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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Posts posted by PanzerShark

  1. Hey !!! I always liked SAW smile.gif

    But serious, for a game arriving in 2000 the grpahics could be better. Maybe the animations are great though. Although CM will beat the crap out of everything when talking about wargames, i always look back (and even play) the golden oldies like:

    - SAW

    - Warhammer

    - The X-com series

    I don't know why, somehow they can always keep me glued to my seat.

    If SL is going to be like X-Com but with better graphics i might even give it a try smile.gif

  2. **warning: i'm going to use the FORBIDDEN word**

    **do not read further when easily offended smile.gif**

    I always think RTS-games (God NOOOOO he said the R-word!!!) are not much fun. There is sometimes some fun to be had but usually this wears off soon. The "tactic" that works in every RTS is as follows:

    1) Scout the landscape asap

    2) build 1 zillion harvesters

    3) make muchos dineros

    4) create one uber-army

    5) attack enemy

    6) you won...and there was much rejoycing smile.gif

    The CC serie (as in Close Combat...not Command and "click-like a madman" Conquer smile.gif) was always slightly different but it had one big downfall which every RTS suffers from. Apart from not being realisitc you always need quick reflexes.

    Are you attacked in the North...quickly scroll. You Tiger is behaving moronic...quickly scroll and click.

    The best thing about turn-based games has always been the time you are given to think about your next moves without the problem of getting interupted (unless you find out you're out of cigs and need to refill smile.gif)

    That's what attracts me most in CM. Beautiful graphics, great historical accuracy and....TIME TO THINK !!!

    If CC is going to be 3d then there are many problems (imho).

    1) If you must be able to scroll fast, the graphics will be not so good.

    2) You still have the clickfest-gameplay

    3) You still have no time to think, making planning in 3d hard and probably a pain.

    Aah well, we'll just have to wait and see i guess. I also actually forgot why i wrote this masterpiece. I mean, i'm whining about a game that hasn't even seen the daylight smile.gif

    I must be pretty bored.


  3. I think the Shermans have a better crew in CE. But one of the things that really make it hard for the Stugs is ofcourse the fact that their starting-position isn't that great.

    The Americans can just speed to the small wall and into the "forrest" giving them 2 or 3 victory points. The Stugs have to drive over or around a hill to get in LOS. If you go over the hill then you have about 3 Shermans shooting at ya and if you go around the hill you have about 2/3 Shermans pounding yer butt.

    Ofcourse this is the case in MY setup, but i'm fairly sure that if the deployment was the other way around, the Shermans wouldn't be very happy either smile.gif


  4. I think BTS will always try to push the hardware as far as possible, but i'm not sure if this will happen in the "other" releases. As far as i know one of the things that needs so many horsepower (cpu) is the 3d-trajectory of the many flying objects. These won't be calculated by the 3d-card.

    You cpu is ofcourse, next to your 3d-card, responsible for the "flow" of the game. This means that when the graphics are spiced up even more, your cpu will be having a very hard time.

    Just take the gold-demo. I have a pIII, 256mb ram and a TNT2 Ultra card (32mb). When i was bombarded with about 30 smokescreens smile.gif, scrolling didn't went as smooth as it did without them (think i got 12 fps or so).

    When the graphics are spiced up even more, i think i should not only buy a new card but also a new cpu...and that my friend is NOT in my yearly planning smile.gif

    Also, if CM2 arrives in about 1.5 years from now (just a guess), the voodoo 5 and Geforce will be "old". And i don't think that in the meantime everyone has purchased a Geforce or Voodoo.

    Ofcourse these are all shots in the dark since i have NO idea how the game/3d-engine works, but i was bored and now i finally reached my 200 posts smile.gif


    *edited because of all the typhoz*

    [This message has been edited by PanzerShark (edited 05-30-2000).]


    i wake up,

    go to work,

    check the board for some needed distraction,

    see this little post,

    check it out,

    read the 1st sentence,

    leave the baord and start downloading,

    returning to the board while downloading,

    download will end in 3 minutes,

    still have to work for 9 hours,

    feeling NOT happy.

    I think i'm going to be sick in some minutes. Yeah that's it, i really need to go home now.

    But i do say thank you, at least i have an excuse to stop playing Asheron's Call smile.gif

  6. Oke, windows sucks, Bill sucks, i suck WE ALL SUCK !!! There.

    Some day ago i made a post about my mail-address being no longer alive. I also said (bigheaded me) i had a new one. Well curses ohne ende !!! That one is dead too. How? dunno. Why? dunno.

    Anyway, my NEW address will be:


    and it WORKS (serious).

    This means (again) that mail sent to me in the last 5 days or so are somewhere outthere, but not in my possession. Please mail me again (again smile.gif)

    Sorry bout this.

    PanzerShark aka "Imgonnaripbillsheadofftwice"

  7. I can't bear to see crosses because people died a horrible death on these wooden coffins. Could every church remove these?

    Ofcourse i'm being very sarcastic here, but i think when flags/symbols and so on are used correctly, there is no reason why to ban these.

    Swastikas are ofcourse associated with Nazis and what they stand for, but the symbol means actualy something VERY different.

    Aren't people smart enough to decide for themselves what IS the good thing to do?

    Swastikas aren't "banned" in The Netherlands, yet i have never seen someone wearing one on his jacket or painted on his door.

    I understand BTS got rid of them because of the selling-part, but personnaly i think it's very poor such thing is needed

  8. Well that subject sounds pretty poor smile.gif

    Anyway, although i don't like spamming this board with OT with a VERY OT-subject i still do...sorry.

    Only thing i would like to say is that my former mail-address (fubar@gelrevision.nl) is as dead as a Dodo. Can't seem to ressurect it frown.gif

    This means i have lost ALL the mail sent to me in the last 3 days (or so).

    Please use my new mail in the future (webmaster@panzershark.com), and re-mail me if you sent me something in these last days.

    Sorry for the problems (and spamming smile.gif


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