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Everything posted by ncounio

  1. Well why don't you try to fry a french. I am your man Check my profile for e mail and ICQ ------------------ Nicolas "Deux intellectuels assis vont moins loin qu'une brute qui marche" Un Taxi Pour Tobrouk
  2. Actually it was !!! But the matter ha been discussed a zillion time on this forum (Vote for the SS : Search Supporters ) There are very few operationnal german tanks from WWII Big pieces like Tiger I and II are rare. BTW Jochen is your Capslock broken , felt like you are yelling at us! ------------------ Nicolas "Deux intellectuels assis vont moins loin qu'une brute qui marche" Un Taxi Pour Tobrouk
  3. So Titan are you OK for this setup ? and tell me what side you want to pick ! In case you need more french to toast just drop to http ://appui-feu.panzeshark.com/ and click on the button labelled "Multijoueurs", a list of potential targets is awaiting you !! ------------------ Nicolas "Deux intellectuels assis vont moins loin qu'une brute qui marche" Un Taxi Pour Tobrouk
  4. Titan I never pretended having my game sent all over the world but home in order to delay my impending defeat! Besides there is no need to hit dust and hide until the first shell rains on your head Well, let us be fair at least in the set-up, will you go for a Quick Battle 30 turns, combined arms, forces medium quality picked by computer Date July 1944, weather clear, ground dry medium map, meeting engagement 1000 pts? Map will be generate randomly using the following settings : Light hills, moderate coverage, village. Of course FOW will be mandatory ! Choose the side (Allied or German) I have heard that Kiwis can't fly perhaps they can run fast enough !! ------------------ Nicolas "Deux intellectuels assis vont moins loin qu'une brute qui marche" Un Taxi Pour Tobrouk
  5. Well blame part of the delay on French Posts, as New Caledonia is one of small bits of France around South Pacific. So Titan are you ready to have some french fries Btw the saturday match vs South Africa looked like the clash of heavy tanks on a very small map ------------------ Nicolas "Deux intellectuels assis vont moins loin qu'une brute qui marche" Un Taxi Pour Tobrouk
  6. should be www.combatmissions.co.uk ------------------ Nicolas "Deux intellectuels assis vont moins loin qu'une brute qui marche" Un Taxi Pour Tobrouk
  7. Ah PawBroon, I totally support your post (but I do not recognize me as an old jerk ). BTS have invested years of their lifes in CM and in the Battlefront adventure and it is common sense to welcome newbies or former forum lurkers as long as their electronic behavior sticks with this board regulations. I found in this forum a high ratio of mature post compared to what you can find on other boards... Let us all hope that it will remain the same ! "Chien qui aboie ne mord pas !" ------------------ Nicolas "Deux intellectuels assis vont moins loin qu'une brute qui marche" Un Taxi Pour Tobrouk
  8. Titan, Bad luck, However it gives me time to build up my feeble skills in order to be a match for an allmighty NZer BTW, great rugby match vs the aussies and at least a win! ------------------ Nicolas "Deux intellectuels assis vont moins loin qu'une brute qui marche" Un Taxi Pour Tobrouk
  9. Well speaking of the word "bigot", let me say that it is still in use in french but is from germanic origin. It can be used in the sens described in the posts above but it is also an agricultural tool (SE of France). ------------------ Nicolas
  10. Should appear in your list using the short description field data. Btw , saved games folders cmb files appear also in the list (always at the top). ------------------ Nicolas
  11. 13- Why no Force feedback support in Cm, that would be grat to feel recoil and or, arty shells falling on the heads of my grunts. Well (for the trigger-happy flamres, that was a joke). I enjoyed ready your posts gentlemen since June 1999 and followed closely history in the making and showing faith by ordering before beta. I really hope that you all keep posting on this forum and add value to this incredible game. ------------------ Nicolas
  12. The original version of the poem exerpt is "Blesse mon coeur d'une langueur monotone". That was the second half of the message. The first was " Les sanglots longs des violons de l'automne". IIRC these verses are from Verlaine ------------------ Nicolas
