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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by PanzerShark

  1. I think i didn't make myself clear about the publicity stunt. What i was trying to say is:

    PCG is one of the biggest (maybe the biggest) PC-Mag in the USA. To me it would be "logic" to contact those people and say "ooooiiii YOU !!!! PC-Mag-editor....i have a fine game...LOOOOK !!!".

    BTS has as far as i know not done such thing yet. There can be multiple reasons. Ofcourse it's extra work, it takes time, etcetera. It could however also be a "way" to conquer the market: Launching CM all of a sudden with a BIG BANG. That's why i was wondering if this thing would be a good idea, or that it only ruins BTS's strategy to take over the world smile.gif

    "I've seen previews and hype start for some games years before they're released (Daikatana, anyone?"

    Well, that's exactly my point. Who started this campaign? All the gamers? No it was Ionstorm itself. I think every pc-mag has a Daikatana add since 2 years ago, every month.

    Therefore i think it's just a save thing to wait for Steve or Charles to reply.

    That's all.

    PanzerShark (waiting with the mail BUT when the light goes green...ready to spam ohne ende smile.gif

  2. Oke, call me silly, but i see us readers as "sturmgrenadiere" and BTS as our "commanders". Now wouldn't it be logic for BTS to give us some orders? Like..."go ahead...sent those mails"?

    I mean, CM is something that, IMHO, will be the game to look up to for any other wargame. BTS knows this, yet they do not give interviews or other things (yet) to the "better known" magazines. Sure there were some, but mostly at sites i never heard of (and i use the net for over 4 years now).

    Could it be that there won't be a BIG commercial because of money-reasons...or does BTS want to keep this game a bit on the background UNTIL it is released (for strategic/commercial reasons).

    If it's the latter it would be a bit painfull if we all started spamming PCG smile.gif


    After reading your post my stress-level has gone haywire. smile.gif

    Anyway, just wait for BTS to post something (info or gold-demo). Asking constantly won't speed up things. If they say "it's done when it's done", it could mean 3 weeks...and even 2 years or more.

    Even IF they were giving a release-date i wouldn't put my money on it. Why? Just take any other game existing. I can't remember a game being released at the FIRST release-date mentioned.

    IIRC, BTS were going to release CM in the summer of '99...later during that winter. It never happened. How would you feel when such game (much anticipated if i might add) gets postponed all the time? You would prolly feel sad...very sad. You don't have THISfeeling NOW...you are just anxious. Personally i'm rather anxious then sad smile.gif

    Anyway, i'm sure BTS will release CM when it's done and no day earlier. Just sit tight, relax, take it easy...take a...Tiger or something smile.gif


  4. As far as i know it's a "vote" you have to mail to the PCGamer-staff. But i'm affraid that when everyone on this board mails this staff...CM won't reach the top 10. It would be nice for BTS ofcourse, but if you look at the other games (Diablo2, Team Fortress 2, Duke Nukem Forever), which prolly get over a couple of 100.000's votes, i don't think CM will make it.

    But maybe we can make the PCG-staff aware of the game, which might also help.


  5. I always placed my satchel-charges near the extraction point. Then when the chopper came and picked us up you could see zillions of explosions. That was my way of telling that we had left the perimeter smile.gif

    I enjoyed the game immensly, leaving wounded seals behind (not realistic but fun) and then picking them up on the way out. Crawling through rivers, calling support...aah memories, sweet memories.

    Great atmosphere...if i'm not mistaken i have it around here somewhere...quick install then smile.gif

  6. Well 1st, i dunno the correct answer since i'm not building the manual (thank god smile.gif.

    However, some of the screenshots showing the editor gave me the impression building a lvl is very simple. Just click the needed tile and yer done.

    However !!! Building a GREAT map and make sure the units for both sides are balanced might be another story.

  7. Well, it's not a BAD movie. It has some good scenes, nice scenery and sounds. I just had the idea the maker wanted to give the viewer an idea how bad it was (mentally/physically) for these soldiers. Personally i think he failed a bit. Maybe if the movie lasted a bit longer then 90 minutes the characters would have gripped me more. Right now i couldn't care less or feel sad when a "main-character" died.

    Not bad...just a tad too short.


  8. I once bought a *censored word* called "Offensive". It was a highly accurate warfaregame featuring realistic weapons and vehicles...or so they claimed smile.gif

    I believe i installed the thing, played one scenario, started to cry and vomit. After i pressed the uninstall-button i suddenly felt much better smile.gif

    I have seen the selfrunning-demo from Sudden Strike and i must say it looks nice. Shame the tanks move a bit too fast smile.gif

    Aah well, gotta do something to get rid of my money smile.gif


  9. Well..not exactly, but i have an idea that some of you might like.

    About 5 years ago i started using paint-programs on the pc (should have a mac for those, i know, so don't even go there smile.gif.

    Right now i think i can say *bigheaded mode on* i'm doing a fine job altering existing photographs *bh mode off*. Now here's the plan i came up with:

    Many people on this board are almost friends to me (not literally..i hate you all smile.gif). What i'm trying to say is that when a person creates a post, you can almost guess who is gonna reply and how. I think this is very funny since most of us probably never even met one and other. The idea is that with my "editing-abilities" and your "ugly faces" smile.gif i could create something like "class of '99", instead it would be something like "CM-class of 2000".

    When enough people reply i could create a website showing all the edited photo's including some sort of bio of that person.

    That way when you are going to PBEM someone, you know what face is behind that polygon-general.

    Sounds cool? Hope so.

    What do i need? Well ofcourse a scanned picture of you AND the pic you want to be the star in. This last pic MUST be 800x600 or smaller and it WILL be converted to b&w if not already so.

    Since mailing me these pic won't be a smart idea (only 5mb mail-storage), it would be best to just post your interest here. I will create the pics in order of the postings so you guys from the US have the first go (although after this post i'll hit the deck, so expect no replies until tomorrow).

    If this post is closed because of a million reples (hehehe) you can always mail me at Panzershark@hotmail.com

    Do keep in mind that it will take about 1 day per picture (about 5 during weekends). Also i do NOT edit pics which have a sick content (meaning placing your head in a pile of dead soldiers).

    So what are ya waiting for it's free, fun and FANTASTIC !!!!


    (gotta work on tha final line smile.gif )

    [This message has been edited by PanzerShark (edited 02-10-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by PanzerShark (edited 02-10-2000).]

    [This message has been edited by PanzerShark (edited 02-10-2000).]

  10. *Not knowing this I had all my FOs in once place, so when the Typhoons and .50cal stuff dumped out of the air all was lost! *

    and then:

    * that plane won't be bothering anybody any more at all no way no how *

    It sure won't Steve, but after reading your post i'm not sure this has anything to do with it being shot down...sounds more like nothing to shoot at to me :P

    Oooh, and cool about the sounds to smile.gif


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