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Everything posted by KiloIndiaAlpha

  1. Combat Mission: Shock and Awe. Shock - 'Oh my God it's not WW2, I'm going to die...' Awe - '... awwwwwwwwwwww .. but I wanted WW2 '
  2. With some of the senior military imagination certainly is lacking. In the late 90's I was involved in combined and joint computer assisted exercises with UK and US military. These were 3 and 4* exercises simulating massive deployments. Thousands of people and $millions of hardware. A (UK) brigadier of paras said '...bahh You don't need all these computers, I could run this exercise from the back of a land rover'. Yeh - right.
  3. I had some involvement, during the 90's, in training UK's Joint Rapid Deployment Force (JRDF),this was based around an airborne brigade with a mech brigade for slower deployment to theater. It's around 8 years since I had any dealings with 'military things' but I think the current phrase is Joint Rapid Reaction Force. http://www.dtic.mil/doctrine/jel/jfq_pubs/1726.pdf
  4. If you want to join the MD 'appreciashun' society then change your sig to include something like mine. Remember, always include at leest one deliberate spelling mistake or typo; it gives his intellect something to grapple with; always amusing. </font>
  5. If you want to join the MD 'appreciashun' society then change your sig to include something like mine. Remember, always include at leest one deliberate spelling mistake or typo; it gives his intellect something to grapple with; always amusing.
  6. Spent several years working for UK military, as a civilian scientist, involved in running Joint and Combined computer assisted exercises with USACOM. We used the JTC ( http://alsp.ie.org/alsp/ ) to run combined US/UK exercises at 3 star level.
  7. Bite? Hell, any poster brave enough to profess to a raging crush on me, the way you have, is worth at the very least the 10 seconds of my time it takes to post a response. But once again, you've got the modus operandi all wrong. I hope you're not this daft with girls; instant responses will just get you a "reputation" for being easy. I may need to rethink everything I said about you way back...well, almost 45 minutes ago now. Anyway, not that I hate the attention, but if you can't bring yourself to hate me with the white hot impassioned incredulity I think I deserve, could you at least muster up enough dislike to at least freaking spellcheck your insults? I have a reputation, too, you know. Usually it's only the halfwits who get "anoyed" (sic) by my existence. You need to prove you're better than them! For MY sake. </font>
  8. Spot on. He has an opinion about everything and he just anoys me. </font>
  9. Spot on. He has an opinion about everything and he just anoys me.
  10. Not sure about Canadian but in english, roughly speaking, it means 'Up close and personal', alluding to the way we 'kicked ass'.
  11. 22 years in Legio X (Gemina) 60 BC to 38 BC. Attained the dizzy height of Princeps Prior running centuria III out of cohort V. Wouldn't have missed it for the world but ... never again. Our old motto 'Sursum propinquus quod alio.' really says it all.
  12. A darkness in the weather of the eye Is half its light; the fathomed sea Breaks on unangled land. The seed that makes a forest of the loin Forks half its fruit; and half drops down, Slow in a sleeping wind.
  13. Tonight I collected 17 prime numbers from the ceiling, extracted their juice and drank it. I revelled in the numbness on my tongue.
  14. Can you hear the night watchman click his flashlight? Ask himself if it's him or them that's really insane. </font>
  15. But we must remember that it will, fundamentally, be down to Simmonds and the way his intellect cut to the core of the problem.
  16. This forum is a months old an we're still waiting...
  17. That's right, you are guessing. Another example of you using the principle of personal incredulity to assert or deny a hypothesis.
  18. Eh? The things that pass for erudition these days. Besides, I could never compete with Steve: </font>
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