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Everything posted by Joachim

  1. Maybe we get SOPs. This would solve the whole problem - would it. Re 88s vs Shermans - an 88 shell has some more mass and HE inside than a HEAT round. Add to that the "Ronson - lights first time every time" nick of the Sherman. If the Sherman brews up, no further round necessary - this is a sure indication of a kill. So what happens if a AT-team brews a tank and we have SOPs. Do we need one for the team to run after firing (which might be before the impact) - or do we need one "observe shot. If sure kill and no enemy overwatch - remain calm. If kill in doubt or overwatch - run. If good position, no overwatch and quick reload time - shoot again."? Will there be the same SOPs for PaK 37mm HC or about any ATG at close quarters? Opening up a can of worms.... Gruß Joachim
  2. Besides you want to be sure the thing is damaged beyond repair. Pretty annoying if an abandoned tanks gets repaired by the enemy cause you could not hold the ground. Or even worse a crew remanning the vehicle after it failed to brew up. I scored 5 penetrations and additional 5 partial penetrations at <100m in one turn with 2 PzIIIj vs one Lee - and that thing still moved and returned fire. So when to stop drilling holes? No, waiting if the Lee still returns fire wasn't an option between shots. Next turn those 2 PzIIIs had one mission - make sure the beast is dead. Gruß Joachim [ October 03, 2005, 06:32 AM: Message edited by: Joachim ]
  3. You can move into the cellars (aka sewers) to ride out the barrage. Just a short move for 1-2 turns. You might loose some troops who get lost, but much less than when the rockets hit. Your opponent might do the same for barrage 2 and 3 - if he knows the reload time of a prep barrage by rockets. It ain't a bug - it is a feature. Rockets were highly inaccurate. IIRC the Germans had some minimum distance from the target area and an additional minimum distance for troop concentrations (like jump-off points) from the target area. Gruß Joachim
  4. He's importing the map and CM adds flags. That doesn't happen when you open a scen in the editor. It happens if you import a map into a QB. So I guess he is talking about QBs. Scenarios can have no flags. QBs can't. Gruß Joachim
  5. If a barrage is unspotted during the spotting round, it will always be unspotted, no matter how often you adjust. You have to order a new barrage - with a blue line to the target. More here: Arty synopsis by TB155 Gruß Joachim
  6. If you play on random maps - no. The trick is to select a force that can hold its own on any terrain - there's nothing like your opponent chosing Tigers in '43 and the map being heavily wooded. If you want to use a pre-made map, you can select any map or any scenario and load it in in one of the QB menus. Some points to consider: 1) If there is no flag on the map, CM will add some, depending on mission (-> position) and amount of points. 2) If there are no setup zones, CM will add some, depending on mission (ME, axis probe, allied assault etc). 3) If there are troops on the map, CM will ask if you want to import them. If yes, you'll get the troops on map plus the ones you buy. If no, you'll have only those you buy. 4) There are maps with given setup zones and flags. Usually only appropriate for the given mission type unless you change or delete the setup zones and/or flags. 5) Maps and scens are both saved as "cme". Maps are just scen without troops. 6) Directory to search: "Scenarios" and "Quick battle maps". Gruß Joachim [ October 01, 2005, 01:33 PM: Message edited by: Joachim ]
  7. If you play a QB from a pre-made map or scen, CM will add the flags if there is none on the original. Same goes for the deployment zones. If there are none, you get some fitting the mission type. It might be best to use just one small flag. It doesn't matter much if there are enough points. If you really want to have no flag, you can increase the map size by 100m, turn the new land into water and put a flag on the other side of the water. Gruß Joachim
  8. It just ensures that the players really don't move - if you fear cheating. Gruß Joachim
  9. To sum up - you fight one opposing player (that might be the AI). He can handle several nations. Just as you can handle several nations. As mentioned above some teams could mail the game around and each player of a team would only handle certain units - but Multiplayer had to be done by house rules. There's no feature to enforce that players of such a team keep to their units. Gruß Joachim
  10. Yes, radio and wire FOs are only different regarding mobility. Radio FOs are faster and can board vehicles - that's it. Both can call fire missions. The job of the second guy is to lay the wire. They are slow because the wire is on a roll and must be handled carefully. So everywhere the FO goes, the assistant lays wire. There are exemptions like calling from a tree down to the assistant using the telephone. As it is rather valuable the cable is rolled up when moving back. Movie examples: IIRC there is a PTO movie where two or three men as FOs or scouts lay a wire and discover an imminent Japanese counterattack in GI uniforms. The counterattack is shot up by planes after HQ receiving the message thru the wire. Shows their job nicely. Especially the threat of being discovered thru the wire. "Enemy at the Gates" has wire laying parties as sniper targets. Gruß Joachim [ September 25, 2005, 04:00 AM: Message edited by: Joachim ]
  11. Tell the players not to move in battle 1. Or use just 1 locked unit in battle 1 that can not move due to terrain (e.g. a gun in rubble). Gruß Joachim
  12. Wait.... now wasn't there that pic in the GF? Gruß Joachim
  13. Who cares abotu number of posts anyway. IIRC along the horsemen discussion we found that the official top ten of posters is wrong anyway. And MW44 needs to post for several years before he will even be mentioned in the top 100. BTW: After dropping my nick my number of posts was not reset. But that was quite some time ago. Gruß Joachim
  14. Hmm... I think both Swedish and Finnish have the name Mikael (or just Mika (Häkkinen)) for that, not Michael (Schumacher). </font>
  15. *gulp* What do you have against her??? :eek: </font>
  16. Hmm so you're saying I spelt his name wrong??? If we were doing German spelling it'll be Mikael Wittman instead. </font>
  17. Why change the nick? It's so amusing to see that people can't even spell the names of their idols. Gruß Joachim
  18. As any self-respecting grog knows Kittengrenadiere were an integral part of the Elite Fallschirmjäger-PzKittengrenadierdivision Hermann Felin. Easily distinguished by the blue stars attached to their grey-striped camo overalls. Gruß Joachim
  19. The ultimate answer to Ms Kitties Hamstergrenadiere: The new Kittengrenadier. Gruß Joachim
  20. ... wearing a brown suit, with the wife in the brass-colored dress. Guess some people can't pronounce my name which is also my Forum ID Gruß Joachim
  21. For the initial topic, go to http://www.battlefront.com/index.htm, then follow the links to the wargamer interview.
  22. Check if the setting allows for sewer movement. It is a nice trick to order your units to move into the cellar (aka move them 5 m with the sewer movement command) and have them reappear 2 minutes later - totally unharmed of any fire that entered the building. Gruß Joachim
  23. Now for just a few seconds I thought you meant another recent event that didn't make it out of the Peng thread. BTW: who has the pics? Gruß Joachim
  24. For solo battles, the player can set the limit to 120 as described by Blah^3 - which will usually be enough for any battle. Most ammo wil be gone then. A solo player can easily reach an agreement with himself how the extra time he needed affects the result (if he cares at all). For PBEM, 120 turns is not an option for me. Some time limit is needed to actually start the battle, not just maneuver around (at least for me). I'd need some other condition for a variable end if I would set the battle to 120 turns. A fixed end (+ extra time) is easy to simulate. But a variable end is tough this way. That's why I want a new feature. Gruß Joachim
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