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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. It is my understanding that a lot of captured armour was used for rear-area security (i.e. partisan-hunting) work.
  2. Pak40 - thanks for the info. What numbers are we talking? AFAIK there was also a cavalry division on the roster until about 1955, BTW. T35 - well, the picture you have there looks more like one I remember being captioned 'Ukraine 1941', with German soldiers looking the monster over after it has been destroyed/abandoned. ISTR that at some point someone drove a WW I tank into a street battle somewhere in the east. They are also not modelled.
  3. Mike, good point about the PAK. Regarding the Chenillettes - I think the logistics problems of the Wehrmacht were such that they probably received tropical clothing destined for the Afrika Korps in AG North, while some random mule-mounted mountain AT troop in the Arctic got the Chenillette parts
  4. Sorry mate, but you won't get it on 20th September, unless you fly over to Steve's house. Have you ever heard of shipping times? Especially in the UK at the moment. My guess is that despite all the complaints, 4th October will not be that far off, and maybe earlier than getting it from the US including shipping times - ISTR that I waited about 12 days for CMBO to arrive after the fulfilment house started working. Which would make it what? 2nd October? Unless someone here has found a way to beam it over. This is getting a bit silly, not? Matter of fact, I am still waiting for my copy of Private Eye, which I should have received last Wednesday. Yep, the Royal Mail does the UK proud again.
  5. Only the fact that there is next to no data extant on Soviet sights. Since grogs hate letting a good-natured brawl die, they just move it onto something they can at least clobber themselves with references over.
  6. No it does not. I would not lick Australian wine off the leggy Australian blonde sitting opposite me at work, and it is not because of her. If I want blackcurrant juice, I order it. If I want wine that tastes like blackcurrant juice - well, I don't want such wine. The Aussies can feed it to their sheep.
  7. Nah, they only started manufacturing them in Jan. 43. My understanding is that SP artillery (SU-76, SU and ISU 122 and 152) was mostly used in a DF support role for the infantry, unlike in the German case where they were used as tank hunters a lot. I think the SU-85 and SU-100 were used as tank hunters. It is my understanding that different organisation forms applied to these two groups (not sure about the SU-76 though), with the former being organised on the 5-AFV company basis with two vehicles to a platoon, and the latter on a normal 4-AFV per platoon basis. Not sure though, and I am off to the pub, so I won't dig out Zaloga just yet.
  8. am - nice pictures. Is there something else you would like to add? As I said before, photographic evidence has to be treated with some caution, since people tend to take pictures of unusual things. Your picture of the German 5cm PAK in what looks like in-direct fire is a case in point. I suspect that was a propaganda shot, since for the life of me I can not see the value of using that gun in an indirect fire role. Especially when you are producing the much better 7.62cm at a rate of 30,000 a year upwards. Another case in point would be a stack of about 70-100 pictures that I have in the drawer next to me. All by a German soldier unknown to me. Not a single one shows a front-line scene. Are we to conclude that this soldier has never seen the frontline then? Discuss... Here's some data I posted elsewhere a long time ago - note the exceedingly low numbers of Soviet kit. <TABLE BORDER="1" CELLPADDING="4" CELLSPACING="1"><TR><TH>Heeresgruppe</TH><TH>French tanks</TH><TH>Red Army tanks</TH></TR><TR><TD>Nord</TD><TD>none</TD><TD>none</TD></TR><TR><TD>Heeresgruppe A</TD><TD>6 Renault 2B</TD><TD>none</TD></TR><TR><TD>Heeresgruppe Sued</TD><TD>12 PSW 178 = 204(f)</TD><TD>28 T 34, 1 T70</TD></TR><TR><TD>Mitte</TD><TD>15 Hotchkiss 38, 2 Somua 35, 18 PSW 178 = 204(f)</TD><TD>22 T34, 2 T70, 2KW1 (753r), 1KW2 (754r)</TD></TR><TR><TD>Lappland</TD><TD>16 Somua </TD><TD>33 Hotchkiss 38</TD></TR></TABLE> Also, Bren carriers were predominantly used in the east, and some were equipped with 3,7cm PAK35. British tanks Vickers Mk VIC were converted with 10,5cm lFH18. Red Army ACs BAF 203® were used against partisans. Chenillette tracked prime movers were used too, 6,200 captured in total. Bidermann (when still an AT gun commander) relates how by 1942 they ran out of spare parts. Here's where the info comes from: Lexikon der Wehrmacht