  13. H30 what that Heavy Water ? Shouldn't that be D20 (D for Deuterium, isotop of Hydrogen) IIRC from my far far away college years ? By the way on the german and the atom, there is a well done book "The Heisenberg Mistery". And from what I read, Germans first explored the fission stuff to produce an engine rather than a bomb ! There were also less manpower on their project and the installations were bombed severall times ! ------------------ Nicolas
  14. Interested in "A triangle of Buggers" ? An home made ASL adaptation If yes just drop me an e-mail and I will send you my creation (Caution : had yet to be tested) You can find The Road to Marseille (PP5) at CMHQ (Madmatt's site) and scenario ASL 16 at Moon's site. Sorry I don't have the URLs Nicolas
  15. I think you will find the url by searching the CM Scenarios forum . Maps 1 to 8 are already done and I have a scenario to test based on an ASL conversion : A Triangle of Buggers, Anyone interested ? ------------------ Nicolas
  16. The blury line for the AT mines should be Panzer IIRC ! Nicolas "Deux intellectuels assis vont moins loin qu'une brute qui marche !" Un taxi pour Tobrouk (Dialogue écrit Par M AUDIARD)
  17. Well thank you all One small precision Plastique or Plastic Bertrand is Belgian Well, you told everybody about fireworks, music, dancing, but nobody talked about the military parade with grand uniform(another french specialty back from Napoleon). It was complete even with Leclerc MBT on the Champs Elysées, HAwkeye, AWACS, Mirages in the air and of course the "Patrouille de France". Wow I love Berlioz version of Marseillaise ------------------ Nicolas
  18. Well i tried MDMP (Madmatt's) but drop them due to lack of Videocard ram in medium to large scenarios. The winterized textures are great but you will find your units hard to spot So I stick with default plus winterized versions when available. WendellM, Mod packs do not impact core code of CM, these mods only tweak the BMP files used to map tanks models. They all work very well with 1.01 and will work with 1.03 as sure as France has won World Cup 98 and Euro 2000 . Nicolas
  19. Moon, I think part of oour misunderstanting is caused by use of a foreign languagge (english for me). I never implied that you wanted to turn your map offer in a golden eggs hen (poule aux oeufs d'or in french). As I totally agree with your opinion,photos don't give the lay of land an denivelation. They are unless you scout antiques, the only source of WWII era (1923-1950) accurate material (build and forest areas, roads and railway). If you refer only to todays map, you will have trouble to design scenarios at least around Paris (Things are built awfully fast around here). Therefore IMO, to be fully accurate you will need both sources. However CM is a game and I feel that scenario design should keep balance between Historical accuracy and playability. I wish you could sell thousands of your maps, that would meen that hundred thousands copies of CM sold around the world and perhaps to the nearest galaxy...
  20. Soory Guys but IGN do sell directly ! And I was talking about aerial stills, i have just tested and a 1955 (the oldest I could find) picture of the town I live and a print of a 4500 square meter area costed 261 francs less than 40 bucks or Euro. However if IGN does not sell outside France, I am sure you can find some froggies out there to help you. Oh Moon, btw, I do not want to ruin your business but i doubt you coud have actual 1930-1950 arrial stills of France suited to do map making as IGN has a monopoly on these ! However,IMO, you are doing a different job with your maps with a lot of added value info to design scenarios ! Nicolas ------------------ Nicolas
  21. As a lot of CM takes place in France, have a look at www.ign.fr, it should be a scenarist heaven. You can even found aerial pictures before WW2 ! Nicolas
  22. Win often and each defeat sounds like disaster... Win seldom and each victory would have a taste of triumph ! Can't wait to see the tri-series 2000 !
  23. Well, you are scaring the S**T (or the sheep) out of me . I am wondering, how NZ haka will be effective in CM. PS : Remember July 14, 1979 first but not last defeat of kiwis vs France. Nicolas
  24. Would be great ! Perhaps with somekind of strategic layer or view, allowing you to pick key tactical battles and let the AI run the show for others. But before speaking or writing on CM2, did you recieve CM down under ? I will gladly accept a setup from you in order to allow you retaliation for NZ defeat in 99 RWC or Rainbow Warrior sinking
  25. Oh and I forgot H-39 looks like a pre WWII tank, High on tracks, Narrow...the perfect target (Would love to see FT-17 )
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