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Posts posted by Speedy

  1. Originally posted by Wildman:

    The file is currently winging its way to your pathetic broken-down white-trash trailer doorstep

    Mmmmmmmm........No, no mail here.

    I say Marlow old boy, please be so kind as to inform that hairball that follows you around, that I shall deign to give it a sound thrashing. Just as soon as it learns how to send an e-mail.

    <shakes head> The quality of squires these days.


    Work is the curse of the drinking class.

    I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


  2. Originally posted by Marlow:

    On this 21st of March, 2001 ("a date which will live in infamy …") The evil Axis forces (hereinafter "Hun Bastards") of Herr Oberst Speedy (hereinafter "Gamey Freak Boy") did dishonorably defeat the valiant forces of Marlow (hereinafter "CM God") on the field of battle. No excuses for this topplement will be made except that Gamey Freak Boy did lie, cheat, steal, alter the game code, and commit other assorted acts of vile treachery such as the Cesspool has never seen before.

    Sir Lorak, please record in the sacred tome:

    Gamey Freak Boy Speedy: Win

    CM God Marlow: Lose


    I was full of remorse and sorrow to have brought your undefeated record to a crashing halt. I can only plead that your blindingly brilliant strategy and tactics made it impossible for me to lose.

    On another note are you responsible for the irate phone calls I have been recieving from Herr Oberst? He keeps calling and raving about some great hairy oaf who keeps loitering outside his front door making 'Ugh..Ugh' noises.


    Work is the curse of the drinking class.

    I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


  3. Originally posted by Mace:

    Aren't they adorable? biggrin.gif


    It's so nice that you think my little Polish fellows are adorable too.

    Lorak, LORAK, YooHoo.

    Let it be known that my Polish infantry have routed Maces smg squads in our little pub brawl ( seems he wasn't all that thirsty after all ).

    Final score was 49 to 20 or 30 something.

    In other games:

    OGSF seems to be under the delusion that he is winning this one. Most strange considering all those smoke columns on his side of the map.

    Goanna is a gamey bastard, he has big mean tanks. At least I have the consolation that he has no more beer for the rest of the month.

    Marlow has arisen from the dead. He says he had a vacation and work but I think he was just trying to avoid me as I am giving him the thrashing of his life.

    Roborat, in a game that seems to have developed into three seperate battles on a large map, only has the upper hand in one and that one is a long way from the victory flags.

    If I have forgotten anyone, well, tough.

    Now who's for a sing-song?

    We're happy little vegemites

    as happy as can be,

    We love our little vegemite

    for breakfast lunch and tea,



    Work is the curse of the drinking class.

    I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


  4. I demand that Maces' Australian citizenship be revoked. We are having this wee fight over a nice little two pub village and what does he do? HE BLOWS UP THE PUB, it was only through sheer luck that everyone inside it all decided to go out the back for a piss at the same time that noone was hurt.

    But seeing all that grog going to waste has left my men mentally scarred for life.


    Work is the curse of the drinking class.

    I have nothing else to say. Ya, quote that you rat bastards.


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