polish forces to use cromwells or Challengers etc. <hr></blockquote> Don't know which version you have, but in 1.2 the Polish can have the Cromwell. You are right regarding the Canadians and the Cromwell, and regarding the Challenger for either. Both of these limitations are historically correct, since the Canadians did not have the Cromwell, and neither did have the Challenger, to my knowledge. Regarding Stuarts, one thing to be kept in mind is that it was no longer regarded as a battle tank in 1944, at least by the Commonwealth. While it certainly could take out a Panther from the side, I highly doubt that many Stuart commanders gave it a real try. The job of the Recce troop was to find out where the guys in grey were, and then live to come back and tell somebody about it. Preferably someone with real tanks, so that they could deal with it. Aggressive use of Commonwealth Stuarts is not quite realistic, IMO. Although of course Sgt. Halkyard of the SAR Recce troop did use his Stuart to take on a railway gun and won Humber SCs were used for OP duty, and as liaison vehicles. Again, aggressive use of these vehicles in a CMBO game is not quite realistic, IMO. I can't wait for someone to come along and quote some MC citation at me to prove that I am wrong
  12. There are two 'To the last man', one by WBW, and one by me. Don't know if WBW's is a city scenario, mine is. You can also try Trun, that is a Byte Battle™ sort of built-up fight. I have a real city Byte Battle™ in the works though.
  13. Apart from the fact that the article is neatly short-ciruiting logic and reason in its final para, I can not find an explicit reference to increased effects of air support in the East, as opposed to the West. It says explicitly that dust rendered air support useless during Prokhorovka, and the example of the HS-129 sorty is outside CM's scope, since no German ground units were involved at all. Rudel's sorty could have been anywhere too - five miles behind the battlefield or right up there. I am still not convinced about this request.
  14. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Seanachai: If Andreas is involved, it's less of a community than an internment camp. Is it true he can't return to Germany without wearing a novelty nose and fake mustache?<hr></blockquote> Whatever you say matey. Just wait until you come to the UK. I have your name and number ready. Holien - hope you made it back home to the frozen north alright, without running into Dick Turpin on the way.
  15. According to Lexikon der Wehrmacht on PSW, 200 of these PSWs were built. There were however 381 of the 20mm armed older PSWs Sdkfz.222 left in 1945 that are not modeled in CMBO, so I think you could just excuse yourself by using the 234/1 as an abstraction of these. Not sure about the accuracy of the info on that site, but the guy who does it seems quite thorough.
  16. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Justin5471: Slice and dice, shame. Walk? From Waterloo East? Are you some health food / fitness fanatic? I shall tube it eating cheeseburgers along the way.<hr></blockquote> You should try some fresh air sometime (okay, so we are in London, and fresh air here is the stuff that would make a country-cheesemaker keel over).
  17. Just don't take the 1825 from London Bridge. Seems to be the preferred train for suicidal people at New Cross Gate these days. Bastards. Maybe best to go to Victoria or Battersea by train. I will go to Waterloo East and walk - provided it is not raining.
  18. Oh, and what kind of a sodding stupid title is this anyway for a Peng Challenge. I just hope that Matt locks it up and soon. Even he can not have approved this. Not edited because I bloody well don't need to edit my posts. Effing lot, can't believe I waste my time talking to you.
  19. Some of you useless lot owe me reports on how the playtesting is progressing of the various types of scenarios I have thrown out to you like I would throw a nice bone at a ruddy old smelly dog to make it go away. Instead of wasting my time emailing you on the other channel, where my message would no doubt drown in the porn-newsletters you are all subscribed to, consider yourself paged. I expect progress updates, including latest movies, and pronto they should come in (that is Italian for pronto). Now get on with it. You can always post useless gibberish here after you have performed a useful task for society. Not edited because it is that time of the day where I have to show you sodding lot how much more efficient and intelligent than you I am. Wastes of space you are. Watching an episode of the Teletubbies is more amusing than reading your posts here.
