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Everything posted by Username

  1. PENG used to be funny. He used to be a guy. But he didnt have the stamina for the grind. He lives on. Like Colonol Kurtz in Apocalpse Now. Only he just got boring instead of bald and fat and sweaty and crazy. The PENG-dom is a swirling cess-pool of PENGaholics. They honor the memory of PENG and what he once stood for. Or sat at the computer and typed for. He lives on through them. (Except ,of course, not one of them is the least bit funny.) And so it goes. He was funny. Or maybe drunk. Or sad. Not sure. Dont matter. But he WAS something. Thats a given. And he didnt like me.. Go figure. Lewis
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Reverendo: [QB] The reduction of recoil would help the bullet travel a bit further, that is true, but I am pretty sure that the relevant .. [QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> ?????????????? when you say "bit" are we talking inches or feet? I think in retrospect a HMG german MG should have been modeled like a squad. In splitting, it would then turn into a LMG (3man) and a crew (3man). But it seems hard-coded to be HMG or not. Lewis [ 06-02-2001: Message edited by: Username ]
  3. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Matthew_Ridgeway: You always get this irate when someone answers one of your questions? <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You always get this annoying?
  4. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Matthew_Ridgeway: User Said: “brit weapons not being my strong suit” that’s an understatement. As to the rest of your mumbo-jumbo I guess I’ll post to whatever thread I feel the urge to post to.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Yes. Thats my point. You have strange urges. Thanks for pointing that out. I am fascinated that you feel that you can do whatever the "urges" tell you do, yet feel compelled to tell others what the proper etiquette is when posting jpgs. There seems to be "rules" that you have to inform others about but maybe you can do whatever you like? I dunno. Maybe you are sociopathic or maybe just boringly pathetic. But I have no doubt that in your disconnected sense of reality that you think of yourself as some "heroic" wordster of the CM forum and that your legion of fans are awaiting your next post. You are the slayer of Username and that women are swooning over your exciting posts. So tell us more about the yellow shells equations and make sure you use one of the yellow Instant Graemlins huh? [ 06-02-2001: Message edited by: Username ]
  5. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Matthew_Ridgeway: [QB] I am curious why you feel no compunction regarding posting photos from other peoples web sites without crediting the web site. Maybe if you took the time to read the title of the web page from which you grabbed this photo you could answer your own question i.e. WW2 TANK GUN AMMUNITION QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I did read it and there was only the description XXmm by YYmm. Being aware that there were other Brit 75/76/77ish types of shells about (brit weapons not being my strong suit); I thought that a knowledgable person could fill in more info. But instead you came along. And I would be curious as to why you think you are the web police? Is there some compunction or malfunction or obsession that makes you think that I am to be singled out as such a web-crook (Go back to page 1 if you could you Bozo)? Maybe if someone with any savvy would look at the properties of an image, they could find where it is? I will ask you once again to please bug off and not address me but rather just address the forum. I guess that request cant sink into your head. You obviously have mental issues and I would prefer that you try to find someone else to try to share them with. So. I ain't ya buddy. You aint my mother either so spare me your rules and expectations. I wish you well and hope your strange obsessions dont ruin what little life you have. Again you come off wierd but I bet it doesnt register. Its just your charming way isnt it? Now tell us all about the British yellow shells formula. Everyone knows you are just plum full of info about them.. Lewis
  6. Can anyone ID if there is a 75mm sherman round in this pic? I would assume the one to the left of the 17lbr APDS (tall one). Lewis [ 06-02-2001: Message edited by: Username ]
