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John Kettler

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Everything posted by John Kettler

  1. Erwin, You really ARE twisted. They should wait to tell the driver that after passing through that temple entrance or whatever that is. Tonight's offering is yet another example of unceasing weird Japanese ingenuity. Regards, John Kettler
  2. Aragorn2002, In the long LL thread, I produced a direct quote from Khrushchev: "Without Lend-Lease, the Red Army would've starved." He was in a position to know, since he was Stalin's special envoy to the Front commanders. Zhukov said the Red Army wouldn't have been able to produce the weapons it needed without US explosives, steel, machine. tools and other things I don't presently recall. Again, here is a person who would know. Regards, John Kettler
  3. In reading Zamulin's excellent (but DU dense in info) Demolishing The Myth groundbreaking study of Prokhorvka, I came across quite the Lend-Lease bombshell. Though you'd never know it from the aggregate of Russian imagery taken during the battle, of Kursk, in some sectors, the LL contingent was enormous. Table 2 (page 42) shows 6th Guards Army's tank force was composed of 43% LL tanks, split 26.1% for M3 Stuart (44 tanks) and 20.2%for M3 Lee (32 operational & 2 in repair). By way of contrast, the T-34 was 38% (56 operational and 8 in repair). Recommend, therefore, that careful consideration be given when writing scenarios to depicting this massive LL tank fraction in situations where this and other units have LL tanks. Never in my wildest speculations have expected to see LL tanks constitute a higher percentage of the tank force than the T-34. Regards, John Kettler
  4. Vergeltungswaffe, Verily thee rocketh! It would be a fantastic deal to get five, but twenty is in head exploding for excellent reason territory. Have passed th eword to my CoC colleagues and on FB. Danke mucho! Regards, John Kettler
  5. Outstanding work, guys! Here is what might've been news before I saw this research extravaganza. You'll note a name I believe to be the author of a bunch of Panzer and Wehrmacht books. Just passing through! King Tigers in Paris, France (Summer 1944) https://dailyarchives.org/…/king-tigers-in-paris-summer-194… Image expands when clicked. DAILYARCHIVES.ORG 3232 23 Comments Like Comment Comments Active Now Steve Miller It's a bug out.... Hide or report this Like · Reply · 1d John Kettler Don't think so, for were that the case, they would've been covered with infantry. Have seen StuG IIIs carrying so many I wondered why they didn't overload the suspension. Also, note the complete absence of the Panzer bush look. To me, these factors mean they're moving administratively, not fleeing in retreat. 1 Edit or delete this Like · Reply · 1d George Kettler interesting that the crew are in BLACK this late in the war vs Cammie. Hide or report this Like · Reply · 1d Topi Mikkola Was it ever switched to completely camo? I have read and seen lots of late war images with panzer crews in black. Hide or report this Like · Reply · 1d Andy Duffell George Kettler Yeah, don't think this is unusual is it? Hide or report this Like · Reply · 1d View 2 more replies Truscott Trotter When are driving King Tiger you could wear a basque and no one would argue..... 5 Hide or report this Like · Reply · 1d Chris Cornwell Interesting, looking up the movements of the very few Tiger IIs units that went to Normandy, they all appear to have de-trained WEST of Paris, so wouldn’t have driven through the city. Schwere Pzr Abt 503 did have 14 of them en route in early August from Mailly which arrived very late (didn’t fight at Falaise), so it might be them 2 Hide or report this Like · Reply · 1d Ignacy Kurowski According to an article I read recently, these are tanks of the 3rd company of schwere Panzer-Abteilung 503, which drove through Paris as a display of power. One of them broke down during that drive. 2 Hide or report this Like · Reply · 1d Alex Wood Only one? 3 Hide or report this Like · Reply · 1d Chris Cornwell Ignacy Kurowski cool, so it probably is them, with the deteriorating situation in Normandy a show of strength in mid August makes sense. Hide or report this Like · Reply · 1d View 1 more reply Ian Hemingway At least they would have been safe from air attack Hide or report this Like · Reply · 1d Ian Black Ian Hemingway I was wondering about that. Otherwise by Summer 44 very risky for paneers to move during daylight. 1 Hide or report this Like Like Love Haha Wow Sad Angry · Reply · 1d Chris Cornwell Ian Black they would be fine in the city, impossible to spot, and no allied jabo would risk flying over the amount of potential flak in a city anyway. They spend their days cruising up and down railway lines. That’s what my old dad did.
