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Everything posted by sniperscope

  1. I dont know if I can. Work + family = very little time for myself. sniperscope
  2. Hannibal: You should start moving getting a format together. I am pretty sure BTS would throw in a tib bit or two on some issures. This is what I think the mag would like like. 1- Interview or AAR section depending upon what is available. 2- Scenario design corner 3- How to section 4- what if section 5- fictional fan sumbitted war story 6- letters to the editor section 7- scenerio or operation of the week 8- solve this problem scenario Cant think of anything else right now. I would try and help out where I can. sniperscope
  3. differnt country, different way of thinking. differnt type of leader, and......we had the a bomb first. With those types of losses the US when have gone into a-bomb o matic mode. sniperscope
  4. hahaha almost had the same situation here. In a scenario that will remain nameless, I had my panther in Hunt mode inching it's way towards a town held by the allies. The panther is in buttoned up mode and spots what appears to be an allied infantry squad. No problem I'm thinking this should be cake. Boom!! my panther gets knocked out by infantry? 100 meters away? no way jose so I replay the move watching the action from the panthers level (1) and see a projectile coming towards the panther. Thats not an infantry squad dam it to hell, that's an AT team!!! Gotta love this game. sniperscope
  5. Hmmmm this is very stange indeed. The things you mentioned have shown up in any of my games. Try this. delete the game and ALL it folders. scand disk, defrag and re-install. If this does not work better let BTS know in the tech forum. sniperscope
  6. Guys just my 2 cents here, I don't give a crap about the Capt. Cheating. When he gets older he will see the light. As for me, I just look forward to your posts on Combat Mission. sniperscope [This message has been edited by sniperscope (edited 06-29-2000).]
  7. Hi: please include me also...and thanks. joev@frontiernet.net sniperscope
  8. There are no additonal battles available for the demo. As for winning. If you beat the AI the first time then you did good. If you play the same battle again and again then you have the advantage over the AI because you have Intel on the battle based upon what happened before. You should win these easily. However, play a PBEM and it's a whole new ball game. Human vs Human is the best game. Now in the full ver. of the game you are going to have your hands full against the AI in a scenario that has not been played yet. In other words the odds will be even. Expect a much better fight. sniperscope
  9. You are not giveing us enough details. What are your settings in playing the game? sniperscope
  10. Good morning all: last night I played another outstanding scenario I would like to recommend to the gang. This one was made by Wide Bill and his group, it's called the Wiltz. It's very well made and again I can't go into details so as not to give away anything. They could have made a short movie out of this scenario. It gets 4 sniper stars. sniperscope [This message has been edited by sniperscope (edited 06-29-2000).]
  11. yep thats the one. How do you convert it? and thanks for the response. sniperscope.
  12. Not that I am aware of. When customs releases the game in canada most of the canadian population is going to call in sick. sniperscope
  13. Well I got to tell you KingOPork, you are way off base here. Our friends up north have been waiting for their game for some time now. Being a wise ass in this forum serves no purpose. Just put yourself in their shoes. Look at all the positive posts about this game and how would you feel if you did not receive the game by now. sniperscope
  14. Guys this is not a BTS issue this is a Canada customs issue. I have a buddy up north, when I send him a package it seems to take for ever. when I started the hunt to find out what happened it ALWAYS came out as a customs issue. However, I can understand your feeling about this. I would feel the same without this great game in my hands. Good luck. sniperscope
  15. I have downloaded the Combat Theme from the 60's TV show. I want to add the theme to CM so that when I start it I hear the theme. Can you help me? The file is in AVI or something like that. Thanks. sniperscope [This message has been edited by sniperscope (edited 06-28-2000).] [This message has been edited by sniperscope (edited 06-28-2000).]
  16. I finally got to see what it was like for CM to use airplanes in the game. It looked like my troops had bent over and kissed their butts goodbuy. I forgot to put in Ack ACk into the game. What a beating I took. The best part was for serveral minutes I could hear the aircraft flying around. Looks like they were getting a look see of the battle field before it came down. The sounds of the plane engines can strike terror in you. Love this game. sniperscope
  17. Kump, at least now we know what happened to your order. Good luck. sniperscope
  18. Ok now put the gun away. What about you Kump? sniperscope
  19. Well it's about time. Here is a tip. Don't drink and play, your forces will get cut to ribbons. sniperscope
  20. No patches for demo. patch is for the full ver. sniperscope
  21. I think that it would take away for the line of sight of the game. What I mean is terrain plays an important part for targeting. For me I would keep it just the way it is. sniperscope
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