  7. As if the HMGs are not modeled weakly enough as is? I could see the spotting reduced or the movable ammo being similarly decreased. If a HMG moves, it can only take what is capable of being moved. The way HMGs are modeled now remind me of those japanese open-clip fed tripod jobs. They fire so slowly and cant repulse rushes, etc. Lets let BTS fix them first please? Lewis
  8. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by BloodyBucket: I purchased a Maxi-Gamer Cougar (32 Megs) for under $100 that works well with CM and Rogue Spear about six months ago. My system is similar to yours, (AMD-K6-2/350) and my thinking was about the same. Good luck.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Me too. The PCI Cougar with a PI400 and 128MB. It only slows down in large battles. BTW. The use of smoke slows down the system. I then save, restart the game and it will speed up. Is there some memory hole or something? Anyone experience the same? Lewis
  9. This from Achtung Panzer website.. "From August to September of 1943, three of original VK4501(P) tanks (issued to sPzJagAbt 653) and in October of 1943, two retired Ferdinands were converted to Bergepanzer Tiger(P). Hulls were modified and mounted in the rear with a small superstructure (with the components of Panzer IV) and engines were moved to a central location. Bergetiger(P) was equipped with 2ton crane and no other special equipment.The only armament was the 7.92mm MG34 mounted in the superstructure." "Only one completed Tiger(P) with chassis number 150013 saw combat service as a command tank - Panzerbefehlswagen VI(P) with schwere Heeres Panzerjager Abteilung 653. It was used by its commander, Hauptmann Grillenberg (turret number 003), on the Eastern Front in early/mid of 1944." So there it is. The ultimate rarity vehicle! One costs alot and the next is unobtainable! So it looks like the origional Porshe turreted Tiger was used on a very limited role in the East. At least three were turned into recovery vehicles. Lewis [ 06-02-2001: Message edited by: Username ]
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Andrew Hedges: For some reason, I'm particularly struck by the large number of AT rifles knocked out by the Ferd.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> I am kind of wondering about the 3 aircraft. I assume they were on the ground?
  11. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Triumvir: I don't think Steve's doing a bad job. I don't think anyone else at BTS is doing a bad job. I'm simply saying that as far as I am concerned -- and this is not expected to change anyone's behaviour patterns -- Steve overreacts to modification requests. <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No way! He will over react initially, followed by long drawn out tit-fer-tat threads (that he may or may not close down), then he might acknowledge another poster who basically is saying the same thing (only differently) in another thread. Thats the evolutionary process. Its all for the best I am sure. Dont take any of this too seriously. Lewis
  12. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: Sure, but the Soviets will get that nasty piece of work known as the ISU-122 or ISU-152. And since they built about FOUR THOUSAND of these they aren't going to be too hard to find on the battlefield. Thankfully for the German player, even though the ISU-152 could whack even a King Tiger into next year they could only fire about 1.5 rounds per minute Even the Elephant could withdraw faster than that Steve<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> From Onwar.com.. *Total ISU-122, ISU-122S and ISU-152 production is claimed to be 4075 by June 1945 by Zaloga. The estimate provided here assumes 50% of the total production was ISU-152. Did they build more assault guns than JS2? Also from Onwar.com..3475** **This is an estimate of IS-2 Model 1944 production during the noted production period. Production continued after this period. Higher estimates seem to include IS-1 and early IS-2 production. Anyway, the armor on the Soviet assault guns was more stand-offish than face to face. So they had neither the armor or the rate of fire to duke it out with the big cats. German L48s had to treat them with a little bit of respect and circumvention. It will be interesting to see if the turret of the JS2 is modeled like the panthers. It was only 90mm and rounded. Lewis
