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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Andreas

  1. And what if you want to play it double-blind PBEM as the Soviets? It is simply bad form to throw scenario-specific information all over the forum as you do, and reduces other people's enjoyment of the game.
  2. Three 15 mm MGs ? :confused: Are they really 15 mm ? I know these guns were used in fighters, but in SPWs as well ? Nasty ! Oh my ! What a resourceful nation the Germans were.</font>
  3. K_Tiger - use spoiler warnings, other people want to be surprised by what is in a scenario.
  4. Well, the good thing about leaving it as it is would be that you are likely to see historically accurate use - next to none
  5. Or you are just reading the same book. Von Senger und Etterlin has it at 100 for the G 110 for the A and 80 for the D version.
  6. When it comes to gamey vehicles, I'd rate the SPW 251/21 quite highly. 39 points, three 15mm MGs, lower rarity than the M17... Budda budda kercheng...
  7. RTLM comes to mind - read the lovely manual. There are Finns, they are (unsurprisingly) restricted to the region called 'Finland'. You can buy them in the scenario editor (otherwise, how would I have made a scenario with them that is on the CD??). Instructions in the manual. So - instead of getting everybody here in a tiff about a total non-issue, maybe you should just RTLM next time, before you post something reasonably superfluous here. Enjoy the game.
  8. An interesting juxtaposition, and an assertion I find hard to believe. Why would Joe be interested? How would he know how to tell thinking from scratching his belly? How unlikely is it that you have been thinking. Inquiring minds want to know. Agua - you've lost something. Now sod off.
  9. I just looked at my copy. Rauss was a very able armour general, but I would take his judgement on Soviet airforce performance with a grain of salt. I am for example reasonably certain that his statement on the quality of Soviet planes is just plain wrong. To mu knowledge the Soviets did produce some superb fighters during the war, and certainly the IL-2 is a much better ground attack plane than anything the Germans had. I am quite sure that there are more completely wrong statements in there.
  10. Are you sure? Madmatt let me look at the complaints letters. Here is one: Dear Sir, I was appalled to find upon opening the package of your marvellous software that it deals in fact with the Eastern Front. We all know that the Soviet had no time to brew a decent cup of tea inbetween human waving his way to Berlin. How one can put out a wargame in which the brewing of tea does not have a major significance is quite beyond me. To put it in no uncertain terms, and quite bluntly - it just won't do! I would expect you to fix, or somefink. With greatest respect. Yours helplessly, Ms. Trellis Former Land Girl Ps. My beloved husband told me about his experience with the Kenyan mule-drivers during the rebellion, and while it has zero interest relating to this topic, I shall supply you with the details.
  11. Indeed. Now, the day when I take heed to what an ambulance-chaser, to whom Washington palm-greaser would be a massive step up the social ladder, and someone who imagines himself to be somewhat important on account of his snot-brake (after all, Adolf had one too, and he was important, not?) have to say to me on how I should behave here is fortunately enough about 60 years off. Now if I want to use this sorry excuse for hate-filled venom that the Peng Thread has become to arrange my social life (which seems to revolve around Kentish White Trash and Morris Dancers these days, I guess I have to re-evaluate that), then so be it. It is still much improved by me posting here, over the pointless drivel and mindless bickering foaming from the mouths of the mentally also-rans that ordinarily populate this place. A true bunch of society's outcasts, who make the protagonists of 'Fargo' look like a perfectly welded and developed reflection of today's world, and those of 'Oh Brother Where Art Though' appear as founder members of the local Mensa chapter. So, you may not like me, but I don't care. deal with it. Or even better, don't.
  12. That is either propaganda, or at least misleading. I seriously doubt that the russians never attacked in an coordinated fashion, and while the pilots probably prefered to hit targets that weren't shooting back there are enough accounts of IL-2's pressing home their attacks -or attacking where there was no-one shooting back (how widespread were those 20's anyway?)</font>
  13. Forgot to add - Tom, I find the idea of using English voices with German/Russian accents midly offensive. That is bringing down the game to the level of 'Allo Allo'. A desire for English voice-overs I can understand. A desire for English voice-overs with cheesy foreign accents I can't. I don't have a German accent when I speak German, you know
  14. Did they have 1:25,000? I must say I can understand the lament about the personal involvement a little. My grandfather was near Leningrad, and that certainly holds a lot of attraction for me, I buy divisional histories of units who fought in the area, I have contact with other Germans who's grandfathers served there, and it is the ara I am most interested in for scenario making. So I find that quite understandable. On the other hand, when CMBO came out I knew next to nothing about the war in NWE 44/45, apart from that there was an invasion. I never really got that interested in the whole topic of WW2 after the age of 16, and before I came across CMBO. Because of CMBO, I started reading up on it. I have become reasonably well informed about the Commonwealth forces in the process, and I enjoyed learning all these things. I would expect that CMBB will have a similar effect on many, and that again the biggest beneficiaries of it maybe the bookstores, and not BFC. I only really started readin on the war in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe about 3/4 of a year ago, when it became clear that in order to function on the beta team I needed that knowledge. Again, a tremendous learning experience, and one that was enjoyable in its own right. What does this brain-dump signify? Well, not a lot really except that I think many people who have no connection to the east now have a good reason to get one, and in the process will come to appreciate CMBB as they did CMBO. Regarding the mods - I think that has worked for CMBO, but the following/cult has been created, and will not go away if now there is less of a need for them, IMO.
  15. Two tanks out of three = 66.66%....precise enough? </font>
  16. In preview at my place an IL-2 first dropped rockets to no effect on a Panther. It then shot it up a bit, achieving no-kil penetration. The Panther tried to reverse into some woods. The next fly-over achieved more penetrations, immobilising it. The crew bailed. The same IL-2 then focused its attentions on a Brummbaer on the road. First flyover - penetrations, crew alarmed. Second flyover, penetrations, crew broken. Crew bailed before waiting for the third flyover. That was about 70% of the German armour force taken care of. Efficient enough? Improved modelling of small-round penetrations, airplane load-out and the vehicle morale model combine to make these flyboys killers.
  17. Unless the Kentish white trash otherwise known as simple Simon agrees to partake in beverages at The George this Friday, I say we should let him hang out to dry. Got the card yet Seanachai?
  18. Yeah whatever... Two words: snot-brake Now you have me interested - which one was that?
  19. Scunthorpe? What about Thomas and the professor?
  20. Here is something to ponder. Why does this thread not have more people with a brain who can also FRIGGIN' TAUNT?!?!?!?!?!? Yes, we have a Wally, and a Justiciar, and a whole bunch of even more superfluous nonsense, accompanied by a parade of nitwits that would make the inmates of the Arnhem asylum appear like perfectly reasonably, taken to taunting kind of chaps and old girls. I swear it is more fun watching Fred duke it out with Steve, or even a parade of Morris Dancers, than it is to read the mindless drivel spewed forth by the Meddling Mongrels of Mediocrity™ who appear in this fecking thread. If you had any sense... Ah, what's the point, let's scratch that...
  21. You must be the first person on the planet to think that appearing like a really really bad Patton imitation is a good idea. What's with that snot-brake of yours anyway? Regarding all your titles - ISTR you got those in Florida... Let's face it, you are more then village idiot around here than Wally ever could be if he tried on a good day.
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