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von Lucke

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Everything posted by von Lucke

  1. Certainly --- you had but to ask. On the way...
  2. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by herbjorn: Green dragoons, would that be German mercenaries?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> Actually, Tarleton's (the real Green Dragoon) "British Legion" were all Loyalist Tory militia from New York and Pennsylvania. And here's a tip-o'-the-Guiness to our British cousins on the other side of the pond --- without you, none of this would have been possible... [This message has been edited by von Lucke (edited 07-05-2000).]
  3. Two files? There should be six --- if yr refering to the ones NCrawler did. Just place them in the Bmp file in yr CM directory.
  4. Just curious if you have tried this out for yourself. 'Cuz when I tried it, it re-sized my desk top to 1024x768 just fine, but CM remained in glorius 800x600. (And yah, I installed and applied it correctly).
  5. Cuchulainn: And yr point is...what? Actually, when the "Tarleton" character first arrives on screen, and starts issuing orders (with an o-so-nasty curl to his lip) for prisoners to be shot and houses to be burned, my own comment was, "Jeez, he might as well be wearing a black uniform covered in swastikas!" After that, my girlfriend had to keep poking me in the ribs because I would burst out laughing whenever the "Evil Redcoat" pulled another atrocity... OK, so "Bloody" Banastre Tarleton didn't get the nickname "The Butcher" for handing out bouquets of daiseys to the Continentals: He got them for riding down surrendering soldiers ("No Quarter!" was his motto), and conducting a scorched earth campaign in South Carolina that would have made Sherman proud... But he did not slaughter helpless civilians. Oh, and another very important point: Tarleton's command --- the "British Legion" --- was made up of Tory Militia from NY and Penn. That's right folks, all that carnage was committed by Americans, on Americans! Wonder why that never made it into the film? And don't even get me started on their version of the Battle of the Cowpens... This is yet another trashing of history by the Hollywood Entertainment Steamroller, and one which, I'm sure, our friends across the water are going to be very unhappy with.
  6. Did up a Quick Battle as the Brits and bought some Universal Carrier MMG busses --- figured it beat having to lug that heavy-ass Vickers on foot. I was rather pleased with 'em, until I tried to get them to target a wooden MG bunker: LOS was clear, and no other targets around to distract from my orders, yet the damn MMG's would not fire! Tried this for several turns and from different angles --- nada. So what is it? The .303 round can't penetrate, so the AI won't fire? Don't think so --- I've shot at tanks, and heavy buildings, and trees with no problem... For some reason the MMG Carrier doesn't seem to consider the bunker a threat? Well, the bunker sure put enough fire on the Carrier to assuage any confusion on that matter... 'Cor blimey!
  7. Quite so --- I've had reinforcement vehicles "enter" the map stuck in open pockets surrounded by impenetrable terrain. Nothing to do but exit the map...
  8. Coincedentaly, this is the first scenario I've PBEM'ed with someone --- good to know it's a good one, as we've only just started...
  9. Just saw "The Patriot", and so of course thought this was another thread complaining how American movies slam the Brits...
  10. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Dar: I thought "burp guns" were MP40's? Guess I was mistaken?<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> No, you are correct. The sound of an MP40 was just as distinctive as that of an MG42. Just as the M3A1 was known as the "grease gun" because of it's resemblance to an automotive servicing tool.
  11. I understand the point yr trying to make --- that compared individually, certain units seemingly belie their point values --- but I also think yr leaving a very important factor out of the equation: Rarity. Okay, so a Sherman Jumbo and a Tiger I are equal in points --- obviously not based on the standard equipment they rolled off the show-room floor with. It comes down to numbers available. Tweaking point values to reflect Rarity Factor is a time tested method of keeping builds semi-historical.
  12. http://www.gebirgsjaeger.4mg.com/index.html [This message has been edited by von Lucke (edited 06-30-2000).]
  13. Just did a Quick Battle --- 500pts --- Free French --- several 60mm / a 105mm M4 / and a 81mm Spotter. In the rain. No problem with smoke from any of the above sources. Not trying to be a smart-ass, but did you maybe hit Shift-I (smoke toggle) by mistake? Or maybe it's your vid card?