  6. After seeing an FJ pic someone posted on FB, I went looking to see whence it came. That's how I found this ever growing FB page on the FJ, with anything and everything related: uniforms, weapons, helmets, drop canisters, gliders and more. There is even a period color pic of a PzB 41 team set up inside a house on Crete. Regards, John Kettler
  7. Vergeltungswaffe, Couldn't find it because I forgot the first word was "unofficial". Thanks! Does anyone know what model tank that is and whose? I kind of get the Green Man vibe from the soldiers in front of the highway barrier. In turn, that means it's Russian if I'm right. So a late model T-72. Regards, John Kettler
  8. Couldn't find the CMBS screenshot thread, so am making this post here. This is but one of an endless succession of master grade models and dioramas on the Love Scale Models FB Group page. Subjects vary widely, too. Regards, John Kettler
  9. DerKommissar, Like the VDV music video, the look of the guy who may or may not be the singer, and the gravel in the voice of that singer. JulianJ, You're most welcome. If I can somehow find that 1960s vintage Spetsnaz video, you may need a rubber room after watching it.Would give any number of people and groups apoplexy, but it confirms, chapter and verse, a whole series of highly specific things Suvorov/Rezun said about Spetsnaz training. Regards, John Kettler
  10. Erwin, Back in the 1960s Dad used to fulminate about television, opining that if our civilization collapsed, archaeilogists whould likely conclude from context the TV set was a god and that each house had one. Today's offering could be considered a a bizarre commentary on art imitating life, though would say it's inverted in this case, I think. Regards, John Kettler
  11. Have seen still and moving imagery of all sort of AFVs in Paris in this period, including a CV-33 and a recaptured Char B heavy tank with FFI stenciled on it in huge size, but this is one I never knew of before today. This is the blown up version of the pic. Wonder what the locals thought as these ground shakers came through. Note the guy on his bicycle based cart between the two monsters. Regards, John Kettler
  12. Zamulin won, and oh, am I getting an education in the 20 some odd pages I've read so far. Despite being relatively compact, this book is heavy, too, so free light workout when holding it in the hands! Regards, John Kettler
  13. Erwin, Went back and watched that video again. Based on what can be seen when the guy gets up and runs, I'd say he was blown out, for his uniform is heavily torn up. His jacket was blown up so high he looks decapitated, and his pants are falling down. If you watch closely, you'll see he's already on the ground before flame gouts from his hatch. Regards, John Kettler
  14. Vergeltungswaffe, Impressive theorizing, theoretically! Appreciate the info. Regards, John Kettler
  15. Wicky, If the Chinese government (at all levels) routinely requires that interaction with it be exclusively conducted by cell phone, never mind all the other things that people do with their phones there, how can someone afford NOT to have mobile service? Isn't an emergency the time when your cell phone becomes more important than ever? Regards, John Kettler
  16. Wicky, No need to rely on thewash, for here's a very good article showing how FactCheck operates and from what slant. https://capitalresearch.org/article/dishonest-fact-checkers/ Much appreciate the other two links, their insights, and shall pass them on. Regards, John Kettler
  17. Holman, Here's what you don't know about it. It's anything but disinterested, fair and balanced. http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/bloggers/2923825/posts Regards, John Kettler
  18. Am going to eschew posting the link, but anyone interested in the CV as Chinese BW angle needs to see, including scientific evidence that China is burning a lot of bodies in Wuhan, generating SO2 levels seen nowhere else on Earth presently. Not only are crematoria and the like going great guns, but there was a huge SO2 emission from a large open field near Wuhan. The website is called NeonNettle, and the post is from March 25, with the first part of the title reading "These people are sick!" Regards, John Kettler
  19. Wart 'n' all, You're most welcome. Hadn't seen it myself, so decided to share my discovery. Regards, John Kettler
  20. Had no idea this existed, though I have seen one someone put together using various materials on the exposed surfaces that could be tactilely differentiated. Regards, John Kettler
  21. First I'd heard of this, and it's truly remarkable. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2017/10/24/womb-view-surgeons-remove-uterus-mother-operate-spina-bifida/ Regards, John Kettler
  22. On a lighter note, time for a quarantine song! Used to watch "The Roy Rogers and Dale Evans Show" as a boy. Regards, John Kettler
  23. Got exposed to this by chance, and what little I saw about it in a video was more than enough for me to bring it to your attention, for this goes beyond even the Hybrid Warfare we've talked about so much, though the paper includes both Crimea and the Donbass as examples of some of the concepts of 4 GW. https://publications.armywarcollege.edu/pubs/3604.pdf Regards, John Kettler
  24. Whatever the cause, the drop in Chinese telecom subscribers is now 21 million. In a handful of months! https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2020-03-23/china-s-mobile-carriers-lose-15-million-users-as-virus-bites https://www.lightreading.com/asia/chinas-mobile-subs-base-shrinks-by-20m/d/d-id/758407 Regards, John Kettler
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