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Everything posted by SS_PanzerLeader

  1. ok I just emailed ya - Damn as hoping to play now ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  2. Hmmn formatting messed up that aar have to fix it Lewis I noticed that the AI did try and get outta dodge when I was creaming it _ i cut it off tho with a STUG and wreaked havoc on its withdrawing troops I had NO probs with the game slowing it ran smooth as silk - check out my other thread I had some observations ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 05-10-2000).]
  3. Man that was very uncalled for- Anyone who has a brain would read the thread not jsut the title - if they didnt and took the title as gospel they obviously HaD No interest anyway . ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  4. VS you want to do this blind Im ready if you are new scenario ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  5. First off I'd like to say I'm highly impressed with what I've seen so far Great job Steve, Charles and Kwazydog I saw several things that I wasnt expecting the first that was a big plus for me was the fact PANZERSHCREKS can now run and Sneak - major difference in play I also liked the group move thing although Im still getting used to it, as it works a little differently than I expected. A definitel plus in set up time tho The smoke graphics are an Overwhelming improvement IMHO they made such a difference for visuals The building transparencies were another HUGE bonus for eye candy I saw NO reduction in my frame rate for the game I have a p3 500 tnt2 32mB vidcard 128 pc100sdram, SBL etc etc I also liked the new sounds better alot of good stuff in there - I think If cool COL does some mods here they should be (jsut my oopinion tho) individual wav swaps as overall they rock I found the ambushing more effective _ hehe or at least the ai did Probably lots more but this is all that i can think of for the moment - keep in mind I havent played the NEW SCENARIO I think the ONLY thing i didnt care for was the lack of distinction between the grass that represents elevation - I think Im just used to COOL cOL js so - I would probably like to see him adjust this as before (easier on my eyes) FANTASTIC JOB GUYS I cant wait for the release ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  6. Well Jsut got done playing CE against the AI and did exceptionally well Here are the results I was germs Germs 49 casualties (13kia) ) 2 Ko veh allies 174 cas (54Kia 22 captured 3 mortars destroyed 5 vehicles KO men ok Germs 213 allies 36 Final score Total victory Germs 88 Allies 12 ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 05-10-2000).]
  7. Harold _ this is the GOLD demo it isn't going to be revised, as it is the FINAL code forthe game. THe game has been shipped to the replicators and we willhave it soon So this is a moot point and has been for some time ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  8. HEy BTS is trying to upload thbe demo quit posting guys !!!!!!!!!
  9. Ja, Jawohl ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  10. MeThinks Matt already has the NEW DEMO L:P ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  11. MeThinks Matt already has the NEW DEMO L:P ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  12. hehe I believe ya FIONN MY only question is WHEN????????? ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  13. It means it will be on FIONNS machine on 24hrs unless we here different He seems to enjoy torturing us Hide the pets ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  14. Not FUNNY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  15. Hey my buddy just sent me a link to his WW2 site - thought I would share it with you guys http://members.xoom.com/forworldwar2/
  16. ROFLMAO ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  17. ROFLMAO ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  18. Downloading now ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  19. Yah I'm looking for it too - I was hoping to download it while I was at school all day - I'm running out of time I gotta leave soon ;P May have to do it overnight I guess ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  20. oops dbl post [This message has been edited by SS_PanzerLeader (edited 05-07-2000).]
  21. Lol no barnyard fun for depraved troops ? Yes I was thinking of you PENG ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  22. err I don't think that is meant to be corn but I could be wrong Wheat maybe? ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  23. Just went and saw gLaDiaToR myself Awesome movie Worth the whole 20 bucks ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  24. Yah i meant AFVS - If i try to ram a burning AFV do I risk being caught on fire? I would think there should be some chance ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
  25. Hi Guys my apolgies if this has been addressed _ but I've beenhere a while and havent seen it yet WhatI would like to know is: In the final version can fire spread from one unit to another, or one building to another. Secondly, can u push a flaming vehicle without penalty Thanks SSPL ------------------ SS_PanzerLeader.......out
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