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Posts posted by Speedy

  1. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by OGSF:


    Speedy has just received mah surrender. Ah couldnae quite see hoo he did at, but there were a definite smell of outright cheatin' ain tha air. At's thae ainly explanation fer tha result. Ah'm sure he'll be along ain a wee bit tae give ye all tha good news himsailf.


    Yes tis true Lorak, once again my brilliance and genius shine through the murky pool.Final score is 67 to 33 and I finally got to see the mad scot wannabes' much lamented Hummel. Don't ya just love those fb's when they come to the party.

    [ 05-24-2001: Message edited by: Speedy ]

  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Herr Oberst:

    "since the last time a giant whale shark rammed my trawler, making a large hole in it, and throwing me into the water to sink along side my boat..."

    "Saaayyyyyyyy... something fishy is going on here... and I don't mean fishing fishy... I mean the suspicious kind of fishy... and who was that Mulder guy anyway? He looked kind of like..."<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>

    ....And now for something completly different...

    [ 05-24-2001: Message edited by: Speedy ]

  3. ( the following account is probably a bit disjointed , but I am writing from memory as the game was finished 3 days ago )

    Welcome back all.

    A couple of days ago my opponent, Hurricane, and I got together and tcp'd our game to conclusion.

    The game was in deep mud and heavy fog sept 44 with myself as the US Army. My forces consisted of 3 rifle companies minus attached mortars, a HMC, and a Priest. Hurricane had a mixture of security troops and pioneers, 2 Panthers, and 3 halftracks.

    The game started with a headlong rush to the central flag and my troops becoming weary by the end of turn 1, the next 6 turns or so just involved trying to get my troops into the central village where the Victory Flag was.

    Then on turn 8 the cry went up of 'Contact', when a forward element of a Bazooka team on second floor and platoon HQ, on the grond floor, spotted some enemy troops approaching there building. The bazooka team fired a round killing 1 man, it was then discovered that the enemy was infact a flamethrower team which continued to walk nonchalantly into the building straight towards the platoon hq which was firing, captain miller like, in an attempt to kill the last man in the ft team.

    Yet still this one ubermensch continues forward until he stops 5 metres from the hq unit, then with careless disregard for his own life and limb prepares his weapon and fires at the hq only 5 metres away immediately setting the entire buildin aflame.

    < end turn >

    During the next couple of turns we discover each others positions and proceed to start shooting at each other.

    At about turn 11 I decided to kick the Germans out of the church with the VF. To accomplish this I sent in 2 platoons in a headlong charge. These platoons manage to clear the building ( including knocking out a nearby Panther with a riflegrenade ) except for the single German flamethrower unit hiding there ( yes another bloody one!!! ) . This ft unit then proceeded to get to its knees and blaze away with it's weapon instantly setting the church ablaze.

    By know I am convinced that all Germans are physcopathic pyromaniacs.

    Despite these setbacks and a limited German counter attack on the other flank by turn 15 I am getting the upperhand and decide that it is time to send in my last company which had only just arrived at the fighting with the Priest in support.

    In the dying turns I manage to destroy Hurricanes' other Panther with a bazooka and 2 of his halftracks ( the other one I later discovered got bogged down and immobilised on the dirt road and never made it to the action ) as well as killing most of his infantry.

    The Germans surrendered on turn 19 of 20 final score:-

    Allies (me) - 75

    Axis (Hurricane) - 25

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