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Everything posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. ROFLMAO - gotta love it ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  2. Hey guys I just wanted to say thanks to those of you that are following the links being posted to CM review sites This is very important for the success of CM and BTS - Since we all want future games by them it is encouraging that alot of us will take the time to help the game advance For those that havent been posting, I know alot of you are busy doing other things but If you could find time to help out some with this stuff I'm sure in the long run it will be worthwhile thanks again ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  3. I agree a bit here If the to do list was published it would help people see what irons are in the fire for improvements The voting isn't a bad idea either IF and only IF it isn't binding to BTS It would be beneficial to use as a tool to evaluate the importance of various things to the customers. Then those that are feesible for BTS at that date could be adressed in order f importance. BUT BTS is the designer its their baby and this would only be a little help, maybe we'd see less repetitive questions too ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  4. I agree with that - I've been looking for waiting for a mASSIVE online AD&D game (baldurs didnt cut it) more like what AC EQ and UoL have attempted todo (but failed miserably) Ive played AD&D since its introduction and I'm STOKED ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  5. Anderas thanks for the RECON bud what the hell was that idiot putting onestar thinking? He must work for ATOMIC lol anyhow guys this place needs our reviews, especially since that clown trashed it I added mine thanks ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  6. I would have to agree here to an extent: I think that at pillbok should be able to be hidden until they have fired (think of it as taking the time to conceal the position byusing netting shrubs etc) If this isnt acceptible then maybe if the pillbox is placed in terrain such as woods or tall pines (or the equiv) then they can choose to hide until firing. They do seem to be easily spotted and identifed - but this is no HUGE deal for me I love the game regardless and if this isnt implemented in a patch -I can wait for CM 2 It would be a nice feature thanks ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  7. Lewis I really think it sucks that you go out of your way to piss of the guys that have produced the greatest game ever made Doom on you says TrickyDick ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  8. I hear that Kazom this is a pretty close community I think would like to add something though YOU CAN GIVE CM A FULL REVIEW AND VOTE AT http://download.cnet.com/downloads/0-10044-100-1881168.html?tag=st.dl.10044.unav.0 help promote CM by voting and reviewing CM here thanks again ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  9. Great to have ya onboard Kazom Thanks for voting ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  10. Hi guys this is still in development but there was a preview witten after E3 2000 and for Rpgers this looks simply awesome It willbe nive to have my two favorite game themes covered heres the link http://nwvault.ign.com/features/previews/e32000.shtml very informative stuff ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  11. UserName said: Just to be clear..I downloaded the Gold Demo and booted it up and saw two scenarios. I chose Valley as the Germans and didnt even read the scenario info. I didnt do much of anything till the Panther showed up. I won without even trying. well I'll be straight up - I'm finding this REAL HARD TO SWALLOW. God' I feel I'm in the presence of Rommel himself! Does anyone else seem to see an overinflated egotistical attitude at work here>? I'm not trying to flame you in anyway, this reply is just based on consistant posting by you at how great your play is! I consider myself a decent player -I'm no where near as good at CM as I was at CC2 (yet that is ) But I just fired up Vot and I waited like you claimed you did when ya "EFFORTLESSLY" smoked the AI, Ya know what>? I BARELY was able to scrape a TACTICAL vict out of this and the Panther saved my ass even though it was immobilized. Sorry the AI rocks for a wargame BETTER than ANY before it - I jsut think you got a BIG CHIP ON YOU SHOULDER - so quit trashing it until you can back it up - cause frankly I'm sick of hearing you berate BTS and CM and everyone else. It seems to me you were just warned yet you still have to take another dig - and this post by you is IMHO ; a dig in sheeps clothing *sorry all rant mode off* ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  12. HEy fellow CM'ers I noticed they had CM on Adrenalin vault for download and it has a rating system for the demos - CM is ranking high although there are only 13 votes Wargamers Do your duty and put this game where it should be AT THE TOP !!!!!!!! heres the link guys http://www.avault.com/pcrl/ratings/demo_rater.asp?demo=combatmission thanks for your support ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  13. Good morning Steve, Sorry I was crashed when ya posted At any rate it seems Pritzl has pretty much hit the nail on the head, with the exception of the fact that I couldnt get it to show me the markers again just by rewinding the movie (at least in that particular game) . The game in question was originally set up by the germans, and sent to me to set up as allies. I set up and returned it and then we both plotted, IIRC this seemed slightly different from the BETA. When it came back to me to watch the movie, I saw the bunkers, clicked on them to see what each held, and if much info was to be given. When I clicked the bunkers I saw no ambush marker on the AT GUN; I only saw them on the Wooden MG Pilllbox to