  13. Did the origional porshe tigers (with turrets and 88L56) see action? I would imagine they were a fewbuilt.
  14. If it had a no bow mg, and a six man crew, were there two loaders? a full time mechanic or electrician?
  15. Couple of notes: The ammo storage supposedly had certain shells in hot spots inside the vehicle. They flew differently because of this. Origional tracks and wheel problems. Tracks were to narrow and middle wheels had bearing problems from heating. The vehicle had a wild drivetrain. Basically an electric motor on each drive sprocket. It should be able to spin in a circle and the game should reflect this somehow. This is a benefit to a fixed gun. I forgot where I read this but I remember it so its true. I think. Lewis
  16. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M Hofbauer: please note that already very early in the war the germans even put the 8,8cm FlaK 38 onto the 12t and 18t tractor halftracks, together with an armored cabin, to create an ad-hoc armored vehicle mounting the important 8,8. .<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The Germans also field modified 50L60 onto unarmored halftracks. The 251/22 was a Hitler "brain-storm" and therefore got alot of priority. To me its a poor man's Marder. And in 1945, Marders were obsolete. The 251 does not have a great turning radius (this may have been offset by the guns decent traverse) but it really is just an overloaded vehicle with limited ammo. Perhaps if it were given priority of tungsten ammo (which had to be extremely rare in 1945), then it could bolster an AT defense by being a mobile heavy tank killer. Its job could be to sneak up on heavy tanks that have broken through and nail them and run. The 234/4 armored car was about the same thing. It could drive in both directions (some models I believe) but it also had limited ammo. Its 8 wheeled steering would have been a bonus though. It could at least get in and out of trouble quickly. In any case, theres no way a panther gun could have worked in an armored 251. The JagdpnzIV was overtaxed by this gun and the Hetzer was ruled out of carrying this. It would have definitely been a mistake in a 251 and the ammo would have been further restriced. BTW, I am not making fun of modelers but that guy had some game rules he designed for miniatures. Lewis
  17. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by redwolf: Just a guess, but its probably the muzzle brake. The Hetzer didn't have one, StuG, Pz IV came in both variants while having the brake was the rule. The CMBO models don't seem to reflect that, though, i.e. the Marders, Jagdpanzer IV and PaK40 have a models with brake, but data is for 792 m/s. The Hetzer didn't have one in reality and its model doesn't have one as well. That may be a oversimplification/standardisation of gun graphics. In any case, photos of Pak40 show a brake, although that has the higher speed in CMBO. [ 05-31-2001: Message edited by: redwolf ]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The ammo for the StuK 40 and KWK 40 are the same. They are marked that way on the shell itself to signify the gun that the shell can be put in. I would expect the Pak39 to fire the same shell. http://www.shadowsfolly.com/wwii/Germany/PenetrationTables.htm I wouldnt expect a muzzle break to make that big a difference in MV. The main reason for a muzzle break is to reduce the space needed for recoil of the weapon into the vehicle. It also reduces the need for air/fluid cylinders to buffer the recoil. Perhaps thats what a PAK39 is; a L48 weapon with different recoil mechanisms? The Marders usually had the german 75L46Pak40 (the antitank gun) which was a different gun than the Kwk40 and StuK40 and fired a different shell. Its shell was not tapered on the cartridge but rather like the 88 shell (yellow projectile) in the previous pics. The hetzers had the Pak39 which was almost the same as a PanzerIVL48 (KWK40) or most of the other L48s. Lewis
  18. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Matthew_Ridgeway: I love your knee-jerk replys. Good luck with deep-linking to Yahoo <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> You have all the charm of a stalker. Anyone ever tell you that? The real Matthew Ridgeway was described as one of the bravest men to ever serve his country. Whoever you are, could you summon up the character and just go bother someone else? Nothing personal. Just bother someone else. I aint ya buddy. Thanks Lewis
  19. Its just so purty..wonder what the blast would be like for the driver? Maybe he should raise the windshield? http://www.geocities.com/MotorCity/Pit/3515/251/251-88.jpg [ 05-31-2001: Message edited by: Username ]
