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Everything posted by Bratch

  1. Sounds all to familiar. I like to use my gun damaged tanks as a roving machine gun also. I once used a Hellcat that had a damaged gun to spook a Stug into moving and then got him with a zook shot. The only downside to the suicide charge is if you loose the tank outright it costs you on the morale.
  2. Ok, so if yes means yes then we will have the gold demo. If yes means yes Fionn will have the gold demo then that means we will have to continue the waiting game. My head is beginning to hurt.
  3. Hallelujah!! Fionn has spoken!! Now what does YES mean?
  4. I think what Dschugaschwili said is the closest to the cause. I have had some trouble loading pbem files and can now notice a correlation between attempting to load these files and the creation of the scratch files. The longer I let the file attempt to load the larger the file. It makes sense now. BTW Madmatt, thanks for searching for an answer for me. I have enjoyed your updates for some time now. Eben
  5. No, definately not mistaken on the size, combined all three files = 800 meg. I was wondering the same thing, how can that much space be taken up and why are they created in he first place? Luckily I have a 27 gig hard drive but this could cause a problem for smaller hard drives.
  6. Hello, Recently I discovered a rather peculiar set of three files in my C:/Windows/Temp directory. They were extremely large (in excess of 800 meg) and all had the name "CM scratch file" followed by a set of numbers/letters. Has anyone else found this and determined why they are created. I have deleted them on two occasions and while the CM beta demo seems to continue to work correctly the files reappear after a few days of play. Thanks for any insight.
  7. Sometimes there is more to be gained by listening than by speaking. My sincerest thanks to those who have posted many interesting and informative threads. I have learned a lot about the progression of this 'game' as well as the tactics used by the 'old hands'. I will continue to lurk and gleen as much useful information as possible before the final release. Then....let the whoop*ss begin.
  8. Ok, I usually just read the posts but it is interesting to see what the ages of all the regulars are. I am 30 and have been playing Avalon Hill games since I was about 8 (my Dad needed someone who he could beat...but htat has changed now)
  9. Hi, Another 'newbie' . I have played the AI several times but never a pbem. Anyone interested in having a go at it email me at e_bratcher@yahoo.com
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