the left and the Concrete Pillbox to the left. Once I started the movie they disappeared and would not materialize again, even if I restarted the VCR control. I COULD duplicate this if I I restarted the game and loaded the file again. I have the file if you want it As far as the unit abstractions go: for the pillboxes I agree with ya and to a certain degree with tanks and infantry. But with infantry I think (just my opinion)the only way unit composition could be detected would be in extreme cases . For example if the unit was Volksgrenadiers that were low quality (made up of old men) OR they were Actual SS units (but I guess even these could be Green) So retrospectively I guess the former troop quality (the old farts) seems to be the only one detectable until contact. Thanks for replying BTW this scenario rocks ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  14. I've worked on a few Gateways - I wouldnt wish them on my worst enemy - best bet is to build your own if ya can or get a friend that knows how to help, that way YOU control whats in it and the upgradeability ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  15. Good God will this count as College Credit?? ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  16. Hey Steve & CHarles I 'm not positive but I think I've found a bug, at least it seems like it would be At the start of VOT after both sides have plotted and BEFORE you actually watch the movie, if you click on the pillboxes you can see where they are preplotting an ambush. To me this information would be impossible for the opposing side to know I have the file if you want it oh also if you click ont he boxes you can tell if they have an mg or an at gun in them - shouldn't this info be unavailable until they fire? Awesome game tho - this is a minor thing jsut thought you would wnat to know ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 05-14-2000).]
  17. Hi I've never played Him yet but I wish him the best He definitely needs a laptop in his room to aid his recovery and read the forum Get well soon bud!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  18. Major Tom - jsut thought I let you know My email is down so I can't return any files til tommorow - sorry bud ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  19. Lewis give the AI some points an lets hear how ya do ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 05-11-2000).]
  20. My apolgies also I posted several times to the thread from hell ;P ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  21. BTW Steve love the feature to alter the size of the forces - is there anyway that you can select to alter both sides - say both up by 100? That would be WAY kool But if not its still an awesome feature Thanks ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  22. Sorry Lewis but You are WAY outta line with this - Steve had every right to ask us all to five the forum a break - If he wouldnt have you still wouldnt have your demo. As far as the customer always being right that is only true to a certain extent. Last night how could they customer have been right? I don't understand your logic here, the customer was screwing it up plain and simple. I Think the only apology owed is by you, to Steve. Some of you posts recently have been actaully readable its a shame you could'nt keep it up ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  23. Hehe well try it at +100 germs lewis ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  24. Check out the game in the other thread guys ya gotta try this _ AI displayed some incredible tactics even tho I beat it NEVER SEEN SO MUCH DAMN SMOKE and well used ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  25. Hi all I jsut had the most incredible game against the AI and this is something I reccomend everyone trying I set up CE and took the Yanks - When I went to start the game I selected to unbalance the game in favor of the GErms So I gave the germs +100 What came next was wild The Ai went at me hard I was set up well and cautios because I knew I'd be heavily outnumbered at 6 :5 for tanks and 2:1 ratio against my men I set up in overwatch with a lead tank as bait, the AI took it and tried to roll a STUG up over the ridgline to remove the enemy threat, I replied with a Three Sherm concerto leaving a smoldering hulk of a Stug 3 The right flank then ignited and I went with a two on one duel against my other hull down lead sherm (in the woods) I took out the one stug with a zook from the side right after they smoked my sherm The AI then gets more cautious and brings down the most incredible smoke screen I've seen laid in a PC game IT literally covered the ENTIRE center of The village - and enveloped my tanks Expecting the Ai to try and Isolate my lead sherman I slammed it into reverse leaving my forward infantry unprotected (yet hidden and in ambush) My ploy worked my tank escaped unscathed and all four resumed pounding as the smoke begin to break- the Germ infantry stumbled into my ambush and got chewed up (of course this was only a minor dent in the HUGE enemy force ) At any rate to make a long story short this went back and forth with the AI raining down smoke screens and trying to bring the AT teams to bear , I ended up smoking another thank and repelling infantry assaults for the duration I couldn't believe I was able to hold MY troops performed incredibly ( I would fire and pull back as soon as they started taking multiple targets) In the end These were the results GErms (AI) 340 casualties (77KIA) 2 captured 3 vehicles KO men ok 172 Allies casualties 134 (32Kia) 3 captured 2 KO vehicles Men ok 107 FINAL result TACTICAL VICTORY FOR THE ALLIES Score Germs 36 Allies 64 an awesome display of AI tactical variation And by no means an easy battle I was AMAZED I was able to hold gotta try it guys LOTS OF FUN ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
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