  9. Hehe. Cameroon, email me once you have the game, I'll send you the scenario.
  10. Quite. Don't forget that one could also mod a little honking horn sound, when the main gun is fired.
  11. Well, I just tried charging a bunch of German halftracks into a Soviet position - why you ask? Because I can, and it was my wont to do so. I listen to the game on my stereo, and the chatter of the MG 34 together with the sound of guns ripping into the HTs, and the odd catastrophic explosion drowned out almost all the 'Wir werden alle sterben' and 'Ich will hier raus' that my German Hampstertroopers had to utter just before they were cut to pieces. I think you really should wait for the final game before making judgements on the sound...
  12. Damn, now I have to dig out that old video again One of my "old" favourites.. M.</font>
  13. I liked the clown tanks. But no Charles has taken them away from me. My life is meaningless... The funniest time was when all Soviet soldiers were clown-soldiers too. All gone... [cue Blade Runner Rutger Hauer voice]I have seen clown T-34 tanks burning before the shoulders of Mamajew Kurgan[/cue]
  14. Didn't I read somewhere that the T-34 had a transmission that was an exact copy of an American-made transmission considered obsolete 12 years earlier? Also, weren't there churchhill tanks in service with the Soviets via lend-lease? -john</font>
  15. You can always make your own, you know. With those mad Finnish language sources that nobody can read...
  16. Remember that the sounds you hear are not the final version. They have been downsampled for the demo.
  17. Grisha, later Valentines would not suffer from 40mm Blues, because they came equipped with the excellent 57mm 6-pdr gun.
  18. Mac users, review it here on Download.com BTW - anyone knows if the Windows Demo is on there yet? Has anyone been able to find the demo on Happy Puppy?
  19. No. The Spanish sent one division. It was kitted out and organised as a standard Heer division (forget which wave), and numbered as 250. ID. The only difference in the uniform to my knowledge was that they were allowed to wear blue shirts, and had the Spanish colours on one side of their helmet. It operated in AG North sector from 1941 - 1943, when due to political pressure from the Allies it had to be withdrawn and replaced by a volunteer, regiment size 'Spanish Legion'. The last men of the legion fought in the streets of Berlin. Losses: 1941 718 KIA, 1612 WIA, 86 MIA (total 2,416) 1942 1,252 KIA 2,777 WIA, 3 MIA (total 4,032) 1943 1,964 KIA, 4,077 WIA, 237 MIA (total 6,278) Total KIA 3,934 total, 153 officers The division appears to have had a very good reputation.
  20. Hehe, yep. But is the reviewer going to submit another review to the Scenario Depot, that's what I want to know. He does not say whether he enjoyed tearing into the hapless proponents of Goetterdaemmerung with those ISU-152s Michael, the screenshots are so beautiful for a reason
  21. Oh look, it is oxymoron overload. By the way, did you not get rid of Kylie in a bargain basement sale? I mean, she is good enough for the English, whose attention span is seriously challenged by the intellectual depth of her lyrics, but who make up for that by leching at her continuously. Anyways, any country that has given Neighbours to the world deserves to be declared part of the Axis of Evil™, and nuked in a training run for the real attack on Coronation Street. Don Rumsfeld, please take over.
  22. I would just like to point out that I stake a claim to being the first one from this board to send a card to the US version of Cacofonix. Which just shows to you (again) how superior I really am.
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