  20. Heres a website that many people here, including myself, have remarked upon. It clearly shows that there are multiple HE type rounds for for these weapons. To be absolutely clear for the easily confused; multiple HE for even the same gun. I.e. different sized HE shells (that were green) on the same cartridge , for the same gun. Maybe I should draw a picture and a map (4 color) to remove any doubt from Mr Rolly_eyes? It sure is interesting to compare these numbers to other payloads from other 75mm weapons. http://ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/willphelps/Specs-03.htm Mr _Ridgeway I really dont care what you think you recall or other confusions on your part. In fact, I really dont care a damn about what you think you have to say. Maybe you can do a search and maybe you can go do something else; I really dont care. You seem to like to change your mind and maybe your equations. yellow was = HE but now the new math.. yellow=flak Fine. Whatever. Dont give a damn but thanks anyway. Maybe you can direct your conversation "to the group". But maybe not to me? I am sure I am not the first to kindly ask you to get lost in your life? Thanks and good luck Lewis
  21. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M Hofbauer: If that is your sole concern then that is easily solved. But first you need to define "punch". If you equate punch with energy/momentum carried as most people would probably interpret "punch", then you can easily calculate that from projectile weight and initial projectile velocity.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well its been raised in other threads but I dont think that BTS has ever responded to it. It seems that the germans had multiple HE types for the L24, L43 and L48 family of tank (KWK) and assault guns (StuK). The big question is if the standard Sprgr 34 was the heavy payload type. Anyway, I define punch as a combination of the payload (predominately) and the kinetic energy that the 1/2mv^2 gives the shell. Depending on target type (point or area or vehicle) they have different effects. Lewis
  22. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Matthew_Ridgeway: USER Said: I can see this subject is very complicated for you. I will relay it one more time…read slowly. Yellow = HE <HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Thanks for showing everyone that you cant follow the thread. You start by saying that color is a dead giveaway. It isnt. Anyone that has followed this thread can percieve that by now. You cant. Color alone is not a dead giveaway. Read that again if you have to. I dont think you have proved otherwise. So you can stop with your silly equation. The only thing that might be true is that Flak weapon SHELL types have yellow as a case color. See if you can get your mind around that. Just as olive green panzer shells might be smoke or HE or HEAT depending on some other signifier. Is it sinking in at all? So maybe if you stopped rolling your eyes and read the thread a little closer , we would all be better off. Lewis
  23. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Matthew_Ridgeway: [QB There is a rather simple explanation for your continued quandary; German FLAK and NAVAL Ordnance were color-coded yellow for HE. Army spr.gr. for the 100mm gun, 105mm howitzer, 150mm howitzer, etc. etc. etc. were green or OD depending on weather you are color blind or not. Spr.gr. for the FLAK 128mm was color coded yellow. Conversely HE for the L/55 was green.[/QB]<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Well thanks but may I remind you that you were the one claiming HE=YELLOW? :confused: So its rather your misapplication of a US TM than my quandary. I am just analyzing the facts and evidence. But the only real CM issue here, to me, is the german 75mm HE shells size. I really believe that the standard German 75mm L24,L43,L48 Sprgr had more punch than most allied 75mm tank guns. Lewis
  24. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by M Hofbauer: Username - your mocking/ridicule is misplaced, the little red riding hood ATGM was indeed in troop trials at the end of the war http://www.geocities.com/pizzatest/panzerfaust12.htm As regards the 251/7,5cm L/70 combo, out of the hundreds of weird vehicle/gun combinations I am sure there was also a plan to put the KwK 7,5cm L/70 onto a 251 chassis: remember the regular 7,5cm PaK 40 mount onto the 251/22, and I have documents here that there were trials involving a full-grown 8,8cm PaK 43 onto the SdKfz 251 :eek: , of course it was not feasible but they sure tried. So I think it is very reasonable to assume that inbetween these two they also tried the 7,5cm L/70.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> The guy with that website is saying that it is an option. He isnt saying that it was tried but a weapon system that was used. As for your website it says: "Many almost finished weapons were captured by the allies. It is unclear whether the combat trial at the front took place or which results it had." So thats "indeed taking place" in your mind? Never mind.. Myself, I would have put a 12.8 cm PAK gun on a Kettengrad cause it needed to be tried so future wargamers could buy it with a rarity factor. Lewis
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