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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. I keep that in mind Matthias - won't be any time soon though, since I am on holiday next week.
  2. You're from New York - how would you know anyway? Well, I guess you're not Australian, so we can't hold that against you...
  3. The only problem I can see with 'swift tank action' is the new relentlessness of CMBB armoured action. Your dash ahead can well be the last thing you do, if you run into an opponent in ambush position. Light AT and ATRs are deadly, easily concealed, and available all war round. In a game I tested last night, one ATR stopped a flank move by the AI consisting of two Marders and one PSW 222. Elsewhere on the map, a sharpshooter killed a sIG Ib. An infantry squad killed an AA HT. A Pueppchen shot up both my T34s (first shot hits at shortish ranges), an M17, and immobilised a SU76. I had to use Valentines to race across a bridge, into the enemy defenses - it was high drama I can tell you If you square up tanks against each other, I noticed it is no longer a plinking game. In one game against the AI I managed to lose three out of four advancing Panthers in one turn, and I thought I was being careful... The sum of all the fears for the German player - run into a Pakfront based on 57mm ATGs. For the Soviets - Tigers in 1942...
  4. Panthers come at 230-240 points depending on version before rarity. A platoon of five will set you back by 1,009-1,039 points. The German unit experience ratings are: Rekruten = Recruits Unerfahren = Green Regulaer = Regular Erfahren = Veteran Hartgesotten = Crack (that is what was translated as hardsimmered) Elite = Elite
  5. Don't then. It is not like anyone would notice something sensible written in the vast swathes of illiterate brainfarts that go for post content in your case anyway. I really can not understand why they put up with you. Why don't you do the decent thing, and jump of a bridge, or offer yourself for a 'what effect would this flechette round have on a soft target' test, that way you would be of some use to your country.
  6. Probably yes. This was a bit tricky to test before it went on the CD due to the great length. I will at some point update it, and make it available at Der Kessel.
  7. Absent a copy of CM:BB with which to do the research necessary to create finely crafted Grog-Porn™, the plucky denizens of Leather Tiger Press (Amsterdam, just upstairs from the Cosmic Café) have diversified into the music business. You can see their latest effort here.</font>
  8. Jochen, I think that is the bug that The Brain in the Jar™ will have to deal with. Ruthlessly...
  9. What's amazing is how long it is taking you to advance in a scenario YOU CREATED! Now, I would never stoop so low as to accuse you of being <font size="+4">a gamey bastich</font>, but it does seem somewhat irregular [editted to add...] Great article! I'm impressed with your sources[/QB]</font>
  10. Can't tell you how, but they die beautifully fast now. HE, infantry small arms at 400 yards sweeping the deck, anything saying 'Boo' in a menacing voice makes the steel-chinned Paul Carell heroes abandon ship v.v. quickly.
  11. If you had seen what I just saw in the movie, you would be less eager, let me tell you that. it is amazing how RL tactics work in CMBB, eh wot. Irrepressible in action mate, irrepressible. My lot, not yours. They seem to be hankering for Mutter's Rockzipfel. Edited to provide a link to an article that will be educational for the sourly one. [ September 23, 2002, 07:40 AM: Message edited by: Andreas ]
  12. The last one (Germanboy scenario) is winding down, and the complaint letter is almost ready to be sent. Set aside one of his scenarios in CMBB for us to try. I want to see if he's gotten any better in the interim, because the last one... ooohhhhh.</font>
  13. Well well, see who the shoe fits. If you're so smart, why don't you send me a setup you sorry excuse for a Koalafondler, and then I would have somefink to taunt you about. Make it smallish QB, I don't want to tax your attention span too much, and it would not do to make Dolly feel all lonely in your bedroom, eh?
  14. Well well, apart from a bunch of blathering by the Mindless Mongrels of Morosity™ (and you know who you are), is there any taunting going on here? I mean, have I come to the wrong thread? Now, Amsterdam Leather Press™ - are they busy with the hookers down the road or why is their publications department slacking? Get on with it. In other news SovInform tells us that Berli's forces in a little-known place called Stalingrad are dying heroically for Herr Führer. Lots of dying, too. I always knew that Berli would not be able to withstand a tactically well-executed close in attack. Lots of medals coming in for my Heroes of the Soviet-Union. Watch this space. In a travesty of balance created by said Mr. Berli, my scum-SS defenders have been routed and killed a lot by hordes of tanks by the Master CMBB Uniform Creator™. I thought I was reading a Carell book when watching the movie - it made me feel all warm and happy to see the SS-Totenkopf scum ground to bits unter T34 tank tracks. Please join me in wishing Wally a nice day.
  15. Stop blathering and get on with some East Front Grog Ponr™. I am waiting...
  16. Which is somewhat helpful, since you ain't gonna light 'em up from the front...
  17. well, it is actually. Set the map damage to 'massive' for your QB, and there you have it, Karl bombarded the area beforehand
  18. Papa - believing that one (you - for the slow of mind) is pre-eminent is a good sign that one (you, oh feeble-minded) should go and spend $20 on a shrink. I suggest you'd better do it today than tomorrow. Regarding feedback - yes indeed, you have overlooked the place where one (or even you, brainert) can give feedback. It is the Scenario Depot. Mind you, my most likely reply to your peeved reviews would be 'Don't blame your tactical ineptitude on the scenario designer - it is like a 3rd rate German general blaming Adolf for all his losses. Not pretty, redundant, and oh so obvious.' Have a nice day.
  19. Waffenarsenal Bd. 142 '2cm FLAK im Einsatz' credits the gun with practical ROF of 800 rd/min. Personally, I don't think there is any way on earth that even a four-barrelled AA gun can throw out this amount of rounds 'practically' - the barrel would overheat very quickly, and where do you get all that ammo from???
  20. Ah that one. Well, it was not a war veteran critique, at least not anymore than Monty Python's letters are one. I also have yet to see a book published with letters to the editor from the Guardian, simply because they are not as off the wall as the ones from the Thatchergraph. Most of them are from liberal whingers, and no fun to read at all. Well, in Tony they have what they deserve So why are you so protective of Consignia?? To take this completely OT.
  21. Sirocco with the ordinary luck of the draw, there would have been a strike in your sorting office anyway So you should thank CDV on your knees for delivering you from evil, err, the need to rely on the Royal Mail. (why do the last five words strung together look freaky???)
  22. *Persephone walks into the room* Hello Andreas! Persephone</font>
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