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Everything posted by Speedy

  1. Oh dear I just googled it..... And I liked corn, no fair.
  2. Heathen. fecking bloody character count thingie me bob.
  3. In WW2 the British participated in large scale high intensity warfare in May-July 1940, and from June 1944 to May 1945. (I would class NA and Italy as Low to Medium scale warfare due to smaller forces committed) In WW1 the British participated in large scale high intensity warfare from 1915 through to the end of 1918. Hence the difference in casualty figures. For similar reasons Australias casualty figures in WW2 are lower than those for WW1.
  4. Battle of Normandy lasted 3 months CWGC has a British death toll of 22,000. Battle of Somme lasted 5.5 months CWGC has over 127,000 dead from the British armies. The British commited I believe just over 3 times the number of divisions to the battle of the Somme (44 to 13 I believe). So if you modify figures for length of battle and percentage of committed forces you may be able to scrape a higher casualty rate for Normandy but I still think the Somme would exceed it.
  5. I had to bail a crew as the touch condition wouldn't activate for an AC in the scenario "Huzzar", once the crew bailed it triggered.
  6. Welcome to Cobblers International, please take a number and we will be with you shortly....
  7. They worked well enough, ask the Germans. Had to comment the simple populist views of an unoriginal, incompetent Haig are so far removed from historical fact it really annoys me.
  8. Isn't he supposed to be telling us his flight number so we can forward the anonymous tips to the department of homeland security.
  9. Nah you're not that classy, you're more of a DH2 kind of guy.
  10. I'm a getting sneeksy on you to Stukesy old boy, don't you worry about that.
  11. Ha it doesn't matter as I have discovered I can replace my dead .50cal HT gunner by bailing the driver and ordering another HT crew to man it.
  12. Send a file you bloody sandgroper, I want to see splodey things.
  13. Yeah after a couple of years getting used to the current UI, the forums will explode when it gets changed.
  14. Well I just did a quick test, fired 8 105mm howitzer standard smoke rounds. Seriously injured - 7 infantry within 5 metres of impact, 2 infantry within 15 metres, and 1 at roughly 50 metres. Numerous light injuries that I didn't keep track of. Those results seem more acceptable to me but of course it is a very small sample. Map was a grass billiard table 1km x 1km with a grenadier battalion minus their vehicles and hmgs and schrecks. After the arty I rolled a sherman out from behind the spotters 8 story building and fired it's complement of WP with result that all rounds either dropped short or overshot the target by 100 metres+ for a grand total of no casualties.
  15. A standard (non-wp) 105mm smoke round injuring an infantryman 130 metres away does not sound right to me.
  16. Game update time. NG Cavscout has been evilly using the map to blow up my peace loving tanks and assault guns. I have been getting my revenge by killing all his infantry and making him waste his mortar rounds on his own wounded. Noba is hiding, well at least I think he is. The other option is his senility has got the better of him and he forgot to buy any troops. And that leaves poor old Stuka who has been demostrating the dangers of using buildings as firing positions.
  17. Bah, I blame the game not having my vehicles follow the movements I plot for them.
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