  14. Don't tell me they left out the Brazilian Expeditionary Force again!
  15. Come, come, now Zamo! Surely you remember the old TV series Combat!? Damn, Sgt Saunders just about wupped the whole of the Wehrmacht single-handedly!
  16. For those of you who have the original demo, it's bitmap 440. And tho I usually play with victory flags off, I like being able to toggle on the swastika when I need to inspire my men into attacking something...
  17. Hey Germanboy, Walter: Thought maybe there was a Canadian Batt mixed in with the British Paras. That's what I was looking for, thanks!
  18. What I had in mind isn't a change in the AI, so much as the addition of a Command that would result in more flexibility on the battlefield. Specfically: I'm Southbound on a lane bracketed by trees (or houses) with many gaps in between (or I'm coming up on a crossroads) --- I'd like to have the turret pointed East (or West) to fire through the gaps, or have it already pointed down one of the intersecting lanes when I reach the crossroads. As it stands, to achieve this effect, I'd have to area target something (and probably end up wasting ammo) in order to traverse the turret perpendicular to my line of advance.
  19. <BLOCKQUOTE>quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Big Time Software: ...MUCH higher than expected demand has caused us to run out of stock. We had made some "rosey" sales predictions (or so we thought!) and they were blown away by a factor of about 5 or 6...<HR></BLOCKQUOTE> How does that old saying go? "Nobody ever went broke underestimating the public." Or is it, "If you build it, they will come"? Congrats, guys!
  20. Just one of those, "Hey, what the hell?" questions that just occurred to me and I am too lazy to research myself. After all, there is the 1st Britsh Paras, the American 82nd and 101st, and even the Poles have a Para Brigade! Why not the Canadians? They had the numbers... Afraid to fly? Didn't see the reasoning behind jumping out of a perfectly good airplane? Too difficult loading a moose into a C-47? What?
  21. Ok, I've read the topic on "Vehicles with Rear Mounted Weapons Spinning in Place", and debated putting this there, but it's not quite the same, so here goes: Played a few scenarios with the M3 (both with and against), and I've noticed it has a somewhat quirky habit of reversing toward the enemy whenever it wants to fire it's MG's. This wouldn't be too awful, I suppose (makes for a faster getaway), but the weakest armor ends up toward the enemy, and it makes it difficult to get the vehicle to sit still --- I'll park it facing North in a well hidden spot, and next thing I know, it's doing a 3-point turn and facing South! I've also given an M3 orders to advance in a semi-flanking maneuver past an enemy position, only to see it stop in front of said enemy, rotate 180 degrees, and then continue on ass-first. Needless to say, this little balletic display did not go unheeded by the enemy, and the M3 got toasted. The only reason I can see for this anal fixation, is that the .30 cal MG is mounted in the rear (and so has a more limited field of fire than the cuppola mounted .50), so the 1/2track is trying to bring both weapons to bear on it's target by going butt-first. Now, with a bed-mounted weapon (like most AA gun set-ups) I can understand it. But for a troop carrier like the M3, with only secondary MG mounted in the rear, it makes for some hazardous situations.
  22. "Parker's Crossroads" * * * * * S P O I L E R * * * * * S P A C E * * * * ********************************************* Franko, excellent work! Yr right, it is huge! Takes at least a minute to load on my PIII 600E / TNT2. Well worth the wait tho... I must say, when the initial German forces arrive, they are slaughtered way too easily --- you might consider moving their initial placement farther back so they are screened better by the tree line. I had most of the Pz IV's and SPW's brewed up by turn 3. The infantry now --- they gave me fits! Very hard to keep track of (that's a good thing!). If anything, I'd say this scenario reminds me of the movie Zulu! --- if the Zulus had tanks and SMGs! The Germans just keep on coming, don't they? (Oh, and the flame-SPW was a nasty suprise). I was really on the ropes, until my reinforcements arrived (I had forgotten about them, actually). As it is, I managed to pull a Draw out of it. Very tense and exhausting battle --- I congratulate you sir! PS: I would be remiss if I didn't mention Sgt Cutler of 3rd Squad / Delta Platoon: He and his men single-handedly held off a reinforced Waffen SS company for almost two turns (reverse-slope defense in tall pines). His squad is credited with causing 46 casualties to the enemy before being wiped out. I put him in for a posthumous CMH... [This message has been edited by von Lucke (edited 06-26-2000).]
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