  20. <blockquote>quote:</font><hr>Originally posted by Soddball: Can't make it - I have to go and sign stuff for my new car Bollocks.<hr></blockquote> Wouldn't want a turn numberer there anyway Next time.
  21. Regarding the Crocodile, a minor correction to Redwolf's post. All Crocodiles were in 79th Armoured, which was a specialist armoured engineering division with somewhere between 1,000 and 1,500 AFVs of all types. This division had liaison officers in all Commonwealth divisional staffs, which helped these staffs to plan the use of the 79th's assets in attacks. I believe it is highly unlikely that you would meet a Crocodile outside a planned attack. They were given out in half-troops (2 tanks) as the smallest unit based on need. They were a 21st Army Group level asset, not attached permanently to any tank or armoured formation except 79th Armoured. The same goes for AVREs, which are the other specialist engineering type tank in the game. British SP AT guns (known to Americans as TDs) were in the divisional AT Rgt RA, one of which was attached to every division. There were also some attached on higher level. E.g. at Maltot (Operation Jupiter), SP AT guns from 59th AT Rgt RA (the divisional AT Rgt of 43rd Wessex) were used to back up the Churchills of 9th RTR in their attack. I am reasonably convinced that this was not a single incident, and would think that a mix of some Churchills and a lone SP AT gun is historically correct. As with US TDs, the Commonwealth also used their SP AT assets to directly support the infantry, if no other armour was around. Cromwells were in the armoured Recce Rgt of all UK Armoured and the Polish Armoured divisions. The Canadians had Shermans in the South Alberta Regiment (Armoured Reconnaissance of 4th Canadian Armoured). Cromwells were also in the Armoured Brigade of 7th Armoured. The armoured reconnaissance regiments were often used as another armoured battalion, so they could be seen doing yeoman's work. In 4th Canadian Armoured, the SAR was used as direct infantry support for the infantry brigade. I don't know about the practice in other Commonwealth armoured divisions. Churchills were in special Tank Brigades - these were the former heavy brigades from before the re-organisation of the Armoured division in 1943 I believe. They were independent units, and Army Group level assets AFAIK. It would probably be rare to find Churchills unsupported by infantry, but I know of one case where that happened, and would be interested in others. Churchills and Shermans/Cromwells rarely if ever shared the battlefield, I believe. Doctrine was to have the Churchill support the infantry in breaking into the German defense, and then have the faster and more mobile Armoured formations break through and 'crack about' in the German rear. Comets were only introduced in the Armoured Brigade of 11th Armoured in March 1945. This was planned for December 1944 originally, and some parts of the unit had been withdrawn to refit when the Ardennes offensive started. Challengers were rare vehicles (200 built) and the only proven use AFAIK is in the 11th Armoured's Reconnaissance Regiment (2nd Northants Yeo and later 15/18th KRH). They may have been used in other units, but I have not seen any evidence of that (haven't dug deeply either). Typical platoons might be: 3 75mm Shermans + 1 Firefly (up to October) 2 75mm + 2 Firefly (later) 3 Cromwells + 1 Firefly (7th Armoured) 4 Cromwells 3 Churchills 4 Firefly (only in 4th Armoured Brigade) 2 Crocodiles Close-support tanks (Churchill, Cromwell, Sherman?) were two to a squadron of 19 or 18 AFVs. I.e. they were rare vehicles. They were in the Squadron HQ, together with the ARV. Squadron organisations: Tanks 5 platoons w/3 Churchills ea 1 Squadron HQ w/ARV + 2 CS Churchill Armoured 4 Platoons w/3 75mm Shermans + 1 Firefly 1 Squadron HQ w/ARV + 2 75mm/CS? Shermans Alternative (4th Armoured Brigade) 3 Platoons w/4 75m Shermans 1 Platoon w/4 Firefly 1 Squadron HQ w/ARV + 2 75mm/CS? Shermans This is all off the top of my head, and open to correction, and vicious edited remarks by JonS.
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