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Everything posted by Bratch

  1. Clearly GhostOne is nothing more than a sadist. He posted that bit of news knowing full well the rest of us are sitting in lawn chairs on the front porch, swetting profusely and biting our nails while he sits in comfort enjoying his copy of CM. Shame on you!!
  2. Congrats to Steve and Charles. Excellent work!
  3. Hilarious, and not one smilie to boot Madmatt. Peng would be proud of your literary abilities!
  4. Hi, Here is an address for a ladder run by a PBEM friend of mine. He does a nice job with it. http://www.xs4all.nl/~cyberfox/
  5. During an ongoing game of Valley of Trouble I observed a unique occurrance which I think warrants mention. As the Americans I ordered a 105mm arty strike on a concrete pillbox. During the first turn of the arty strike a fire was started by the HE blast directly in front of the pillbox. No damage was done to the pillbox and there were no direct hits. Two turns later the crew had abandoned the pillbox. My question is, did they realize that since their LOS was blocked it was useless to remain or did the fire run them off. In either case I think this is commendable on the part of the AI, although my opponent is still a little upset.
  6. 30, married with a 5 year old son. Deputy Sheriff in Southern Arizona but off indefinately pending ACL reconstruction. Anyone ever undergo that operation?
  7. OK, I take back my last post. I am a "MEMBER" now! Does that mean I will have endless intelligent comments and insight? Doug, you are right. Since Runyan99 does not have control anymore and I moved them out of LOS of any of his units he would naturally not be able to see them. Excellent job BTS, you guys think of everything.
  8. Talk about a letdown!! Where is my member status after 30 posts? BooooooHoooooo!!
  9. This is a frivolous post just to achieve a promotion to member status. WoooooHoooooo!!
  10. Juju Sure, once you have captured a unit you can give it orders to move just like one of your own units. This is especially beneficial if you take large numbers of prisoners. Send them to a makeshift POW camp and gaurd them with a single unit. Be careful though not to send them on a long nature hike without friendly units nearby or they will escape.
  11. Lt. Bull that has to be torture. I would seriously consider cancelling my vacation to stay at home and play CM. Europe will still be there next year.
  12. Since I am the other half of that game I will add my view. The units are still visible to me. I moved them all to one central location and am gaurding them with a single unit. (Check the small house just at the bottom of the hill in the center) I don't know why you can't see them, they are there.
  13. I'll add to the total, an make an unabashed attempt to reached the vaulted member status.
  14. I watched a squad of German Infantry "execute" the remainder of a US squad that had surrendered. It happened very quickly but the unit had clearly surrendered. They were mowed down by an adjacent German unit.
  15. Don't wait for CM to come out in the stores, because it won't. The only place you will be able to buy this fabulous game is directly from BTS.
  16. Thanks for the advice, it seems the poor guy assigned to lug the petrol cans around probably wasn't expected to live too long.
  17. Ditto, The refinement that has gone into the gold vs. beta version is incredible. And I thought the beta was great.
  18. Great advice. 1280 X 1024 and looks great. You can really "see" the battlefield at this resolution.
  19. This is awesome, one question though. Is it available for a scenario defender only or will an attacker be able to use it in future games also? It would seem to me that a defender (more time to prepare a defense and coordinate arty) should be able to get more use out of this than an attacker. [This message has been edited by Bratch (edited 05-13-2000).]
  20. I am intrigued by the random generator also. I must say if the terrain in the "Valley" is any indication of what may be encountered in a random scenario I am impressed.
  21. First I want to say the gold demo looks great. I am definately glad to have preordered now. Secondly, I am looking for advice on how the flametrower units are best utilized. So far it seems that mine get whacked trying to move within range. Third, how about the Engineers. I know they should not be used as regular infantry but what are their uses? Thanks in advance for the insight.
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