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Posts posted by PanzerShark

  1. Oke, you guys can be honest with me. What did i miss? Normally this board is full of new posts/replies but not tonight. How come?

    Did the beta get released without me knowing it? Did they only put it up for about 30 minutes or so? tell me...WHAT'S GOING ON ?!?!?!

    Take care and all


    ps. If it's just that everyone has a social life and is now somewhere in a pub or something, then please think about me and the other no-social-life-peeps and post this. Just something short like :"Going to the pub, back in 4 hours". Easy no?

    Thx in advance smile.gif

  2. Thomm,

    i believe the "pre-order bonus" will expire when the demo goes public (not sure if this means demo or BETA-demo). Anyway, there has been a big post on this topic, believe about a month ago. I suggest you look that one up.

    Take Care


    [This message has been edited by PanzerShark (edited 10-22-99).]

  3. If i'm not mistaken there will be lotsa ways to play multiplayer-games.

    Hot Seat, TCP/IP, PBEM and so on. I haven't heard about this pay-to-play thing, but even if it's true there are multiple ways to play the game, without paying for it. Unless they're going to charge me for every mail i sent smile.gif

    Take Care,


  4. Lokesa,

    a game very similar is "Chaos Gate", i even believe it uses the same engine as "Soldiers at War". But i like the way experience is handled in CG better. Ofcourse "Jagged Alliance 2" is a bit x-com-like, but somehow i never really got into that serie.

    After reading these posts i suddenly realize there are more games i'm looking forward to. Shogun being one of them. So if the demo won't be availible for some weeks i might start a new thread: "The 1000 games i'm waiting for" smile.gif

  5. Just wondering what games (besides CM) you people are waiting for. Here are my 5 picks:

    (in no particular order btw)

    1)Team Fortress 2

    2)Ultima Online 2


    4)Force Commander

    5)Obi Wan (dark forces part3)

    Also my top 5 picks i'm playing a lot right now:

    (and once again no particular order)


    2)Starsiege Tribes


    4)Jane's F15

    5)Operational Art of War

    As you can see, most of them are old or still far far away. That's why i can't live much longer without the CM-demo AAAAAAH

  6. * Dano6 *

    Or my english is really bad or ya just misunderstood me.

    1)I clearly said (multiple times) i was talking about a BETA.

    2)Also i used IMHO (you know what that stands for?)

    3)I didn't say people should NOT play the game (or buy)

    4)Did i say the game should be banned from earth. It should be ritually burned...or worse?

    NO, i said (once again) IMHO (<---Pay attention) the demo (<--- see, not the game) is a bit (<--- a bit, not entirely) sucky sucky (<--- i didn't say absolutley crap).

    5)I played and even own PC, same goes for the PE-beta, so with all due respect if i wanna compare the two, i think i know what i'm talking about.

    6)If people decide not to buy this game it's not my fault. I didn't create it, i wasn't reviewing it, i just gave MY opinion (humble even) about the BETA.

    Did you ever decided not to buy a game because 1 person in the entire world said on a messageboard the beta was a bit sucky sucky? Well...did you...? If so then you are the one (using your own words) that is LAME.

    7)I also didn't compare PE to CM, so where ya got that wisdom from beats me.

    To end this mindless discussion.

    1)I didn't attack Psygnosis or Wings or their efforts of creating a game.

    2)I might buy the game since i don't judge one using a beta, but with a fully functional demo. In other words if i like the demo, i buy the game.

    3)If i happen to see ya in a online PE game, i hope we're on the same side. But even then, not blowing you up would be hard for me not to do, since yer rather offensive post really pissed me off.

  7. Me, as a german leader, how nice smile.gif

    Personally i think "Schwein(e)hund" is great. As Fionn said it will be funny to see such name in this game (whether or not he/she existed). I would say...let it in.

    As for Schwein(e)hund. If Desertfox is from Germay, i'll shut up now. But i always thought that Schweinhund was just bad language. Schweinehund however, is actually a real existing animal. So when yer calling names it's Schweinhund, and if yer a tree-hugging-hippie it's Schweinehund smile.gif

  8. Maybe i'm asking for flames here but i think the demo of PE was, well, a bit sucky sucky.

    IMHO i think it will be a lot like Panzer Commander, iaw, more arcade then sim.

    Although the graphics look nice (for being a beta), i'm still waiting for a real sim.

    Not a "arcade-with-knobs-on" smile.gif

    Ofcourse it was a beta-demo, but i got a bad feeling about it. I'll just keep playing Everquest till BT gives green light for their demo.

  9. Well since i'm a web and systemmaster i'm expecting lotsa long days. Not because everything will be bugged to jiggery, but just because my boss won't let me take a day off (or vacation).

    Think it will be the same night as every year: blowing up cars, burning down churches and so on and so on.

    Unless the Ruskies invade half of Europe, forcing this world into world war 3...giving BT another reason to continue creating CM's.

    Yeah...that would be cool smile.gif

    Happy Newyear


  10. Really? 15 October? That's not good...i mean, i'm positive there was something on the 1st of October. A birthday? Funeral? Anyway...i missed it. Hope it wasn't somthing important then (not as important as a CM-demo, that's for sure smile.gif )

    Hope that they release the game earlier then 21 December though. Let's pretend newyear's eve is the end of the world as we know it?

    What if we have a total armageddon? Or worse...pinguins invading The Netherlands with Russian weapons, killing everyone who ownes a TNT 32mb card? THAT WOULD SUCK smile.gif

    Wouldn't give me enough time to finish all the scenarios.

    On the other hand, if they do release it on the 21st of December, i know what i'm going to find under the christmas-tree smile.gif


  11. If i'm not mistaken the demo should have gone public on the 1st of october. It didn't because the beta-testers didn't receive it on time. I understand that these people, sticking from day 1 with CM, have the 1st go...but when will it be released to the public (especially since, when all goes well, i should have the game in 7 weeks, right?)

    Also, does the release date "somewhere in november", still stands? I read posts about troubles with voodoo-cards, and since most people have a voodoo (not me smile.gif) this is a major problem right?

    So do ya guys think that solving this prob, beta-testing, going gold, and baking the cd's (even shipping them) can be done in the 7 weeks we have until december starts?

    Don't mean to make you guys feel sad, I even rather wait another 4 months knowing the game will be good. I'm just interested how you people feel about the release-date and demo yerself.

    Happy programming smile.gif


  12. -The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die for his - George Pat

    Hate to be a spoiler, but the correct words are:

    "No man has ever won a war by dying for his country. He won it, by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his".

    It's not i'm attacking you, it's just that it's one of the most "interesting" speeches made by this general. And therefore should be quoted correctly.

    Take care,

    PanzerShark (sorry, just being a pain smile.gif )

  13. These phrases have nothing to do with war but i think they're nice anyway.

    * Army of Darkness (Evil dead 3)*

    "Listen up you primates...this is my BOOMSTICK !!!"

    * Soutpark *

    Satan:"Puny son of Jehova, i will smash thy face into tiny bits"

    Jesus replies:" Oooh...ooh yeah ?"

    * Monty Python (i like chinese-song)*

    "I like chinese,

    They only come up to your knees,

    yet they're cute and they're cuddly,

    and they're ready to please"

    * don't know who *

    "Hiroshima '45

    Tsjernobyl '86

    Windows '95"

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